Nigel Farage

Image of Nigel Farage
It's amazing how ideas start out, isn't it?
- Nigel Farage
Collection: Amazing
Image of Nigel Farage
It's a European Union of economic failure, of mass unemployment and of low growth.
- Nigel Farage
Collection: Failure
Image of Nigel Farage
For seven years, I had a business relationship in Milan, Milano. Dealing with Italians, just, let me tell you... Are we the same? Good lord, no! That's why Europe's fun - it's fun because it's different. A political project that seeks to make it all the same - it's ghastly.
- Nigel Farage
Collection: Relationship
Image of Nigel Farage
If an idea is indeed sensible, it will eventually become just part of the accepted wisdom.
- Nigel Farage
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Nigel Farage
I think that politics needs a bit of spicing up.
- Nigel Farage
Collection: Politics
Image of Nigel Farage
The banking collapse was caused, more than anything, by bad government policy and the total failure of bad regulation, rather than by greed.
- Nigel Farage
Collection: Failure
Image of Nigel Farage
Either you support the existing global elite, or you want real change and believe in nation-state democracy.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Although I never wanted Theresa May to be our Prime Minister, I had been prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
The referendum was clear: the British people voted to leave the single market and to take back control of our borders.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
The Corbynista brand of politics representing metropolitan, middle class, pro-open border values is far removed from millions of Labour voters, especially those who voted Leave in the referendum.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Though I've never been a supporter of big government, the reclamation of our fisheries, which, done correctly, would be worth several billion pounds a year, should be a cabinet position with its own department.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Whatever threats Remain may continue to fire at us, they cannot answer the simple and most basic proposition: that only by leaving the European Union can we control the numbers coming to our country.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
The Leave side can only win if we have an effective ground campaign comprising of activists from across the political spectrum working together.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Let's get real: would any American president seriously open up their borders unconditionally to Mexico as the U.K. has done to the whole of the E.U.? No chance.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Only by working together, as a broad coalition, can the Leave side win.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
However imperfect Donald Trump may be, -and, my goodness, he is - his mother was Scottish; he owns Turnberry. He spends a lot of time in our country - he loves our country, what we stand for, and our culture.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I suppose, being in politics, it wasn't a job - it was almost a calling. It dominated my life, so I do think that probably a lot of people around me have paid quite a big price for that.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
All marriages, all relationships have huge ups and downs.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I don't look back at anything. I look forwards.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Hopefully, through all aspects of life, you learn from things you've got right, things you've got wrong, but I'm not one for looking back. I'm looking ahead; you've got to.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Whatever my faults, I have some principles.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I can distinctly remember being the only boy in my class whose parents had separated.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I don't listen to music. I don't watch television, I don't read.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
When I'm finished with politics, I'll have a richer life. I'd like to go to the theatre.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
There are two completely different Britains. There's London, and there's the rest of Britain. Attitudes are very different.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
There are little games that go on in politics.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
There are millions out there who aren't getting an even break. They're being done down.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
The people who get up earliest in the morning have the highest propensity to vote UKIP. I'm being absolutely serious about that.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
There is no Left and Right any more. Left and Right is irrelevant... We need big change. We've got to get back control of our country.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
When you get back control of your country, you get proper democracy. You get back proper debate.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I've got to see the Brexit process through. we won the war, but we must win the peace.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I just say it as I see it, behave as I do. If people don't like it, they can take a running jump.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
No one did more singlehandedly to smash the BNP in Britain than me.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
We've been very lucky to have UKIP in the U.K. If we hadn't been here, the BNP would be doing very well.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Potentially, I would be very interested in being a shock jock, though Ofcom might be tricky. Some of the American stuff is appalling, wild stuff, crazy conspiracy theories.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I judge everybody on the Farage Test. Number one, would I employ them? Number two, would I go for a drink with them?
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I believe that the ability to talk to people and have them feeling engaged rather than patronised isn't something you can learn. It's a bit like being able to sing or play cricket. You can either do it, or you can't.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
UKIP believe that immigration can be an extremely positive thing. But it has to be controlled.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
We, as a party, are colour-blind.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I think the employer should be much freer to make decisions on who she or he employs.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I have made comments in favour of British people getting jobs over and above those from southern eastern Europe.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Will I ever forgive the British media for what they've done to me? No.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
We have good and bad archbishops.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
My vision is to put this country and the British people first and for us to divorce ourselves from political union and re-engage with the rest of the world.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
We can't completely isolate ourselves from international terrorism and the problem the world faces.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
Normally, when New York catches a cold, London sneezes.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I've always been the outsider. I've always been regarded as some extraordinarily dangerous figure. I'm none of those things! I'm just a middle-class boy from Kent who likes cricket and who happened to have a strong view about a supernational government from Brussels.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I'd love to tell you that everyone who voted Brexit felt like me about the country, about the Union Jack and the cricket team. But I don't think that there's as much romanticism in it, perhaps, as people think.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I can't think of a single example of two mature democracies going to war with each other in the 20th century. It's where there was an absence of democracy and a breakdown of democracy that we finish up with these wars.
- Nigel Farage
Image of Nigel Farage
I'm not giving up politics entirely - I'm just giving up leadership of a political party.
- Nigel Farage