Andrew Carnegie

Image of Andrew Carnegie
I spent the first half of my life making money and the second half of my life giving it away to do the most good and the least harm.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Giving
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Young man, make your name worth something.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Men
Image of Andrew Carnegie
If thou dost not sow, thou shalt not reap.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Reap
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Any person can achieve greatness if they understand the philosophy of success and the steps required to achieve it.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Strong
Image of Andrew Carnegie
The more difficult a problem becomes, the more interesting it is.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Interesting
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Men who reach decisions promptly usually have the capacity to move with definiteness of purpose in other circumstances.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Moving
Image of Andrew Carnegie
My hopes were high, and I looked every day for some change to take place. What it was to be I knew not, but that it would come I felt certain if I kept on. One day the chance came.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: One Day
Image of Andrew Carnegie
A man's reading program should be as carefully planned as his daily diet, for that too is food, without which he cannot grow mentally.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Reading
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Concentrate your energy, thought and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged... 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket' is all wrong. I tell you 'put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket.'
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Andrew Carnegie
One great cause of failure of young men in business is lack of concentration.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Men
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Do real and permanent good in this world.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Real
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Touch his head, and he will bargain and argue with you to the last; Touch his heart, and he falls upon your breast.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Fall
Image of Andrew Carnegie
There is no idol more debasing than the worship of money.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Idols
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Here is the prime condition of success: Concentrate your energy, thought and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun on one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Carnegie
It is not the rich man's son that the young struggler for advancement has to fear in the race for life, nor his nephew, nor his cousin. Let him look out for the dark horse in the boy who begins by sweeping out the office.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Horse
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Success can be attained in any branch of labor. There’s always room at the top in every pursuit.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Watch the costs and the profits will take care of themselves.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Business
Image of Andrew Carnegie
It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Mutual ignorance breeds mutual distrust.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Take away my people, but leave my factories and soon grass will grow on the factory floors......Take away my factories, but leave my people and soon we will have a new and better factory.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Motivational
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Give me the life of the boy whose mother is nurse, seamstress, washerwoman, cook, teacher, angel, and saint, all in one, and whose father is guide, exemplar, and friend. No servants to come between. These are the boys who are born to the best fortune.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Mother
Image of Andrew Carnegie
The battle of life is already half won by the young man who is brought in contact with high officials; and the great aim of every boy should be to do something beyond the sphere of his duties- something which attracts the attention of those over him.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Boys
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Carnegie
The day is not far distant when the man who dies leaving behind him millions of available wealth, which was free for him to administer during life, will pass away unwept, unhonored, and unsung, no matter to what uses he leave the dross which he cannot take with him. Of such as these the public verdict will then be: The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced. Such, in my opinion, is the true gospel concerning wealth, obedience to which is destined some day to solve the problem of the rich and the poor.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Men
Image of Andrew Carnegie
The man of wealth [should] consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds, which he is called upon to administer to produce the most beneficial results for the community - the man of wealth thus becoming the mere trustee and agent for his poorer brethren, bringing to their service his superior wisdom, experience and ability to administer, doing for them better than that they would or could do for themselves.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Men
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Do not think a man has done his full duty when he has performed the work assigned him. A man will never rise if he does only this. Promotion comes from exceptional work.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Basketball
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Every man gravitates to where he belongs in life, just as surely as water seeks and finds its level. His position is measured precisely by the quality and quantity of the service he renders, plus the mental attitude with which he relates himself to other people.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Attitude
Image of Andrew Carnegie
While the law [of competition] may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it insures the survival of the fittest in every department. We accept and welcome, therefore, as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment, the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few, and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial, but essential for the future progress of the race.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Science
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Why should men leave great fortunes to their children? If this is done from affection, is it not misguided affection? Observation teaches that, generally speaking, it is not well for the children that they should be so burdened.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Children
Image of Andrew Carnegie
There is scarcely an instance of a man who has made a fortune by speculation and kept it
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Men
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered, will begin at once to cloth itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Life
Image of Andrew Carnegie
The man of business knows that only by years of patient, unremitting attention to affairs can he earn his reward, which is the result, not of chance, but of well-devised means for the attainment of ends.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Carnegie
A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people. It is a never failing spring in the desert.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Spring
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Concentrate your energy, your thoughts and your capital.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Carnegie
What one does easily, one does well.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Doe
Image of Andrew Carnegie
I demand riches in definite terms; I have a definite plan for acquiring riches;I am engaged in carrying out my plan, and I am giving an equivalent,in useful service, of the value of those riches I demand.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Giving
Image of Andrew Carnegie
I have had a long, long life full of troubles, but there is one curious fact about them-nine-tenths of them never happened.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Long
Image of Andrew Carnegie
TEAMWORK: the fuel that allows common people attain uncommon results.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Motivational
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Strength is derived from unity. The range of our collective vision is far greater when individual insights become one.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Unity
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Instead of the question "What must I do for my employer?" substitute "What can I do"
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Substitutes
Image of Andrew Carnegie
In [my] life ... I did not understand steam machinery, but I tried to understand that much more complicated piece of mechanism - man.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Men
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Life is not so much a matter of position as of disposition.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Matter
Image of Andrew Carnegie
There is no way of making a business successful that can vie with the policy of promoting those who render exceptional service.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Successful
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Pioneering don't pay.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Pay
Image of Andrew Carnegie
I give money for church organs in the hope the organ music will distract the congregation's attention from the rest of the service.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Atheist
Image of Andrew Carnegie
I don't believe in God. My God is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Atheist
Image of Andrew Carnegie
I believe that the road to pre-eminent success in any line of work is to make yourself master of that line of work.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Carnegie
A man who was generous with his wealth. It has been reported that during his lifetime, Carnegie gave away over $350 million of his money to help others.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Helping Others