Alberto Manguel

Image of Alberto Manguel
If every library is in some sense a reflection of its readers, it is also an image of that which we are not, and cannot be.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Reflection
Image of Alberto Manguel
Ordered by subject, by importance, ordered according to whether the book was penned by God or by one of God's creatures, ordered alphabetically or by numbers or by the language in which the text is written, every library translates the chaos of discovery and creation into a structured system of hierarchies or a rampage of free associations.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
The world that is a book is devoured bya reader who is a letter in the world's text; thus a circular metaphor is created for the endlessness of reading; We are what we read.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
Unpacking books is a revelatory activity.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
All these are readers, and their gestures, their craft, the pleasure, the responsibility and the power they derive from reading, are common with mine. I am not alone.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Reading
Image of Alberto Manguel
I know that something dies when i give up my books, and that my memory keeps going back to them with mournful nostalgia.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Alberto Manguel
I don't remember ever feeling lonely; in fact, on the rare occasions when I met other children I found their games and their talk far less interesting than the adventures and dialogues I read in my books.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Lonely
Image of Alberto Manguel
If the Library of Alexandria was the emblem of our ambition of omniscience, the Web is the emblem of our ambition of omnipresence; the library that contained everything has become the library that contains anything.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Ambition
Image of Alberto Manguel
In my fool hardy youth, when my friends were dreaming of heroic deeds in the realms of engineering and law, finance and national politics, I dreamt of becoming a librarian.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Dream
Image of Alberto Manguel
As readers, we are seldom interested in the fine sentiments of a lesson learnt; we seldom care about the good manners of morals. Repentance puts an end to conversation; forgiveness becomes the stuff of moralistic tracts. Revenge - bloodthirsty, justice-hungry revenge - is the very essence of romance, lying at the heart of much of the best fiction.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Revenge
Image of Alberto Manguel
I wanted to live among books.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
Readers, censors know, are defined by the books they read.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
Most readers, then and now, have at some time experienced the humiliation of being told that their occupation is reprehensible.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Occupation
Image of Alberto Manguel
Unicorns, dragons, witches may be creatures conjured up in dreams, but on the page their needs, joys, anguishes, and redemptions should be just as true as those of Madame Bovary or Martin Chuzzlewit.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Dream
Image of Alberto Manguel
We can imagine the books we'd like to read, even if they have not yet been written, and we can imagine libraries full of books we would like to possess, even if they are well beyond our reacher, because we enjoy dreaming up a library that reflects every one of our interests and every one of our foibles--a library that, in its variety and complexity, fully reflects the reader we are.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Dream
Image of Alberto Manguel
If justice takes place, there may be hope, even in the face of a seemingly capricious divinity.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Justice
Image of Alberto Manguel
Socrates affirmed that only that which the reader already knows can be sparked by a reading, and that the knowledge cannot be acquired through dead letters.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Reading
Image of Alberto Manguel
If the library in the morning suggests an echo of the severe and reasonable wishful order of the world, the library at night seems to rejoice in the world's essential, joyful muddle.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Morning
Image of Alberto Manguel
Reading is at the beginning of the social contract.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Reading
Image of Alberto Manguel
A library is an ever-growing entity; it multiples seemingly unaided, it reproduces itself by purchase, theft, borrowings, gifts, by suggesting gaps through association, by demanding completion of sorts.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Library
Image of Alberto Manguel
It has always been my experience that, whatever groupings I choose for my books, the space in which I plan to lodge them necessarily reshapes my choice and, more important, in no time proves too small for them and forces me to change my arrangement. In a library, no empty shelf remains empty for long. Like Nature, libraries abhor a vacuum, and the problem of space is inherent in the very nature of any collection of books.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
I like to imagine that, on the day after my last, my library and I will crumble together, so that even when I am no more I'll still be with my books.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
But at night, when the library lamps are lit, the outside world disappears and nothing but the space of books remains in existence.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
At night, here in the library, the ghosts have voices.... The various qualities of my readings seem to permeate my every muscle, so that when I finally decide to turn off the library light, I carry into my sleep the voices and the movements of the book I've just closed.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
I enjoyed learning the poems, but I didn't understand of what use they might possibly be. ‘They'll keep you company on the day you have no books to read,' my teacher said.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Teacher
Image of Alberto Manguel
It is in the translation that the innocence lost after the first reading is restored under another guise, since the reader is once again faced with a new text and its attendant mystery. That is the inescapable paradox of translation, and also its wealth.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Reading
Image of Alberto Manguel
In any of my pages in any of my books may life a perfect account of my secret experience of the world.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
As readers, we have gone from learning a precious craft whose secret was held by a jealous few, to taking for granted a skin that has become subordinate to principles of mindless financial profit or mechanical efficiency, a skill for which governments care almost nothing.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Jealous
Image of Alberto Manguel
Every reader has found charms by which to secure possession of a page that, by magic, becomes as if never read before, fresh and immaculate.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Magic
Image of Alberto Manguel
Every text assumes a reader.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Assuming
Image of Alberto Manguel
Old or new, the only sign I always try to rid my books of (usually with little success) is the price-sticker that malignant booksellers attach to the backs. These evil white scabs rip off with difficulty, leaving leprous wounds and traces of slime to which adhere the dust and fluff of ages, making me wish for a special gummy hell to which the inventor of these stickers would be condemned.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Rip
Image of Alberto Manguel
Our books will bear witness for or against us, our books reflect who we are and who we have been, our books hold the share of pages granted to us from the Book of Life. By the books we call ours we will be judged
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
Old books that we have known but not possessed cross our path and invite themselves over. New books try to seduce us daily with tempting titles and tantalizing covers.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
In the books by Ruy-Sanchez we find again the erotic conviction that allows us to read with all the skin. The erotic, in his narratives is not a subject or a phrase, it is the clay of what they are made. In his novels every experience, trivial or extraordinary, breaths through the erotic.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
Evil requires no reason.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Evil
Image of Alberto Manguel
It hardly matters why a library is destroyed: every banning, curtailment, shredding, plunder or loot gives rise (at least as a ghostly presence) to a louder, clearer, more durable library of the banned, looted, plundered, shredded or curtailed.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Giving
Image of Alberto Manguel
In our day, computer technology and the proliferation of books on CD-ROM have not affected - as far as statistics show - the production and sale of books in their old-fashioned codex form.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
During the day, the library is a realm of order.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Order
Image of Alberto Manguel
As we read a text in our own language, the text itself becomes a barrier.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Language
Image of Alberto Manguel
The listeners who buy books after a reading multiply that reading; the author who realizes that he or she may be writing on a blank page but is at least not speaking to a blank wall may be encouraged by the experience, and write more.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Wall
Image of Alberto Manguel
Nothing moves except my eyes and my hand occasionally turning a page, and yet something not exactly defined by the word "text" unfurls, progresses, grows and takes root as I read. But how does this process take place?
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Moving
Image of Alberto Manguel
Without Leskov there would be no Bulgakov, no Chekhov, but also no Garca Mrquez and Julio Cortzar. . . . Leskov is the essential storyteller: he does not portray life, he creates it in all its wonder and terror and magic.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Magic
Image of Alberto Manguel
Deadlines comes as a surprise....superb: a new genre, in fact, combining the pleasures of list-making with that of last-minute eaves-dropping.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Lasts
Image of Alberto Manguel
A book brings its own history to the reader.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Book
Image of Alberto Manguel
Readers are bullied in schoolyards and in locker-rooms as much as in government offices and prisons.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Government
Image of Alberto Manguel
The world encyclopedia, the universal library, exists, and it is the world itself.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Library
Image of Alberto Manguel
Reality deals in specifics under the guise of generalities. Literature does the contrary.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Reality
Image of Alberto Manguel
The American psychologist Julian Jaynes, in a controversial study on the origin of consciousness, argued that the bicameral mind - in which one of the hemispheres becomes specialized in silent reading - is a late development in humankind's evolution, and that the process by which this function develops is still changing.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Reading
Image of Alberto Manguel
In every literate society, learning to read is something of an initiation, a ritualized passage out of a state of dependency and rudimentary communication.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Communication