Carolyn Wells

Image of Carolyn Wells
I don't care very much for literary shrines and hauntsI knew a woman in London who boasted that she had lodgings from the windows of which she could throw a stone into Carlyle's yard. And when I said, "Why throw a stone into Carlyle's yard?" she looked at me as if I were an imbecile and changed the subject.
- Carolyn Wells
Collection: Travel
Image of Carolyn Wells
... the subjective viewpoint is the only one to use regarding a library. Your true library is a collection of the books you want.You may have deplorably poor taste or bad judgment. Never mind. Correct those traits before you exchange your books.
- Carolyn Wells
Collection: Book
Image of Carolyn Wells
I view askance a book that remains undisturbed for a year. Oughtn't it to have a ticket of leave? I think I may safely say no bookin my library remains unopened a year at a time, except my own works and Tennyson's.
- Carolyn Wells
Collection: Book
Image of Carolyn Wells
A fool and his money are soon married.
- Carolyn Wells
Collection: Money
Image of Carolyn Wells
A profit is not without honor save in Boston.
- Carolyn Wells
Collection: Boston
Image of Carolyn Wells
I think, for the rest of my life, I shall refrain from looking up things. It is the most ravenous time-snatcher I know. You pull one book from the shelf, which carries a hint or a reference that sends you posthaste to another book, and that to successive others. It is incredible, the number of books you hopefully open and disappointedly close, only to take down another with the same result.
- Carolyn Wells
Collection: Book