Barry Gibb

Image of Barry Gibb
Everybody is a teenage idol.
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Teen
Image of Barry Gibb
I've worked with a lot of people who are more famous than myself who are terribly insecure.
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Famous
Image of Barry Gibb
It is not the money but the self-respect and wanting to create good music.
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Money
Image of Barry Gibb
But even now, when people see me in the street, they point upwards to the sky.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
As long as you're having fun, that's the key. The moment it becomes a grind, it's over.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I have a huge ego and a huge inferiority complex at the same time.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I'm Mr Boring, not a party-goer at all.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
He was the average guy. Maurice, I think, reflected every man.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
It is commercial pop that the majority of people understand. A working man's daughter would not understand blues.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
But all bubbles have a way of bursting or being deflated in the end.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
The only thing I miss on stage is the falsetto.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
Leaving Australia was the hardest thing I have ever done.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
It's very questionable, and we will pursue every factor, every element, every second of the timeline, of the final hours of Maurice's life. We will pursue that relentlessly. That will be our quest from now on.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I never really did any disco dancing.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I think they are grooming me as another Gary Cooper.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
My music, certainly, has never embarrassed me.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
It was great being together as a band, but much more difficult being brothers than it was being in a band.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
When you write a song you have an idea of how it should be sung but it doesn't work out that way if someone else records it.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
By going solo I could lose a fortune but money is not important.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I don't ever wish I was somebody else.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I love making records; I love making music; I love writing songs.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
We were very influenced by The Beatles, no question.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
The Bee Gees no longer exist.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I would be content if I had nothing but a tape-recorder. I could still write songs and record them.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
The only thing that exists to me is commercial pop music.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I've never been into parties, premieres or night-clubbing.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I have a little dictaphone and if a sound takes my fancy or if a lyric comes to me in the middle of the night I'll just record it there and then.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I will always have my songs and I don't think I will ever dry-up.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
Our parents came home one day and heard us, and they thought it was the radio, but our grandfather told them it was us.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I don't want to live on past records.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I just love the feeling a close family gives you and I wouldn't change it for anything.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I like blues but it is music I am too ignorant to understand.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
I'm the eldest at 51, and if the Stones can drag themselves around once more, then there's a few more albums in us.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
Maurice was a silly man. Maurice liked being silly.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
Maurice would prance into a room, you know, and his presence was immediate.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
Now there is a new group every week; it seems like everybody and anybody can get into the charts.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
Sure I'm leaving the Bee Gees. I'm going into films.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
The secret is to make sure your family comes before anything else, because no matter what you do you've got to come home.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
We enjoy change and freshness, and disco was only one area we've delved into.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
We had to leave Australia to become international stars.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
When you are in your 20's and 30's, you just want a hit record and you don't really care how it happens.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
You are never really prepared for criticism.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
You can be tops in Australia and be unheard of everywhere else.
- Barry Gibb
Image of Barry Gibb
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man: no time to talk.
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Men
Image of Barry Gibb
Im the eldest at 51, and if the Stones can drag themselves around once more, then theres a few more albums in us.
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Albums
Image of Barry Gibb
I've never been into parties, premieres or night-clubbing
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Party
Image of Barry Gibb
When you are in your 20's and 30's, you just want a hit record and you don't really care how it happens
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Records
Image of Barry Gibb
I would be content if I had nothing but a tape-recorder. I could still write songs and record them
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Song
Image of Barry Gibb
When you write a song you have an idea of how it should be sung but it doesn't work out that way if someone else records it
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Song
Image of Barry Gibb
I will always have my songs and I don't think I will ever dry-up
- Barry Gibb
Collection: Song