Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 33

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 33 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Maurice Ravel
To George Gershwin, on refusinghim as a pupil: You would only lose the spontaneous quality of your melody, and end by writing bad Ravel.
- Maurice Ravel
Collection: Writing
Image of Sir David Baird, 1st Baronet
Read something that YOU want to read, not something that you feel compelled to read.
- Sir David Baird, 1st Baronet
Collection: Writing
Image of Sir David Baird, 1st Baronet
Sometimes the most exciting journey you can make is through your own imagination.
- Sir David Baird, 1st Baronet
Collection: Writing
Image of Sir David Baird, 1st Baronet
Try writing...a list, a letter, a journal, a novel, a declaration.
- Sir David Baird, 1st Baronet
Collection: Writing
Image of Sir David Baird, 1st Baronet
Say a thing well and it will be remembered-and so too will you.
- Sir David Baird, 1st Baronet
Collection: Writing
Image of Melvin Van Peebles
I can't read or write music. When I want to remember something, I try to remember all the keys on the piano. Which is what I still do. I put the numbers on the keys. And that's got to become music again.
- Melvin Van Peebles
Collection: Writing
Image of Hans Zimmer
I want to go and write music that announces to you that you can feel something. I don’t want to tell you what to feel, but I just want you to have the possibility of feeling something.
- Hans Zimmer
Collection: Writing
Image of Geoff Nicholson
Modern literary theory sees a similarity between walking and writing that I find persuasive: words inscribe a text in the same way that a walk inscribes space. In The practicse of Everyday Life, Michel de Certeau writes, 'The act of walking is a process of appropriation of the topographical system on the part of the pedestrian; it is a special acting-out of the place...and it implies relations among differentiated positions.' I think this is a fancy way of saying that writing is one way of making the world our own, and that walking is another.
- Geoff Nicholson
Collection: Writing
Image of Stella Benson
I hope that the feeling of making poetry is not confined to the people who write it down. There is no luxury like it, and I hope we all share it. ... I am sure that the great glory of poetry in one's heart does not wait on achievement.
- Stella Benson
Collection: Writing
Image of Stella Benson
Nearly everybody in San Francisco writes poetry. Few San Franciscans would admit this, but most of them would rather like to have their productions accidentally discovered.
- Stella Benson
Collection: Writing
Image of William McIlvanney
Writing is a way of sharing our humanity.
- William McIlvanney
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Auchincloss
A lot of writers ... sit in a log cabin by the lake and put their feet up by the fire in the silence and write. If you can have that that's all very well, but the true writer will learn to write anywhere -- even in prison.
- Louis Auchincloss
Collection: Writing
Image of Santiago Ramon y Cajal
Buffon said unreservedly, "Genius is simply patience carried to the extreme." To those who asked how he achieved fame he replied: "By spending forty years of my life bent over my writing desk."
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal
Collection: Writing
Image of Diana Trilling
Writers are what they write, also what they fail to write.
- Diana Trilling
Collection: Writing
Image of Ludwig Boltzmann
Bring forward what is true, Write it so that it is clear, Defend it to your last breath!
- Ludwig Boltzmann
Collection: Writing
Image of Kip Moore
I try not to focus on what people say too much because there's nothing I can do about it. All I can do is focus on staying true to the style of music I write and sing because that is the only way it's going to come off as honest.
- Kip Moore
Collection: Writing
Image of Octavia Butler
Rejections are painful, but inevitable. They're every writer's rite of passage.
- Octavia Butler
Collection: Writing
Image of Octavia Butler
I have this theory that anything that happens to you that leaves you alive and intact can be used somewhere in your writing.
- Octavia Butler
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Spender
What we call the freedom of the individual is not just the luxury of one intellectual to write what he likes to write but his being a voice which can speak for those who are silent.
- Stephen Spender
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Spender
Sometimes when I am writing, I am aware of a rhythm, a dance, a fury, which is as yet empty of words.
- Stephen Spender
Collection: Writing
Image of Don Cheadle
Speak up when you're supposed to, as opposed to trying to write prescriptions for the way people should live.
- Don Cheadle
Collection: Writing
Image of Meredith Willson
Most playwrights go wrong on the fifth word. When you start a play and you type 'Act one, scene one,' your writing is every bit as good as Arthur Miller or Eugene O'Neill or anyone. It's that fifth word where amateurs start to go wrong.
- Meredith Willson
Collection: Writing
Image of Douglas A. Lawson
Often I'll find clues to where the story might go by figuring out where the characters would rather not go.
- Douglas A. Lawson
Collection: Writing
Image of Gordon Lish
Never be sincere - sincerity is the death of writing.
- Gordon Lish
Collection: Writing
Image of Gordon Lish
The secret of good writing is telling the truth.
- Gordon Lish
Collection: Writing
Image of Gordon Lish
Writing is not about self-expression; it is about putting words on paper.
- Gordon Lish
Collection: Writing
Image of Hans Zinsser
We have chosen to write the biography of our disease because we love it platonically - as Amy Lowell loved Keats - and have sought its acquaintance wherever we could find it. And in this growing intimacy we have become increasingly impressed with the influence that this and other infectious diseases, which span - in their protoplasmic continuities - the entire history of mankind, have had upon the fates of men.
- Hans Zinsser
Collection: Writing
Image of Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington
Conversation is the legs on which thought walks; and writing, the wings by which it flies.
- Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington
Collection: Writing
Image of Fairfax M. Cone
Write to one person, not a million.
- Fairfax M. Cone
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Carter
Don't ever let anyone else write your story for you.
- Nick Carter
Collection: Writing
Image of Alison McGhee
Our rule was that we [with Kate DiCamillo] would write everything together, literally every word.
- Alison McGhee
Collection: Writing
Image of David Chase
It doesn't matter if your lead character is good or bad. He just has to be interesting, and he has to be good at what he does.
- David Chase
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Astor
A painter paints, a musician plays, a writer writes - but a movie actor waits.
- Mary Astor
Collection: Writing
Image of John Cleese
Creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating.
- John Cleese
Collection: Writing
Image of James T. Farrell
If you let conditions stop you from working, they'll always stop you.
- James T. Farrell
Collection: Writing
Image of James T. Farrell
Neither man nor God is going to tell me what to write.
- James T. Farrell
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Child
The way to write a thriller is to ask a question at the beginning, and answer it at the end.
- Lee Child
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Child
Writing is showbusiness for shy people. That's how I see it.
- Lee Child
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Child
I always wanted to be in the world of entertainment. I just love the idea of an audience being happy with what I am doing. Writing is showbusiness for shy people. That's how I see it.
- Lee Child
Collection: Writing
Image of Arnold Schoenberg
Composing is a slowed-down improvisation; often one cannot write fast enough to keep up with the stream of ideas.
- Arnold Schoenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Luke Wilson
I always laugh the hardest at the stuff you see in day-to-day life. Its great when somebody can tell a joke that really makes you laugh hard, but to see some kind of personal interaction that no one could write is so good. Those are always the things that make me laugh.
- Luke Wilson
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Cretu
I started writing hits the day I sold my piano.
- Michael Cretu
Collection: Writing
Image of Tina Brown
Nothing is better for a young journalist than to go and write about something that other people don't know about. If you can afford to send yourself to some foreign part, I still think that's by far the best way to break in
- Tina Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Tina Brown
I think for a young journalist, it's better to write for the Web at the moment than it is for print
- Tina Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Norman Podhoretz
The role of Jews who write in both the Jewish and [American] general press is to defend Israel.
- Norman Podhoretz
Collection: Writing
Image of Subramanya Bharathi
He who writes poetry is not a poet. He whose poetry has become his life, and who has made his life his poetry - it is he who is a poet.
- Subramanya Bharathi
Collection: Writing
Image of John Lukacs
Our everyday language has become encumbered, Germanic, artificial, bureaucratic, inorganic. It may not be exaggerated to say that by now American writers face but two alternatives: write English, or write gobbledygook.
- John Lukacs
Collection: Writing
Image of Hugh Dancy
I don't like to be challenged in the way that often happens, where somebody writes something and then you, as an actor, are expected to really make it up in your imagination. That's not really an ideal way of working.
- Hugh Dancy
Collection: Writing
Image of John C. Dvorak
Microsoft fears Intel is eventually going to create its own operating system and optimize its chips for its own OS, cutting Microsoft out of the picture. Kind of like what Microsoft allegedly does to people who write applications for Windows.
- John C. Dvorak
Collection: Writing