Top Vacuums Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Vacuums quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Rita Rudner
There is a woman who swam around Manhattan, and I asked her, why? She said, it hadn't ever been done before. Well, she didn't have to do that. If she wanted to something no one had ever done before, all she had to do was vacuum my apartment.
- Rita Rudner
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Christian Slater
I don't like to be walking around in a vacuum, lost in my own thoughts. I'm much better with information.
- Christian Slater
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Max Brooks
Secrecy is a vacuum and nothing fills a vacuum like paranoid speculation.
- Max Brooks
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Dennis Ritchie
Sometimes when you fill a vacuum, it still sucks.
- Dennis Ritchie
Collection: Vacuums
Image of David Bohm
Deep down the consciousness of mankind is one. This is a virtual certainty because even in the vacuum matter is one; and if we don't see this, it's because we are blinding ourselves to it.
- David Bohm
Collection: Vacuums
Image of James Alan Gardner
Ah, but I am more perceptive than most of the universe. Especially the parts of the universe that are vacuum.
- James Alan Gardner
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Liz Carpenter
I am Woman, here me roar...of is that my vacuum cleaner?
- Liz Carpenter
Collection: Vacuums
Image of John R. Pierce
Nature abhors the vacuum tube.
- John R. Pierce
Collection: Vacuums
Image of David J. C. MacKay
It sounded like a very loud vacuum cleaner behind us.
- David J. C. MacKay
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Hans-Hermann Hoppe
The state operates in a legal vacuum. There exists no contract between the state and its citizens.
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Harold Hotelling
...a discontinuity, like a vacuum, is abhorred by nature.
- Harold Hotelling
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Peter Higgs
When you look at a vacuum in a quantum theory of fields, it isn't exactly nothing.
- Peter Higgs
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Thomas Hale
God's call doesn't register in a vacuum; only a person who is committed to doing God's will can receive a call.
- Thomas Hale
Collection: Vacuums
Image of John Katzenbach
Psychoanalysis teaches one thing, he thought: Nothing ever happens in a vacuum. A single bad act can have all sorts of repercussions.
- John Katzenbach
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Katherine Heigl
The more you want it [romantic relationship], the more you are looking for it, the more you repel it for whatever reason. I don't know why. If you kind of create this vacuum, let life take its course, then you tend to free yourself up for the unexpected.
- Katherine Heigl
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Mat McNerney
I like what's going on in Finland, with the rebirth of Beherit. I also like a band called Oranssi Pazuzu and a band called Spiderpact. There's a great scene there where they don't really care what's going on elsewhere and create music in their own vacuum.
- Mat McNerney
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Nigel Gibson
Manicheanism is like a vacuum, it is an either or situation that curtails or destroys the development of liberatory thought.
- Nigel Gibson
Collection: Vacuums
Image of David Sedaris
If I'm stuck, I get up from my chair and I wash windows. Or... clean the bathroom. Or vacuum the attic. There's always something to be done.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Paul Wolfowitz
After a regime is removed, however, it is dangerous to leave a security vacuum.
- Paul Wolfowitz
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Baruch Spinoza
Speculation, like nature, abhors a vacuum.
- Baruch Spinoza
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Catherine Ponder
If you want greater prosperity in your life, start forming a vacuum to receive it.
- Catherine Ponder
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Garry Winogrand
Nobody exists in a vacuum.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Joan Didion
If you aren't aware of the reader, you're working in a vacuum.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Kofi Annan
The UN doesn't work in a vacuum.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Indira Gandhi
What good does it do to remain tied to an ideology if you don't achieve anything by it? I have an ideology myself - you can't work in a vacuum; you have to have faith in something.
- Indira Gandhi
Collection: Vacuums
Image of John Kenneth Galbraith
Speeches in our culture are the vacuum that fills a vacuum.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Isaac Asimov
A myth or legend is simply not made up out of a vacuum. Nothing is--or can be. Somehow there is a kernel of truth behind it, however distorted that might be.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Kay Redfield Jamison
I had a terrible temper, after all, and though it rarely erupted, when it did it frightened me and anyone near its epicenter. It was the only crack, but a disturbing one, in the otherwise vacuum-sealed casing of my behavior.
- Kay Redfield Jamison
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Roger Bacon
But we must here state that we should not see anything if there were a vacuum. But this would not be due to some nature hindering species, and resisting it, but because of the lack of a nature suitable for the multiplication of species; for species is a natural thing, and therefore needs a natural medium; but in a vacuum nature does not exist.
- Roger Bacon
Collection: Vacuums
Image of R. D. Laing
No one acts or experiences in a vacuum.
- R. D. Laing
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Clare Boothe Luce
Nature abhors a vacuum, even in the heads of statesmen.
- Clare Boothe Luce
Collection: Vacuums
Image of Wangari Maathai
You can't reduce poverty in a vacuum. You are doing it in an environment.
- Wangari Maathai
Collection: Vacuums