Albert Ellis

Image of Albert Ellis
Lack of forgiveness of others breeds lack of self-forgiveness.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Albert Ellis
We can't change the past, so we change how people are thinking, feeling and behaving today.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Past
Image of Albert Ellis
I teach people to be flexible, scientific and logical in their thinking and therefore to be less prone to brainwashing by the therapist.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Albert Ellis
We'd better work hard on getting rid of that must - Other people must do what I want them to do!" It's what makes people hostile, nasty, mean and combative, and it leads to feuds, wars and genocide. We'd better do something about that.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: War
Image of Albert Ellis
And just as two wrongs don't make a right, rage against offenders is probably the worst way to try to correct them.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Hate
Image of Albert Ellis
So I'd better stop my whining and help myself cope better with even the worst Adversities.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Adversity
Image of Albert Ellis
The emotionally sound person should be able to take risks, to ask himself what he really would like to do in life, and then to try to do this, even though he has to risk defeat or failure. He should be adventurous (though not necessarily foolhardy); be willing to try almost anything once, just to see how he likes it; and look forward to some breaks in his usual life routines.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Risk
Image of Albert Ellis
Much of what we call emotion is nothing more or less than a certain kind - a biased, prejudiced, or strongly evaluative kind - of thought.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Emotion
Image of Albert Ellis
Needing leads to bleeding - to almost all inevitable suffering.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Albert Ellis
The world consists mainly of love slobs who need other people's approval. Most people don't live their own lives very well.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: People
Image of Albert Ellis
Worry itself is one of the most painful conditions.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Worry
Image of Albert Ellis
Eating is always a decision, nobody forces your hand to pick up food and put it into your mouth.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Food
Image of Albert Ellis
Spirit and soul is horseshit of the worst sort. Obviously there are no fairies, no Santa Clauses, no spirits. What there is, is human goals and purposes as noted by sane existentialists. But a lot of transcendentalists are utter screwballs.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Goal
Image of Albert Ellis
Whenever you avoid alarming situations, you almost always increase your anxiety about them.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Albert Ellis
People don't just get upset. They contribute to their upsetness. They always have the power to think, and to think about their thinking, and to think about thinking about their thinking, which the goddamn dolphin, as far as we know, can't do. Therefore they have much greater ability to change themselves than any other animal has, and I hope that REBT teaches them how to do it.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Animal
Image of Albert Ellis
This, perhaps, goes to show that conditional self-esteem, as I have said for many years, is an insidious, real sickness, so much so that even Buddhists carelessly sneak it in and sometimes encourage their clients to achieve it.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Buddhist
Image of Albert Ellis
The individual is taught that there is nothing that he as a total person is to feel ashamed of or self-hating for.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Hate
Image of Albert Ellis
Whining about your own, others', or the world's failings is a main element in what we usually call neurosis.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Elements
Image of Albert Ellis
My rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) was one of the very few therapies that was originated partly or largely because I wanted to be brief and efficient. And therefore right from the start I was active and directive. I tried to show people some central masturbatory core to their philosophy and to get them to work at changing it cognitively, emotionally and behaviorally.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Albert Ellis
Strong feelings are fine; it’s the overreactions that mess us up.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Strong
Image of Albert Ellis
By not caring too much about what people think, I’m able to think for myself and propagate ideas which are very often unpopular. And I succeed.
- Albert Ellis
Collection: Bullying