Top Years Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Years quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Years quotes.

Image of Solomon Northup
It is not the fault of the slaveholder that he is cruel, so much as it is the fault of the system under which he lives. He cannot withstand the influence of habit and associations that surround him. Taught from earliest childhood, by all that he sees and hears that the rod is for the slave's back, he will not be apt to change his opinions in maturer years.
- Solomon Northup
Collection: Years
Image of Todd Akin
Now, Social Security through the years, for many many people, has been a terrible investment. It's really a tax, that's all it is. Social Security is a tax.
- Todd Akin
Collection: Years
Image of Ali Smith
We all know our dates of birth but . . . every year there is another date that we pass over without knowing what it is but it is just as important it is the other date the death date.
- Ali Smith
Collection: Years
Image of Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
100 years ago, buying something you could make was considered wasteful; now making something you could buy is considered wasteful. I am not convinced this is a step in the right direction.
- Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Collection: Years
Image of Prince
Sometimes it takes years for a person to become an overnight success.
- Prince
Collection: Years
Image of Keri Arthur
Is love the desire—no, the need—to be with that person, whatever the cost? Does it cause the rue of rage when you see that person with another? Does it make you ache to hold her, to whisper things that sound foreign and strange to your tongue? Does it make you wish for things you know can never be? I haven't the answers, Riley. In all that I've learned over the years, no one has ever mentioned a force such as this. But whatever it is, I feel it for you. We would have been good together.
- Keri Arthur
Collection: Years
Image of Bill Murray
I'm not an alcoholic, I only drink two times a year. When it's my birthday, and when it's not my birthday.
- Bill Murray
Collection: Years
Image of Hugh Bonneville
It's never happened to me before, in my career, and never will again. It's a one-off experience. It's a rare treat to have a cast together for six years. Crews come and go, and a few of them have been there throughout, but not many. It's rare, in my experience, after 26 years, to have had a proper company in a show that enjoys each other's company, and who is such a fine bunch of people and actors. To have struck a chord with people, and to have had that combination, is extremely rare.
- Hugh Bonneville
Collection: Years
Image of Boyd Rice
I've been giving interviews for the last 25 or 30 years, more often than not answering the same questions over and over again, ad nauseum
- Boyd Rice
Collection: Years
Image of Claudia Gray
But do you want this? It's not much of a life. Don't you see? It's the first life I've had in four hundred years. With you--in the only way that matters--I'm alive again.
- Claudia Gray
Collection: Years
Image of Suzanne Vega
Last year's troubles, They shine up so prettily, They gleam with a lustre they don't have today.
- Suzanne Vega
Collection: Years
Image of Smith Wigglesworth
Enter into the promises of God. It is your inheritance. You will do more in one year if you are really filled with the Holy Ghost than you could do in fifty years apart from Him.
- Smith Wigglesworth
Collection: Years
Image of Hal Sparks
Ive been doing stand-up since I was 15 years old.
- Hal Sparks
Collection: Years
Image of Walter E. Williams
(F)or 50 years, the well-meaning leftist agenda has been able to do to blacks what Jim Crow and harsh discrimination could never have done: family breakdown, illegitimacy and low academic achievement.
- Walter E. Williams
Collection: Years
Image of Buck Owens
The last 16 years of my daddys life, he got to work for me, and that made him his own boss and he like that.
- Buck Owens
Collection: Years
Image of George Will
The Soviet Union tried for 70 years to plant Marxism with bayonets in Eastern Europe. Today there are more Marxists on the Harvard faculty than there are in Eastern Europe.
- George Will
Collection: Years
Image of Amelie Nothomb
Because we don't have much time together, I will give you as much love in a year as I could give you in a lifetime.
- Amelie Nothomb
Collection: Years
Image of Cate Tiernan
Years from now I'll look back and remember today as the day I met him. I'll look back and remember the exact moment my life began to include him. I will remember it forever.
- Cate Tiernan
Collection: Years
Image of Walter F. Mondale
I've traveled more this year than any other living human being, and if I'd traveled any more I wouldn't be living.
- Walter F. Mondale
Collection: Years
Image of Evelyn Underhill
It seems so much easier in these days to live morally than to live beautifully. Lots of us manage to exist for years without ever sinning against society, but we sin against loveliness every hour of the day.
- Evelyn Underhill
Collection: Years
Image of Ratan Tata
One hundred years from now, I expect the Tatas to be much bigger than it is now. More importantly, I hope the Group comes to be regarded as being the best in India.. best in the manner in which we operate, best in the products we deliver, and best in our value systems and ethics. Having said that, I hope that a hundred years from now we will spread our wings far beyond India.
- Ratan Tata
Collection: Years
Image of Earl Warren
I'm very pleased with each advancing year. It stems back to when I was forty. I was a bit upset about reaching that milestone, but an older friend consoled me. "Don't complain about growing old - many, many people do not have that privilege."
- Earl Warren
Collection: Years
Image of Edmund White
When we are young... we often experience things in the present with a nostalgia-in-advance, but we seldom guess what we will truly prize years from now.
- Edmund White
Collection: Years
Image of Mary Zimmerman
I'm drawn to very large texts that are mammothly popular in different parts of the world but are almost unknown here [the USA]. They're safe bets; if they've been around for 2,000 years, there's a reason. It's often a title or just a phrase within the text that will compel me to adapt it.
- Mary Zimmerman
Collection: Years
Image of Carol Shields
Here's to another year and let's hope it's above ground.
- Carol Shields
Collection: Years
Image of Thomas Beecham
If I were a dictator I should make it compulsory for every member of the population between the ages of four and eighty to listen to Mozart for at least a quarter of an hour daily for the coming five years.
- Thomas Beecham
Collection: Years
Image of Justine Larbalestier
I continued blogging, but between illness and deadlines, did not manage to blog nearly as much as last year. I'm hoping to do better in 2016.
- Justine Larbalestier
Collection: Years
Image of Claudia Schiffer
I've met women who have way better bodies in their 40s because they've been working on them for all these years.
- Claudia Schiffer
Collection: Years
Image of John Motson
Gary Lineker has now scored 37 goals. That is precisely twice as many as last year.
- John Motson
Collection: Years
Image of Sara Blakely
You’ve got to visualize where you’re headed and be very clear about it. Take a polaroid picture of where you’re going to be in a few years.
- Sara Blakely
Collection: Years
Image of Anthony Marra
Entire years had passed when he was rich enough in time to disregard the loose change of a minute, but now he obsessed over each one, this minute, the next minute, the one following, all of which were different terms for the same illusion.
- Anthony Marra
Collection: Years
Image of Anne Stuart
She had the underwear of a thirteen-year-old, as well, he thought. He glanced back at her. But the shoes of a courtesan.
- Anne Stuart
Collection: Years
Image of Alison Bechdel
I’m glad mainstream culture is starting to catch up to where lesbian-feminism was 30 years ago.
- Alison Bechdel
Collection: Years
Image of Jason F. Wright
I don't care how wonderful heaven is, I won't be content waiting thirty years for you.
- Jason F. Wright
Collection: Years
Image of Kij Johnson
Waiting required a future to wait for: a falsehood. I know now that there is only now. I remember things that happened months (or what is years?) ago: old -worn-out nows. The future happens, but it is always shaped from a series of nows.
- Kij Johnson
Collection: Years
Image of David Brinkley
We can look forward to four more years of wonderful, inspirational speeches full of wit, poetry, music, love and affection, plus more goddamn nonsense.
- David Brinkley
Collection: Years
Image of David Brinkley
By early 1943, the Pentagon was complete-a building big enough to house forty thousand people and all their accoutrements, the largest building in the world, conceived, funded, designed and constructed in a little more than a year. And on the day it was finished, it was already too small.
- David Brinkley
Collection: Years
Image of Mick Taylor
It's frustrating actually, the time involved in getting something released these days. My new CD has actually been finished for a year. It's only now that it's being released
- Mick Taylor
Collection: Years
Image of Tom Shadyac
Theres one fundamental law that all of nature obeys that mankind breaks every day. Now, this is a law thats evolved over billions of years, and the law is this: Nothing in nature takes more than it needs.
- Tom Shadyac
Collection: Years
Image of Daniel Silva
Jews don't camp...The last time the Jews went camping, they spent forty years wandering in the desert.
- Daniel Silva
Collection: Years
Image of Donald Tusk
Over the years, the European Union and the United States have worked together to ensure peace and prosperity for our citizens and for people around the world.
- Donald Tusk
Collection: Years
Image of Howard Thurman
The hard thing when you get old is to keep your horizons open. The first part of your life everything is in front of you, all your potential and promise. But over the years, you make decisions; you carve yourself into a given shape. Then the challenge is to keep discovering the green growing edge.
- Howard Thurman
Collection: Years
Image of Roger Stone
The rise of Trump is a repudiation of 30 years of bipartisan treason and failure.
- Roger Stone
Collection: Years
Image of Roger Stone
I have been a friend of Paul Manafort's for, I don't know, almost 50 years. We go back to Young Republicans together. He has vehemently denied any wrongdoing and I choose to take him at his word.
- Roger Stone
Collection: Years
Image of Harold Wilson
If the Tories get in, in five years no one will be able to afford to buy an egg.
- Harold Wilson
Collection: Years
Image of Alain de Botton
Anyone who isn't embarrassed of who they were last year probably isn't learning enough.
- Alain de Botton
Collection: Years
Image of George Steinbrenner
It was the class and dignity which he led his life that made him part of all of us. I will forever treasure the close friendship we shared over the years.
- George Steinbrenner
Collection: Years
Image of Karan Johar
I found my student of the year, and now Tata Nano is searching for India's student of the year
- Karan Johar
Collection: Years