Alex Morgan

Image of Alex Morgan
Pregame, I eat pancakes for a meal. I always do mental visualization before the game to prepare myself. Postgame, I typically take ice baths.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I don't want to say names, but there are certain companies I won't work with because of previous people they've worked with. I don't want to be put in the same category as another athlete that I don't necessarily think is a good role model.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
When I leave the game, I want to go out on top.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I start warming up before training an hour before at the hotel. That's not because I feel old and my body needs it. It's because it's prehab. It's preventing those injuries.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I don't think the entire world respects women in sport. But if FIFA start respecting the women's game more, others will follow.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
You should never be afraid of looking athletic or building too much muscle.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
It's an obstacle being a girl when you move all over and don't have half the things you need. It's like everything is wrinkled in your life.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
One thing I'm proud to do like a girl is represent my country in the Olympics and at the highest level, at the highest platform that I can.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I always, always decide where I'm going with the ball before I take a penalty shot, stare at the ball, follow through, and never look at the place that I'm going to shoot.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
As a professional soccer player, I need to get touches on the ball every day, and obviously it's a lot easier to do that with a team than to motivate yourself to do it by yourself.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I really try to take a step back from the soccer world and going a thousand miles an hour every day. I like to do some sort of either meditation or mental visualization or breathing exercises - something to calm my mind down because a lot of times, it's just going faster than it should.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I've always wanted to skydive.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I really like my legs because I've worked hard for them. With soccer, that's the one thing you're working all the time.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
Scoring a goal in a World Cup was my dream as a little girl. I didn't really dream of being in 'Maxim' when I was 5.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
At the FIFA World Player of the Year event, FIFA executives and FIFA president Sepp Blatter didn't know who I was. And I was being honored as top three in the world. That was pretty shocking.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
My workouts are mostly interval-based, so I'm never running at a constant speed. I'm always switching it up because I don't want my body getting used to one thing in particular.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I've been a big Chapstick fan since I was a kid. I love lathering it on. I probably use a bit more Chapstick than necessary.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I've always wanted to become a professional soccer player.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I want to know I made women's soccer better than it was when I came into it.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I feel like you have to use the platform you're given to voice concerns and also to praise things when they need to be praised.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
Once I got to college, I realized that practicing 3-6 days wasn't going to be enough for me to get where I wanted.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I know the trend I would love to bring back is floral. I think that it's just so much fun, whether it's with shoes or outfits or even pants.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I could be a model for one night. But I'm also a professional soccer player, and I like to be taken seriously on the field.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I have experienced sexism multiple times, and I'm sure I will a lot more.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
When I prepare for a match, it's like work, even the way I have to shower and put on my makeup.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
Music is so huge to soccer, to my life, to working out. I usually have headphones when I'm cleaning the house or making dinner.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I hate being recognized; I hate it, hate it.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I would like to win the Ballon d'Or for women. But every top professional should have that ambition.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
What I really appreciate is the people who come up and say, 'Thank you for representing our country.'
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
My goal against Italy in the World Cup qualifier was probably my most memorable: we had to go to Italy and had to win, or we wouldn't go to the World Cup, and I scored in stoppage time.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I always map out how to get a good eight or nine hours of sleep before I even start my day. And my rule is to put my phone on silent when I go to bed; that way, no texts or emails can disturb me.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I went from never doing interviews to doing 10 in one day and standing in front of 60,000 fans. Now people look up to me, and I'm seeing little girls wearing my jersey.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I'm a big advocate of starting soccer young and always having the ball at your foot, but that's because I didn't do that. If I'd focused more on that when I was a kid, it would've been so helpful. It took me, like, halfway through college to feel comfortable with the ball.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
Even when I'm training alone, I always prefer doing soccer-related stuff. On my own, I'll run through cones or do some shooting exercises or pass the ball against the wall.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
My dad has been to every soccer game that I've played in, both at the amateur level and at the professional level, and he always had great things to say whether we won or we lost, whether I felt great or not so great.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
I think players need to get paid for what they're worth, for what they put up on the field.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
In the 123rd minute of the semifinal game at the Olympics against Canada, I scored the game-winning goal that brought us to the finals. You can't replicate those do-or-die moments in practice or a friendly game.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
My off-pitch style is probably girly and comfortable. I like a lot of loose-fitting material on top and more tight-fitting material on the bottom.
- Alex Morgan
Image of Alex Morgan
Everybody has a talent, but its what you do with that talent to make it great.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Talent
Image of Alex Morgan
Always work hard, never give up, and fight until the end because it's never really over until the whistle blows.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Alex Morgan
Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Stronger
Image of Alex Morgan
Dream big, because dreams do happen.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Dream
Image of Alex Morgan
Keep working even when no one is watching.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Soccer
Image of Alex Morgan
I want to keep improving, continue to help my teammates improve, make my teammates look good. Continue bringing something new to the game, never getting completely content and always trying to get better.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Games
Image of Alex Morgan
Soccer is what I grew up doing - it's my passion, and I'm way more comfortable on the field in my soccer cleats.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Soccer
Image of Alex Morgan
... Really get to know and establish relationships with your teammates because they are your new family and they will be the ones there for you when anything goes wrong.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Anything Goes
Image of Alex Morgan
The way I've been brought up to is take critiques and turn them into positives in my game.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Games
Image of Alex Morgan
I think a goal is a goal and not all my goals are pretty.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alex Morgan
I don't run straight at a constant pace; soccer is always a change of pace and movement.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Soccer