Amy Schumer

Image of Amy Schumer
I've always been really dark, and drawn to darker humor. Nothing has been forced, and I don't say anything for shock value.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Humor
Image of Amy Schumer
I have a healthy relationship with food. My problem is, as a comic, I eat dinner late. But I'll have a smoothie for breakfast every morning, and I keep it pretty low-carb and healthy during the day. At night, I'll have a basic protein, quinoa, and vegetables.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Relationship
Image of Amy Schumer
I was always like that, at 5 years old, just demanding equality. I thought it could all be fixed if you called attention to it.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Equality
Image of Amy Schumer
I've always had my wrist slapped for being myself.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
It's really hard for a lot of men to have the woman accomplishing more than them.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I feel very comfortable in my own skin. When someone makes jokes about me being heavy, it makes me mad. It's not true. I'm right where I should be.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I'll never forget the day I realized I wasn't quite the Ford model I thought I was.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I just have this sense of entitlement that I should be able to feel comfortable at all times, like I could go to bed at any moment in what I'm wearing.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
Being introverted, it doesn't mean necessarily being shy or being afraid of public speaking; it just means that it's hard for me to interact with people for too long.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
The last couple of roles I missed out on went to Jennifer Hudson, Jessica Biel and Olivia Wilde.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I think of myself as a fairly attractive girl and always have, thanks to my mom. I was brought into this world thinking I was gorgeous because my mother was extremely devoted to this notion.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I like to create stuff. I like to express myself through jokes.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I tend to eat pretty healthy, though, and I work out - I work out hard.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I just say what I think is the funniest thing I could say. I'm not trying to make headlines. I'm just trying to say the stuff that I think is funny and will make people laugh.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I think you can go from being not very funny to working really hard for 10 years and figuring out how to make a living on the road, but I don't think you can rise much above that.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
To be really great, you need to be naturally funny in order to stand out. But you can work at it, and find the best vehicle that you have to communicate what you're saying to people.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
My background is in theater. I was a theater major in college.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I think standup is pretty good for an introvert because you are performing, but, I mean, it's on your own terms. There are so many people in the room, but it's a one-sided conversation. And you actually don't have to interact - unless you want to.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
A big part of becoming a funny person was a major defense mechanism. Onstage, especially as a woman, I've had to be really tough. The second you show a crack, the audience can literally leave.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I really am a chick from Long Island who's just learning along with everyone.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
It's not hard for me to be funny. But it's really hard. I don't think a lot of people are funny. I meet a lot of people, and most of them aren't funny.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I love being in my own skin, and I hope other women start feeling better about themselves and waste less energy being ashamed of their bodies.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
People get really turned off by feminism.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I'm insanely close to my sister.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
Some men's magazines are just downright offensive.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I am not a racist.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I am very into making up my own rules.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I can't hide my feelings. I'm efficient. I've always been that way.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I like people who are predictable.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
Happiness can't start with external stuff, whether that's money or success or your body.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I want people to live to their full potential, not to hold themselves back because of insecurities, and especially not women. I see too much of that.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I love watching TV.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I love standing at a microphone and making a room of people laugh. That's the part of the work I love; everything else is extraneous.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
I'm super grateful that there wasn't social media when I was a kid, but that sort of self-doubt crept in at a young age. It's bullying. It's the comments here and there, and maybe somebody says something to you that they don't even mean to be a mean-spirited comment, but they'll just kind of say it to you in passing.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
My regimen is I wake up, usually around 8:30, brush my teeth, and splash water on my face.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
What's good about not being a model is that it's not the thing I trade on. Once I start looking older, that won't affect me. I have never gotten anything done because I'm, like, so gorgeous. I'm good-looking enough that I can work in the business.
- Amy Schumer
Image of Amy Schumer
We had to break up, though. We wanted different things - like he wanted kids and I wanted him to hear.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Funny
Image of Amy Schumer
You know what the worst part about my drinking is? When I'm drunk I slur. You know, like I say racial slurs. Wow, nobody likes that at a barbeque.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Drinking
Image of Amy Schumer
The moments that make life worth living are when things are at their worst and you find a way to laugh.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Laughing
Image of Amy Schumer
I finally just slept with my high school crush. But I swear; now he expects me to go to his graduation - like I know where I'm going to be in three years.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Crush
Image of Amy Schumer
I have an excuse, actually, why I've been drinking so much. I haven't said this out loud yet - this is exciting - I'm drinking for two. Thank you, wow. I mean, just for now. Somebody's being evicted.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Drinking
Image of Amy Schumer
I want to make women laugh. I want to make them feel beautiful in their own skin. I want to empower them to use their voice and not apologize.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Amy Schumer
Nothing good ever happens in a blackout. I've never woken up and been like, 'What is this Pilates mat doing out?'
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Amy Schumer
I say if I'm beautiful. I say if I'm strong. You will not determine my story - I will.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Amy Schumer
You know what they say: 'Once you go black, your parents don't talk to you anymore.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Parent
Image of Amy Schumer
I want to quit. Not performing, but being a woman altogether. I want to throw my hands in the air, after reading a mean Twitter comment, and say, 'All right! You got it. You figured me out. I'm not pretty. I'm not thin. I do not deserve to use my voice. I'll start wearing a burqa and start waiting tables at a pancake house. All my self-worth is based on what you can see.' But then I think, F*** that ... I am a woman with thoughts and questions and s*** to say. I say if I'm beautiful. I say if I'm strong. You will not determine my story - I will.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Amy Schumer
Everyone is allowed to have their own boundaries. You just are. No matter how you dress, no matter what you say or anything, and I feel strongly about that.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Dresses
Image of Amy Schumer
Don't feel bad for me. I think I'm, like, so pretty.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Funny
Image of Amy Schumer
You have to pretend like you want to use a condom. I like to say something fun when I bring it up, but honest. I'll be like, 'You're going to want to wear this. I've had a busy month.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Honesty
Image of Amy Schumer
I made out with a homeless guy by accident. I had no idea -- he was really tan, he had no shoes on. I just thought it was, like, his thang, you know? I was like, 'He's probably in a band.
- Amy Schumer
Collection: Shoes