Amy Purdy

Image of Amy Purdy
If your life were a book, and you were the author, how would you want your story to go?
- Amy Purdy
Collection: Life
Image of Amy Purdy
Our borders and our obstacles can only do two things: (1) stop us in our tracks, or (2) force us to get creative.
- Amy Purdy
Collection: Two
Image of Amy Purdy
When we embrace the things that make us unique, our true and remarkable capabilities are revealed
- Amy Purdy
Collection: Unique
Image of Amy Purdy
It's not about breaking down borders. It's about pushing off of them, and seeing what amazing places they might bring us.
- Amy Purdy
Collection: Borders
Image of Amy Purdy
We all have disabilities. Just some are more visible than others. We all have challenges, we all have obstacles
- Amy Purdy
Collection: Challenges
Image of Amy Purdy
We can either see our circumstances as a set of random cruelties and then allow those hardships to turn us into bitter victims; or we can recognize the fact that, though we may never comprehend why hard things happen, they do, and when they do, we can reach for a larger purpose beyond the pain.
- Amy Purdy
Collection: Pain
Image of Amy Purdy
When disease took my legs, I eventually realized I didn't need them to lead a full, empowering life; Only True Disability Is in Our Mind.
- Amy Purdy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Amy Purdy
We live as if we know how everything will turn out. I certainly lived that way. But we don't know anything. Really, we don't.
- Amy Purdy
Collection: Way