Andrew Lakey

Image of Andrew Lakey
People want to find a 'meaning' in everything and everyone. That's the problem - there is no meaning in everything.
- Andrew Lakey
Collection: People
Image of Andrew Lakey
It has taken me 20 years to eliminate the unnecessary elements from my work.
- Andrew Lakey
Collection: Taken
Image of Andrew Lakey
Art is the consciousness of currency.
- Andrew Lakey
Collection: Art
Image of Andrew Lakey
To understand an artist is to be a genius.
- Andrew Lakey
Collection: Artist
Image of Andrew Lakey
Language is the currency of consciousness. We speak to fill the void. We write it down to remember.
- Andrew Lakey
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Lakey
Unencountered Language is the court and spark between words we recognize and those we don't.
- Andrew Lakey
Collection: Sparks