Andreja Pejic

Image of Andreja Pejic
During the day, I really don't wear much makeup.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I usually go with the 'less is more' approach.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Don't do things just to impress others or just because you're scared you won't have any friends.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
All human beings deserve equal treatment, no matter their gender identity or sexuality.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I wanted to be a good kid, and I wanted to please my parents.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Gender dysphoria is never an easy thing to live with, mainly because people don't understand it.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Being a bride for Gaultier was a very special moment for me.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I'm not a big fan of identity politics and sort of picking one thing and defining yourself with it.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I am 6 foot 2 inches, and one of the benefits of that is having long legs.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Love has no boundaries.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I know people want me to sort of defend myself, to sit here and be like, 'I'm a boy, but I wear make-up sometimes.' But, you know, to me, it doesn't really matter.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Most female models don't have any muscle mass.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I guess professionally I've left my gender open to artistic interpretation.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
My whole life is controversy. What can I do? I'm like Britney Spears!
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I like to dress up but I'm not so concerned with looking very sexy, it's really more the art of dressing.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
It just so happens that some of the things I like are feminine.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I want to be the most eligible bachelor in New York City.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I find myself to be quite sarcastic, and I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't get that.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I love to work with people who are great at what they do.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
When I'm sitting in a casting room in Paris, I'm not the thinnest model. Sometimes I'm not the most flat-chested, either.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
As a kid, you get to the stage where you realise the gender barriers that exist in society and what you're supposed to do and not supposed to do.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Fashion is quite inclusive and good at embracing different things and different forms of beauty. It's a very liberal industry. You can be yourself. Just not overweight.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I've been getting chatted up by men ever since I was 14.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
My favourite author is Leon Trotsky - the political philosophy and the way he writes is beautiful, and really relevant, too.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I figured out who I was very early on - actually, at the age of 13, with the help of the Internet - so I knew that a transition, becoming a woman, was always something I needed to do.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I came out to my mom at the age of 14. She didn't understand it at first, but she's been very supportive since.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
It would be lovely to live in a world where trans-female models were treated as female models, and trans-male models were treated the same as male models rather than being a niche commodity.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Society doesn't tell you that you can be trans.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I thought about being gay, but it didn't fit.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Sometimes I've seen comments about my knees or about my jawline, or people write things like, 'She still has signs of being a boy,' and then I realized that these are beautiful features. I've grown to love them.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
If I could talk to my younger self, I would tell her that you will grow into the woman you've always wanted to be. You will find love. You will be successful. You will be happy.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
It's good to be noticed.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
When I first went to Milan, my agent said you have to give off a strong, masculine energy. They don't like campiness. They like boys to appear straight and to appear masculine. I quickly learned the game of it and how to navigate around it.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I identify as a woman first, but I am also proudly trans.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
In the beginning, I was worried there are too many shots of me as a boy out there. Now I'm at a point where I know my past doesn't make me any less of a woman today. I can be proud of it. I don't have to bury it.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I feel that for a lot of my career, I had success, I was adored, but I was also this alien creature. I want to show that I have the skill like any other female model, and I'm asking for the same equal treatment and equal respect as any other female model.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I always dreamt of being a girl. One of my earliest memories is spinning around in my mom's skirt trying to look like a ballerina.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
When childhood ended, I had to suppress feminine characteristics and try and be a boy. I didn't want to grow up at all because it meant becoming someone else.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I struggled to find an agency in London because no one knew whether they should put me in the men's board or the women's board. There was a lot of uncertainty about my commercial viability.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I was planning to transition right after high school and attend university as a girl, but then the modeling thing came up. It was an opportunity to see the world. My family knew I identified as a girl, but I didn't tell people in fashion.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I want to keep sharing my story in the hope that young trans people or just people who feel different or ostracized have something to look up to.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I was scouted working at the register at McDonald's in Melbourne, Australia. I worked there as my first job, and a guy walked in and gave me his card. I was 16. I was skeptical, but I looked it up when I got home, and it was legitimate.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Makeup is a very delicate thing for me - I've got sort of defined features, so I don't like to do too much contour, as it can be a bit severe.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I read 'The Original Beauty Bible' when I was 16, and it changed my life.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I do have to thank my mother for my eyebrows.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I didn't know if I could have a career in fashion; I didn't fit in an obvious box.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I achieved my personal dream and completed my transition to be able to live life as a woman.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Australia was a very different world and culture from the one I left in Europe. Life was much more spread out. People drove everywhere. They built higher fences. Neighbours didn't interact so much.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
We should give people the freedom to express who they are.
- Andreja Pejic