Top war Quotes Collection - Page 112

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 112 provides more war quotes.

Image of George Steiner
We are still waging Peloponnesian wars. Our control of the material world and our positive science have grown fantastically. But our very achievements turn against us, making politics more random and wars more bestial.
- George Steiner
Collection: War
Image of Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Action and personal happiness have no truck with each other; they are eternally at war.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Collection: War
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
I should say that, in addition to my tree-love (it was originally called The Tree), it arose from my own pre-occupation with the Lord of the Rings, the knowledge that it would be finished in great detail or not at all, and the fear (near certainty) that it would be 'not at all'. The war had arisen to darken all horizons. But no such analyses are a complete explanation even of a short story.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: War
Image of Mark Shields
The Democrats have tried the war against women in the past. It didn't really have that much traction.
- Mark Shields
Collection: War
Image of Harry Reid
I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and - you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows - (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday.
- Harry Reid
Collection: War
Image of Horatio Nelson
It is my turn now; and if I come back, it is yours.
- Horatio Nelson
Collection: War
Image of Horatio Nelson
Laurels grow in the Bay of Biscay, I hope a bed of them may be found in the Mediterranean.
- Horatio Nelson
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
I can only tell you this and I used to speak about it all the time, we have a Navy that hasn't been in this position since World War I.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
We have an Army that hasn't been in this position since World War II, in terms of levels and in terms of readiness and in terms of everything else. We are not capable like we have to be.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
When we have a world where you have ISIS chopping off heads, where you have - and, frankly, drowning people in steel cages, where you have wars and horrible, horrible sights all over, where you have so many bad things happening, this is like medieval times. We haven’t seen anything like this, the carnage all over the world.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of Rajneesh
I would like the whole world to be full of feminine qualities. Then only can wars disappear.
- Rajneesh
Collection: War
Image of Yitzhak Rabin
We did not think that [Egyptian President] Nasser wanted war. The two divisions he sent to Sinai on May 14 would not have been sufficient to launch an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it.
- Yitzhak Rabin
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
I wouldn't consider them acts of war, but I would consider them acts of property damage, commercial theft that are serious.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Simone Weil
War, which perpetuates itself under the form of preparation for war, has once and for all given the State an important role in production.
- Simone Weil
Collection: War
Image of H. G. Wells
This little upset across the water doesn't mean anything. Threatened men live long and threatened wars never occur.
- H. G. Wells
Collection: War
Image of Geoff Mulgan
Before the Second World War, L'Oreal in France was an active supporter of the French fascists. The cosmetic group's founder Eugene Schueller was an active member of the 'Cagoule' group, committed to the violent overthrow of the Third Republic, and hosted meetings at Oreal headquarters.
- Geoff Mulgan
Collection: War
Image of J. K. Rowling
No, it was honest," said Harry. "One of the only honest things you've said to me. You don't care whether I live or die, but you do care that I help you convince everyone you're winning the war against Voldemort.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Putin
I would prefer to abandon the terminology of the past. 'Superpower' is something which we used during the cold war time. Why use it now?
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
The result of this is that so-called peace propaganda is just as dishonest and intellectually disgusting as war propaganda. Like war propaganda, it concentrates on putting forward a ‘case’, obscuring the opponent’s point of view and avoiding awkward questions.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
Bombing is not especially inhumane. War itself is inhumane and the bombing plane, which is used to paralyse industry and transport, is a relatively civilised weapon. 'Normal' or 'legitimate' warfare is just as destructive of inanimate objects and enormously so of human lives.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of Edward Snowden
The Iraq war that I signed up for was launched on false premises. The American people were misled. Now, whether that was due to bad faith or simply mistakes in intelligence, I can't say for sure. But I can say it shows the problem of putting too much faith in intelligence systems without debating them in public.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: War
Image of T. H. White
War is like a fire. One man may start it, but it will spread all over. It is not about any one thing in particular.
- T. H. White
Collection: War
Image of T. H. White
Wars are never fought for one reason," he said. "They are fought for dozens of reasons, in a muddle.
- T. H. White
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
For Americans, Poland has been a symbol of hope since the beginning of our nation. Polish heroes and American patriots fought side by side in our War of Independence and in many wars that followed. Our soldiers still serve together today in Afghanistan and Iraq, combatting the enemies of all civilization.For America's part, we have never given up on freedom and independence as the right and destiny of the Polish people, and we never, ever will.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
God's providence is on the side of clear heads.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: War
Image of George S. Patton
Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him. We don't want yellow cowards in this Army. They should be killed off like rats. If not, they will go home after this war and breed more cowards. The brave men will breed more brave men. Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation of brave men.
- George S. Patton
Collection: War
Image of George S. Patton
War is simple, direct, and ruthless.
- George S. Patton
Collection: War
Image of L. Neil Smith
Thanks to guys like Boss Tweed, famous for saying, 'I don't give a damn who does the voting, as long as I do the nominating,' there hasn't been an honest election in the USA since sometime around the War Between the States.
- L. Neil Smith
Collection: War
Image of George Takei
Should any terrorist strike or act of war occur in which American lives are lost, we must be on guard for any attempt by the government to turn that tragedy into justification for sweeping action.
- George Takei
Collection: War
Image of Dar Williams
The biggest difference would be made if we don't have wars to begin with.
- Dar Williams
Collection: War
Image of Dar Williams
There was this moment in 2003 when I was asked to do a fundraiser for someone who was speaking out against the Iraq war when nobody was. I said, "I will do a fundraiser for that guy." And then my friend John Hall, from the band Orleans...He ran for Congress in my district and won. I did a bunch of fundraisers for him.
- Dar Williams
Collection: War
Image of Ludwig von Mises
The characteristic mark of this age of dictators, wars and revolutions is its anticapitalistic bias. Most governments and political parties were eager to restrict the sphere of private initiative and free enterprise.
- Ludwig von Mises
Collection: War
Image of Edward Abbey
The industrial way of life leads to the industrial way of death. From Shiloh to Dachau, from Antietam to Stalingrad, from Hiroshima to Vietnam and Afghanistan, the great specialty of industry and technology has been the mass production of human corpses.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: War
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
But every soil becomes finally exhausted, and the ploughshare of evil must always come once more.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: War
Image of Dorothy L. Sayers
Never think that wars are irrational catastrophes: they happen when wrong ways of thinking and living bring about intolerable situations ... the root causes of conflict are usually to be found in some wrong way of life in which all parties have acquiesced, and for which everybody must, to some extent, bear the blame.
- Dorothy L. Sayers
Collection: War
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Well, it's an ancestral tribe. These were immigrants from north of Germany who came here about the time of the Civil War, but anyway, these people called themselves free thinkers. They were impressed, incidentally, by Darwin. They're called Humanists now; people who aren't so sure that the Bible is the Word of God.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: War
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
One thing I learned, with permission of the school committee of Indianapolis, was that when a tyrant or a government gets in trouble it wonders what to do. Declare war! Then nothing else matters. It's like chess; when in doubt, castle.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
America is always fighting. We're the one that wants to go to World War III with Russia over Ukraine. So we're the ones always fighting. We're the ones putting up a lot of the money for NATO disproportionately - a lot.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of Winona Ryder
I definitely believe in legalizing drugs. It does take the mystery away. It takes the money away, so suddenly there are no drug wars. If you're a junkie, you can get help easier.
- Winona Ryder
Collection: War
Image of Henry David Thoreau
A common and natural result of an undue respect for law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain, corporal, privates, powder-monkeys, and all, marching in admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their wills, ay, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces a palpitation of the heart.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: War
Image of Alexander Payne
Forgiving yourself may be for many people, at least for myself, extremely difficult. And then in a larger context, I will say that I'm constantly astonished by those who pray daily, "Forgive me my sins as I forgive those who sin against me," and beat very loudly the war drum.
- Alexander Payne
Collection: War
Image of Alexander Payne
I like action films, not exclusively, but I like Samurai films. I like Westerns. Not so much war pictures, but a few. I like kinetic cinema.
- Alexander Payne
Collection: War
Image of Leo Tolstoy
War is not a polite recreation but the vilest thing in life, and we ought to understand that and not play at war.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: War
Image of Bill Vaughan
I want to be the first to bless you on what God has blessed you with - fighting in the heart of the Muslim world that was a battleground for large historic Islamic wars and what is now the place of Islam's greatest war in the present era.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: War
Image of Francesca Lia Block
War is being reminded that you are completely at the mercy of death at every moment, without the illusion that you are not. Without the distractions that make life worth living.
- Francesca Lia Block
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
It is the business of cavalry to follow up the victory, and to prevent the beaten army from rallying.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
At the head of an army, nothing is more becoming than simplicity.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Duke of Wellington
There is nothing on earth so stupid as a gallant officer.
- Duke of Wellington
Collection: War
Image of Duke of Wellington
The only thing that they can be relied on to do is to gallop too far and too fast.
- Duke of Wellington
Collection: War