Andrew Strauss

Image of Andrew Strauss
I've always felt that, in the past, there has been a teacher-pupil relationship between the management and the players. But the best teams are run in such a way that the players have a voice.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
You can't compartmentalise everything but the more you do that the easier it is. Keeping a notebook is a good way of dealing with it. You can rest from any thoughts if you put them down on paper.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
I really believe that every game of international cricket should have some sort of meaning and some sort of context to it - so the World Test Championship, the World One-Day League are all really, really important opportunities to the game.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
I wouldn't rule out the idea of four-day Test cricket, if we can get the playing conditions right and the right circumstances it might be a good thing in some parts of the world.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
Some people get on better with some than others but what is absolutely crucial is that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities and trust that your team-mate is going to do their best for the team.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
If you look at English cricketers since the turn of the century, less than a handful have better records away from home than at home. So if everyone in our team is significantly worse away from home, the likelihood is the team as a whole will be significantly worse.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
The only two times we have peaked above world average is when we got to No. 1 in the world in 2011 and when we got to No. 2 in the world in 2004 under Michael Vaughan.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
We should be far more flexible about the way we play our cricket away from home. We can't just presume that what works at home will work away. We need to be more flexible and creative both in the way we play and the way we select.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
We are a high-performance environment and guys being professional about how they prepare for games is not something that should be frowned upon. It should be expected of players.
- Andrew Strauss
Image of Andrew Strauss
I should and can play better. That is going to be the challenge for me.
- Andrew Strauss
Collection: Play
Image of Andrew Strauss
Watching the ball is always a good starting point.
- Andrew Strauss
Collection: Balls
Image of Andrew Strauss
I am extremely proud of everything I have achieved as a cricketer, and I have found myself very fortunate to play in an era when some of English cricket's greatest moments have occurred.
- Andrew Strauss
Collection: Play
Image of Andrew Strauss
Glenn McGrath had a reasonable career in Australia.
- Andrew Strauss
Collection: Careers
Image of Andrew Strauss
The previous generation, such as Alec Stewart and Nasser Hussain, lost to Australia on many occasions.
- Andrew Strauss
Collection: Australia
Image of Andrew Strauss
My caddy today was a Scot and he told me that he was cheering for Australia, which I thought was a bit harsh. But generally I've been amazed at how many people have come up to me here in Scotland and said: 'I've never really watched cricket before, but I was hooked all summer.' It's great.
- Andrew Strauss
Collection: Summer