Bryan Ferry

Image of Bryan Ferry
It's good having a lot of different songs to choose from to do the show. It means you don't get bored of doing it in one particular genre.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Song
Image of Bryan Ferry
At home I don't really have any drum machines or anything like that, I just have a piano and a cassette machine, an old-fashioned one, an old relic which I've always used.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Home
Image of Bryan Ferry
I like to think Duke Ellington would probably embrace a fragrance as well.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bryan Ferry
I don't really have a great deal of spare time. I still have a house in the country, but I'm in London 90 percent of the time.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Country
Image of Bryan Ferry
When I was at college - that was the first time I tried singing. I played in a band, and people seemed to like it.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: College
Image of Bryan Ferry
I've done shows with orchestras, and I like writing with orchestras.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Writing
Image of Bryan Ferry
I did some songs for Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby. I had done a jazz album of Roxy songs, and they used bits of it in the film. It would be nice to score a movie one day.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Song
Image of Bryan Ferry
It must be really hard to be starting out in music now.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Starting Out
Image of Bryan Ferry
Much as I love the northeast, I didn't want to spend my life there. I wanted to experiment. Savour everything you can while you're here! Touring, seeing the world... That in itself gives you a different perspective.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Perspective