Andreja Pejic

Image of Andreja Pejic
With fashion, it's all about timing and holding out for the right thing.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I don't believe that the fight for trans rights or African American rights is different from the fight against war, or the fight for refugees.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I think we all evolve as we get older, and that's normal, but I like to think that my recent transition hasn't made me into a different individual. Same person - no difference at all, just a different sex.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
A lot of people, when they look at the whole trans thing, they think,'Oh, you're transgender, and in the fashion industry, which is very pro-LGBT, so you don't have any problems because it's a progressive place.' But that's not the reality.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I remember as a kid, my mom had to trade canned food to buy my brother and me chocolate because we were living in Serbia at the time, and there were sanctions. If I catch myself complaining about going to a red carpet event, I say, 'Shut up.'
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I've definitely had my struggles with the male species, as I'm sure most girls have.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
If you live your life on your own terms, you might find that people actually give you more respect.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
When I was little, the idea of waking up as a girl was like a fairytale. I had this idea that I'd meet a witch who would transform me. From the moment I found out that it was actually possible, I went to bed each night feeling that when it happens, it will be the best day of my life. And it was!
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Perhaps if I was in a different profession, I wouldn't have worn 'trans' on my forehead. But there's a difference between not wanting to make a big deal out of something and fearing the effect it will have on my life.
- Andreja Pejic