Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Mordecai Richler
I work every day - or at least I force myself into office or room. I may get nothing done, but you don't earn bonuses without putting in time. Nothing may come for three months, but you don't earn the fourth without it.
- Mordecai Richler
Collection: Writing
Image of Ethel Waters
Whenever I write for hotel reservations, I always enclose a set of rules I have made for the hotels.
- Ethel Waters
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Peck
The only way you can write is by the light of the bridges burning behind you.
- Richard Peck
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Peck
We write by the light of every story we have ever read.
- Richard Peck
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Peck
We don't write what we know. We write what we wonder about.
- Richard Peck
Collection: Writing
Image of David Klass
You don't know me at all. You don't know the first thing about me. You don't know where I'm writing this from. You don't know what I look like. You have no power over me. What do you think I look like? Skinny? Freckles? Wire-rimmed glasses over brown eyes? No, I don't think so. Better look again. Deeper. It's like a kaleidoscope, isn't it? One minute I'm short, the next minute tall, one minute I'm geeky, one minute studly, my shape constantly changes, and the only thing that stays constant is my brown eyes. Watching you.
- David Klass
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Ruefle
I'm lucky enough to occasionally be able to do something I love - write poems - and unlucky enough that what I love confuses and overwhelms me.
- Mary Ruefle
Collection: Writing
Image of Connie Willis
And every place and time an author writes about is imaginary, from Oz to Raymond Chandler's L.A. to Dickens's London.
- Connie Willis
Collection: Writing
Image of Connie Willis
Actually, writers have no business writing about their own works. They either wax conceited, saying things like: 'My brilliance is possibly most apparent in my dazzling short story, "The Cookiepants Hypotenuse."' Or else they get unbearably cutesy: 'My cat Ootsywootums has given me all my best ideas, hasn't oo, squeezums?
- Connie Willis
Collection: Writing
Image of Tristan Tzara
I write a manifesto and I want nothing, yet I say certain things, and in principle I am against manifestoes, as I am also against principles.
- Tristan Tzara
Collection: Writing
Image of Kristine Kathryn Rusch
As one of my creative writing professors once said, there are only seven plots. What makes those plots different is how you handle them, your voice, your style, and your way of thinking. That’s all. People can mimic your style, but they can never achieve your unique point of view.
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Collection: Writing
Image of Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Rod Clark has one of the most unique voices I have ever encountered. I still quote some of his political insights years later. To have him write political science fiction is both appropriate and intriguing.
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Collection: Writing
Image of Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Write. Publish. Repeat.
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Collection: Writing
Image of Natalia Vodianova
Writing down goals makes you think of what is achievable. It really makes you reflect on what you are today.
- Natalia Vodianova
Collection: Writing
Image of Krist Novoselic
I really like to write, so I can just relax and think about things and realize things and then try to express it on my computer.
- Krist Novoselic
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff Kinney
I think humor is key [to a successful middle-grade novel]. Kids like to read for entertainment, and the best way to entertain kids is to make them laugh.
- Jeff Kinney
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff Kinney
It's not easy to writing thank-you notes for the stuff you didn't want in the first place.
- Jeff Kinney
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam Young
When you write, produce, engineer and mix everything yourself, it tends to take a long time to do anything. And when you're a perfectionist little monster, it makes it even harder. But it's a blast and I wouldn't trade the opportunity for all the ice cream sandwiches in the universe.
- Adam Young
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Shepard
Being a writer is so great because you're literally not dependent on anybody. Whereas, as an actor, you have to audition or wait for somebody else to make a decision about how to use you, with writing, you can do it anywhere, anytime you want. You don't have to ask permission.
- Sam Shepard
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Shepard
The great thing for me, now, is that writing has become more and more interesting. Not just as a craft but as a way into things that are not described. It's a thing of discovering. That's when writing is really working. You're on the trail of something and you don't quite know what it is.
- Sam Shepard
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Shepard
I've heard writers talk about "discovering a voice," but for me that wasn't a problem. There were so many voices that I didn't know where to start.
- Sam Shepard
Collection: Writing
Image of Francine Prose
All the elements of good writing depend on the writer's skill in choosing one word instead of another.
- Francine Prose
Collection: Writing
Image of Francine Prose
If we want to write, it makes sense to read—and to read like a writer. If we wanted to grow roses, we would want to visit rose gardens and try to see them the way that a rose gardener would.
- Francine Prose
Collection: Writing
Image of Francine Prose
Every page was once a blank page, just as every word that appears on it now was not always there, but instead reflects the final result of countless large and small deliberations. All the elements of good writing depend on the writer's skill in choosing one word instead of another. And what grabs and keeps our interest has everything to do with those choices.
- Francine Prose
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam Savage
Sometimes my brain writes a check that reality can't cash.
- Adam Savage
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam Savage
Bad spellers of the world untie!
- Adam Savage
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Lipsyte
Write what you know. Write what you don't know. But most of all, write what you'd rather not know.
- Sam Lipsyte
Collection: Writing
Image of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
I have never written the music that was in my heart to write; perhaps I never shall with this brain and these fingers, but I know that hereafter it will be written; when instead of these few inlets of the senses through which we now secure impressions from without, there shall be a flood of impressions from all sides; and instead of these few tones of our little octave, there shall be an infinite scale of harmonies - for I feel it - I am sure of it. This world of music, whose borders even now I have scarcely entered, is a reality, is immortal.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Collection: Writing
Image of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
True perfection in all things is no longer known or prized - you must write music that is either so simple a coachman could sing it, or so unintelligble that audiences like it simply because no sane person could understand it.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Collection: Writing
Image of Ha Jin
Without writing, what would I have become? Nothing. In China the individual used to be treated as a screw or a small cog in the revolutionary machine. I wanted to be a human being with a voice.
- Ha Jin
Collection: Writing
Image of Ha Jin
Writing is not a great profession as a lot of writers proclaim. I write because this is something I can do. Another thing—very often I think a lot of writers write because they have failed to do other things. How many writers can’t drive? A lot. They’re not practical. They are not capable in everyday life.
- Ha Jin
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean Rhys
All of writing is a huge lake. There are great rivers that feed the lake, like Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky. And then there are mere trickles, like Jean Rhys. All that matters is feeding the lake. I don't matter. The lake matters. You must keep feeding the lake.
- Jean Rhys
Collection: Writing
Image of Alan Hollinghurst
The great wisdom for writers, perhaps for everybody, is to come to understand to be at one with their own tempo.
- Alan Hollinghurst
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter Moers
Anyone can write. Some people can write a bit better than others; they're called authors. Then there are some who can write better than authors; they're called artists.
- Walter Moers
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter Moers
Writers are there to write, not experience things. If you want to experience things, become a pirate or a Bookhunter. If you want to write, write. If you can't find the makings of a story inside yourself, you won't find them anywhere.
- Walter Moers
Collection: Writing
Image of Cornell Woolrich
It isn't dying I'm afraid of, it isn't that at all; I know what it is to die, I've died already. It is the endless obliteration, the knowledge that there will never be anything else. That's what I can't stand, to try so hard and to end in nothing. You know what I mean, don't you? ... I really loved to write.
- Cornell Woolrich
Collection: Writing
Image of Cornell Woolrich
The preliminaries were out of the way, the creative process was about to begin. The creative process, that mystic life force, that splurge out of which has come the Venus de Milo, the Mona Lisa, the Fantasie Impromptu, the Bayeux tapestries, Romeo and Juliet, the windows of Chartres Cathedral, Paradise Lost - and a pulp murder story by Dan Moody. The process is the same in all; if the results are a little uneven, that doesn't invalidate the basic similarity of origin.
- Cornell Woolrich
Collection: Writing
Image of Jennifer Morrison
As an actor what you're always looking for is a character that is going to grow and change especially on television. I feel incredibly lucky to be working on a television show where the writing is always geared towards us growing and changing.
- Jennifer Morrison
Collection: Writing
Image of Jacqueline Susann
As a writer no one's gonna tell me how to write. I'm gonna write the way I wanna write!
- Jacqueline Susann
Collection: Writing
Image of Sara Paretsky
I look at the great poets of the Soviet Union, like Anna Akhmatova, who endured far worse then anything we've seen or hopefully that we will ever see. If they could keep writing and keep a voice alive, keep people hopeful through their poetry, then I would be ashamed to stop and to give in. It would be really self-indulgent, unacceptable, and inexcusable to walk away from it.
- Sara Paretsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Herbert Butterfield
The Whig interpretation of history ... is the tendency in many historians to write on the side of Protestants and Whigs, to praise revolutions provided they have been successful, to emphasise certain principles of progress in the past and to produce a story which is the ratification if not the glorification of the present.
- Herbert Butterfield
Collection: Writing
Image of Herbert Butterfield
Concerning alchemy it is more difficult to discover the actual state of things, in that the historians who specialise in this field seem sometimes to be under the wrath of God themselves; for, like those who write of the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy or on Spanish politics, they seem to become tinctured with the kind of lunacy they set out to describe.
- Herbert Butterfield
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Nelson
Learning to program has no more to do with designing interactive software than learning to touch type has to do with writing poetry
- Ted Nelson
Collection: Writing
Image of A. Lee Martinez
Those who write are writers. Those who wait are waiters.
- A. Lee Martinez
Collection: Writing
Image of Terry Tempest Williams
I write to make peace with the things I cannot control. I write to create fabric in the world that often appears black and white. I write to meet my ghosts. I write to begin a dialogue. I write to imagine things differently and in imagining things differently perhaps the world will change.
- Terry Tempest Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Terry Tempest Williams
I write because it is dangerous, a bloody risk, like love, to form the words, to say the words, to touch the source, to be touched, to reveal how vulnerable we are, how transient.
- Terry Tempest Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Kay Ryan
What keeps me writing is that I can only know through writing. My major sense organ is apparently a pencil.
- Kay Ryan
Collection: Writing
Image of Denise Levertov
A poet articulating the dreads and horrors of our time is necessary in order to make readers understand what is happening, really understand it, not just know about it but feel it: and should be accompanied by a willingness on the part of those who write it to take additional action towards stopping the great miseries which they record.
- Denise Levertov
Collection: Writing