Top war Quotes Collection - Page 175

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 175 provides more war quotes.

Image of Robert E. Lee
Keep steady in the view of the great principles for which you contend. The safety of your homes and the lives of all you hold dear depend upon your courage and exertions. Let each man resolve to be victorious, and that the right of self government, liberty and peace shall find him a defender.
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: War
Image of Robert E. Lee
You cannot barter manhood for peace.
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: War
Image of Robert E. Lee
I have thought from the time of the cessation of the hostilities, that silence and patience on the part of the South was the true course; and I think so still. Controversy of all kinds will, in my opinion, only serve to continue excitement and passion, and will prevent the public mind from the acknowledgement and acceptance of the truth.
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: War
Image of Doris Lessing
I wonder why do wars suddenly start and suddenly stop, and why do we Brits and you Americans get involved in some of them and not in others? Is it possible that the arms manufacturers quietly foment wars without us knowing? Dropping bombs is a very profitable business for them. Gore Vidal was talking about this the other day, and he made a lot of sense. Whenever American policy seems inscrutable, he said, remember the military-industrial complex. He's the one who should have been President.
- Doris Lessing
Collection: War
Image of Henry A. Kissinger
When I became security advisor, I became familiar with the so-called SIOP war plans, I called in Secretary McNamara and asked him what they were hiding from me, because I couldn't believe that the National policy would foresee such a level of destructiveness.
- Henry A. Kissinger
Collection: War
Image of Sinclair Lewis
Most troubles are unnecessary. We have Nature beaten; we can make her grow wheat; we can keep warm when she sends blizzards. So we raise the devil just for pleasure--wars, politics, race-hatreds, labor-disputes.
- Sinclair Lewis
Collection: War
Image of Sinclair Lewis
Funny how the world always praises its opera-singers so much and pays 'em so well and then starves its shoemakers, and yet it needs good shoes so much more than it needs opera--or war or fiction.
- Sinclair Lewis
Collection: War
Image of Lewis H. Lapham
Wars might come and go, but the seven o'clock news lives forever.
- Lewis H. Lapham
Collection: War
Image of Fran Lebowitz
...I believed passionately that Communists were a race of horned men who divided their time equally between the burning of Nancy Drew books and the devising of a plan of nuclear attack that would land the largest and most lethal bomb squarely upon the third-grade class of Thomas Jefferson School in Morristown, New Jersey.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: War
Image of Livy
Nowhere are our calculations more frequently upset than in war.
- Livy
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Lenin
Comrades! The kulak uprising in your five districts must be crushed without pity. You must make example of these people. (1) Hang (I mean hang publicly, so that people see it) at least 100 kulaks, rich bastards, and known bloodsuckers. (2) Publish their names. (3) Seize all their grain. (4) Single out the hostages per my instructions in yesterday's telegram. Do all this so that for miles around people see it all, understand it, tremble, and tell themselves that we are killing the bloodthirsty kulaks and that we will continue to do so ...Find tougher people.
- Vladimir Lenin
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Lenin
No mercy for these enemies of the people, the enemies of socialism, the enemies of the working people! War to the death against the rich and their hangers-on, the bourgeois intellectuals; war on the rogues, the idlers and the rowdies!
- Vladimir Lenin
Collection: War
Image of Ray Lewis
In any war who pulls their general out? No one.
- Ray Lewis
Collection: War
Image of Josephine Baker
We've got to show that blacks and whites are treated equally in the army. Otherwise, what's the point of waging war on Hitler?
- Josephine Baker
Collection: War
Image of Ed Koch
I intend to vote for President George W. Bush in the next election, because in my view, he is best able to wage the war against international terrorism.
- Ed Koch
Collection: War
Image of John Lennon
Millions of mind guerrillas, raising the spirit of peace and love, not war.
- John Lennon
Collection: War
Image of Henry Adams
One does every day and without a second thought, what at another time would be the event of a year, perhaps of a life.
- Henry Adams
Collection: War
Image of Henry Adams
It is now conceded that all idea of British intervention is at an end... I want to hug the army of the Potomac. I want to get the whole army of Vicksburg drunk at my own expense. I want to fight some small man and lick him.
- Henry Adams
Collection: War
Image of Zoe Leonard
After the First World War, it was, like, let's form the League of Nations, we have to learn to work together. It's the only way we're going to survive. And now it's like we're undoing these very fragile institutions that were built after the First and Second World Wars that were about nations working on a kind of global diplomacy for our mutual benefit. And we're undoing them at such rapid-fire pace.
- Zoe Leonard
Collection: War
Image of Rudyard Kipling
War is an ill thing, as I surely know. But 'twould be an ill world for weaponless dreamers if evil men were not now and then slain.
- Rudyard Kipling
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
He has got the slows, Mr. Blair.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
Lamon, that speech won't scour. It is a flat failure and the people are disappointed.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
I think to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
As a nation we began by declaring that all me are created equal. We now practically read it, all men are created equal except Negroes.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
I am a little uneasy about the abolishment of slavery in this District of Columbia.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
I wish to see, in process of disappearing, that only thing which ever could bring this nation to civil war.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
No State, upon it own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the Union. Resolves and ordinances to that effect are legally nothing. I therefore consider that the Union is unbroken. There needs to be no bloodshed or violence; and there shall be none, unless forced upon the national authority.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
As President, I have no eyes but constitutional eyes; I cannot see you.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Eartha Kitt
I said to the president's wife, Vietnam is the main reason we are having trouble with the youth of America. It is a war without explanation or reason.
- Eartha Kitt
Collection: War
Image of Kendrick Lamar
The opposite of love? Vice. Temptation. The negative influences that we have. The bad energy that comes around us and makes us do certain things. To me, it's always been a war between the two.
- Kendrick Lamar
Collection: War
Image of Jack Kornfield
In our charade with ourselves we pretend that our war is not really war. We have changed the name of the War Department to the Defense Department and call a whole class of nuclear missiles Peace Keepers!
- Jack Kornfield
Collection: War
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have condemned any organizer of war, regardless of his rank or nationality.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: War
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order —in short, of government.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
I don't believe in a law to prevent a man from getting rich; it would do more harm than good. So while we do not propose any war upon capital, we do wish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to get rich with everybody else.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Jay Leno
CNN said that after the war, there is a plan to divide Iraq into three parts: regular, premium and unleaded.
- Jay Leno
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Lincoln
I freely acknowledge myself the servant of the people, according to the bond of service - the United States Constitution; and that, as such, I am responsible to them.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: War
Image of Steig Larsson
History is reticent about women who were common soldiers, who bore arms, belonged to regiments, and took part in battles on the same terms as men, though hardly a war has been waged without women soldiers in the ranks.
- Steig Larsson
Collection: War
Image of Doris Lessing
In times of war, as everyone knows, who has lived through one, or talked to soldiers when they are allowing themselves to remember the truth, and not the sentimentalities with which we all shield ourselves from the horrors of which we are capable ... in times of war we revert, as a species, to the past, and are permitted to be brutal and cruel. It is for this reason, and of course others, that a great many people enjoy war. But this is one of the facts about war that is not often talked about.
- Doris Lessing
Collection: War
Image of Walter Savage Landor
The religion of Christ is peace and good-will,--the religion of Christendom is war and ill-will.
- Walter Savage Landor
Collection: War
Image of Nicholson Baker
I wanted to apprentice myself to the dailiness of the war's beginning phase. It's truer and more frightening that way - when you're afloat on a little dingy in the midst of it all.
- Nicholson Baker
Collection: War
Image of Nicholson Baker
I did not know that the planning for biological and chemical warfare was so widespread in England, and even in France before France fell. It was news to me that there had been talk, even in the First World War, of dropping Colorado beetles on German potato crops and that kind of thing.
- Nicholson Baker
Collection: War
Image of Nicholson Baker
What's somewhat puzzling is that Churchill himself knew what the reaction would be to any sort of aerial attack on cities, because in 1938 he said that in a future war British cities would be attacked by bombing, and that the response would be that all men would want to join the fight because they would be so incensed by this cowardly manner of attack. Which is a very natural response: when something drops on you from the air and blows up a bunch of buildings and kills people in their sleep, the reaction is going to be rage, confusion, and a search for something to destroy in retaliation.
- Nicholson Baker
Collection: War
Image of Milan Kundera
War and culture, those are the two poles of Europe, her heaven and hell, her glory and shame, and they cannot be separated from one another. When one comes to an end, the other will end also and one cannot end without the other. The fact that no war has broken out in Europe for fifty years is connected in some mysterious way with the fact that for fifty years no new Picasso has appeared either.
- Milan Kundera
Collection: War
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Those of us who love peace must organize as effectively as the war hawks. As they spread the propaganda of war, we must spread the propaganda of peace.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: War
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Before it is too late, we must narrow the gaping chasm between our proclomations of peace and our lowly deeds which precipitate and perpetuate war.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: War
Image of Chuck Klosterman
When Arthur Schlesinger Sr. pioneered the 'presidential greatness poll' in 1948, the top five were Lincoln, Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Jefferson. Only Wilson appears to be seriously fading, probably because his support for the World War I-era Sedition Act now seems outrageous; in this analogy, Woodrow is like the Doors and the Sedition Act is Oliver Stone.
- Chuck Klosterman
Collection: War
Image of Henry Adams
I think that Lee should have been hanged. It was all the worse that he was a good man and a fine character and acted conscientiously... It's always the good men who do the most harm in the world.
- Henry Adams
Collection: War
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
There's a graveyard in northern France where all the dead boys from D-Day are buried. The white crosses reach from one horizon to the other. I remember looking it over and thinking it was a forest of graves. But the rows were like this, dizzying, diagonal, perfectly straight, so after all it wasn't a forest but an orchard of graves. Nothing to do with nature, unless you count human nature.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: War
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
It is a tragic mix-up when the United States spends 500,000 for every enemy soldier killed, and only 53 annually on the victims of poverty.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: War