Callie Thorne

Image of Callie Thorne
The thing I most connect with is the idea of not giving up. And that's a thing I have in my own life. You have to trust your instincts and keep trying.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
The last season of 'Rescue Me' is going to be very sort of half and half: it's how you think 'Rescue Me' would end versus something very outside the box. And, they do it in this sort of perfect way - it's only nine episodes, you know. Very stream-lined.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
I sang a lot in college - I was in a choral group in college. But, then, when I moved to New York, I really just concentrated on acting.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
So, it's like: I'm an OK singer; I'm an OK guitar player and you put them together and... it's just OK.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
I've been watching 'Californication' since the pilot aired and had always thought that it would be so much fun to guest star on.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
I would love do a guest spot on 'Castle' because Nathan Fillion is so dreamy, and he and I are friends. And I think we could have a lot of fun.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
I would kill to be on 'Dexter,' and I would double kill to be on 'True Blood.' I would pay them to let me come be a vampire or a vampire victim. No joke!
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
I think that in any role you have, whether TV or film, it's hard to do comedy and drama within one story.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
I do not know a lot about football. I guess I'm a Patriots fan because I'm from Boston? But I'm getting to know a lot more about it, and I'm finding it fascinating.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
Even though the third season of 'Necessary Roughness' was only ten episodes, they were an extremely intense bunch of episodes, especially toward the finale.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
Whatever God or whatever higher power you believe in, they brought us to this earth in a perfect way, and you have to learn to love yourself. Otherwise, it's an exhausting way to be.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
I suffer from an amazing amount of insecurities, and I'm grateful that my body image, it's normally not something I pay attention to.
- Callie Thorne
Image of Callie Thorne
The thing I most connect with is the idea of not giving up. And thats a thing I have in my own life. You have to trust your instincts and keep trying.
- Callie Thorne
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Callie Thorne
I would kill to be on Dexter, and I would double kill to be on True Blood. I would pay them to let me come be a vampire or a vampire victim. No joke!
- Callie Thorne
Collection: Blood
Image of Callie Thorne
I would love do a guest spot on Castle because Nathan Fillion is so dreamy, and he and I are friends. And I think we could have a lot of fun.
- Callie Thorne
Collection: Fun
Image of Callie Thorne
Even though the third season of Necessary Roughness was only ten episodes, they were an extremely intense bunch of episodes, especially toward the finale.
- Callie Thorne
Collection: Intense