Top Unity Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Unity quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Unity quotes.

Image of Ann Leckie
Unity, I thought, implies the possibility of disunity. Beginnings imply and require endings.
- Ann Leckie
Collection: Unity
Image of Judith Herrin
The central dynamism of Christianity, which rests precisely on a unity through variety.
- Judith Herrin
Collection: Unity
Image of George Pattison
There are kinds of unity other than those of the explicit and systematic unity that Poole is attacking. There are kinds of movement - in music or athletics, for example - that present themselves as having a certain unity about them. In some sphere we might talk about 'style'.
- George Pattison
Collection: Unity
Image of Arthur Bradford
I wanted to do a collection where the narrator is constant throughout, so that there's a little unity.
- Arthur Bradford
Collection: Unity
Image of Propaganda
Unity is important but we have to define it. If we are talking about uniformity, that is not helping anybody because our distinctions are important. These are things that God created. I am what I am because I am supposed to be.
- Propaganda
Collection: Unity
Image of Emmanuel Macron
For me, Europe consists of three things: sovereignty, unity and democracy.
- Emmanuel Macron
Collection: Unity
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
Where there is no purity, there is no Unity. Without Unity you cannot attain Divinity. Then your life is just a waste. First purity, next Unity, then you realize your Divinity.
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Unity
Image of Marjane Satrapi
If you're not [Federico] Fellini you might make something very vulgar. Animation made it possible to maintain unity with all these different narratives.
- Marjane Satrapi
Collection: Unity
Image of John Muir
There is not a fragment in all nature, for every relative fragment of one thing is a full harmonious unit in itself.
- John Muir
Collection: Unity
Image of Edgar Allan Poe
The unity of effect or impression is a point of the greatest importance. It is clear, moreover, that this unity cannot be thoroughly preserved in productions whose perusal cannot be completed at one sitting.
- Edgar Allan Poe
Collection: Unity
Image of J. C. Ryle
Unity without the gospel is a worthless unity; it is the very unity of hell.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Unity
Image of Fulton J. Sheen
All love craves unity.
- Fulton J. Sheen
Collection: Unity
Image of Wallace D. Wattles
I surrender myself to conscious unity with the highest.
- Wallace D. Wattles
Collection: Unity
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
Unity is divinity, purity is enlightenment.
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Unity
Image of Amos Bronson Alcott
Debate is angular, conversation circular and radiant of the underlying unity.
- Amos Bronson Alcott
Collection: Unity
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
All is divine, all is God, and unity is divinity.
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Unity
Image of Anais Nin
The personal, if it is deep enough, becomes universal, mythical, symbolic.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Unity
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
Social evolution is demonstrated by movement towards unity, not separatism.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Unity
Image of Surya Das
One-half plus one-half does not equal one; one whole plus one whole equals relational wholeness.
- Surya Das
Collection: Unity
Image of Charles Baudelaire
However incoherent a human existence may be, human unity is not bothered by it.
- Charles Baudelaire
Collection: Unity
Image of John Milton
They are the troublers, they are the dividers of unity, who neglect and don't permit others to unite those dissevered pieces which are yet wanting to the body of Truth.
- John Milton
Collection: Unity
Image of Barack Obama
On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Unity
Image of Joyce Meyer
Unity increases power.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Unity
Image of Ken Wilber
There is intersubjectivity woven into the very fabric of the Kosmos at all levels.
- Ken Wilber
Collection: Unity
Image of Robert M. Pirsig
Good is a noun rather than an adjective.
- Robert M. Pirsig
Collection: Unity
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
That’s the secret of artistic unity. Anybody can achieve it, if he or she will make something with only one person in mind.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Unity
Image of Bahá'u'lláh
O ye that dwell on earth! The religion of God is for love and unity; make it not the cause of enmity or dissension.
- Bahá'u'lláh
Collection: Unity
Image of Alan Watts
Lack of awareness of the basic unity of organism and environment is a serious and dangerous hallucination.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Unity
Image of Blaise Pascal
Any unity which doesn't have its origin in the multitudes is tyranny.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Unity
Image of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I don't know what is truth,but I can tell you how to find it!
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Collection: Unity
Image of Rudolf Steiner
The worlds represent increasing phases of densification, the involuting descent of spirit into matter, where the way becomes harder and longer.
- Rudolf Steiner
Collection: Unity
Image of Alan Watts
Every explicit duality is an implicit unity.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Unity
Image of Wallace D. Wattles
Resolve that you will now lay aside all else and concentrate upon the attainment of conscious unity with God.
- Wallace D. Wattles
Collection: Unity
Image of Edith Stein
Everything abstract is ultimately part of the concrete. Everything inanimate finally serves the living. That is why every activity dealing in abstraction stands in ultimate service to a living whole.
- Edith Stein
Collection: Unity
Image of Swami Vivekananda
Chemistry ceases to improve when one element is found from which all others are deductible. Physics ceases to progress when one force is found of which all others are manifestations. So religion ceases to progress when unity is reached, which is the case with Hinduism.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Unity
Image of Henry David Thoreau
The squeaking of the pump sounds as necessary as the music of the spheres.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Unity
Image of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Don’t try to understand! It’s enough if you do not misunderstand.
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Collection: Unity
Image of Rabindranath Tagore
The significance which is in unity is an eternal wonder.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Collection: Unity
Image of William Butler Yeats
Hammer your thoughts into unity.
- William Butler Yeats
Collection: Unity
Image of Albert Camus
It is not the world that is absurd, nor human thought: the absurd arises when the human need to understand meets the unreasonableness of the world, when 'my appetite for the absolute and for unity' meets 'the impossibility of reducing this world to a rational and reasonable principle.'
- Albert Camus
Collection: Unity
Image of Roger Williams
We find not in the Gospel, that Christ hath anywhere provided for the uniformity of churches, but only for their unity.
- Roger Williams
Collection: Unity
Image of Deepak Chopra
Your awareness has its source in unity. Instead of seeking outside yourself, go to the source to realize who you are.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Unity
Image of Walter J. Phillips
In most natural scenes there is a prevailing colour, which the landscape painter must learn to identify, and which must prevail also in a slightly exaggerated form, in his painting, for the sake of truth, harmony and unity.
- Walter J. Phillips
Collection: Unity
Image of Albert Camus
Every rebellion implies some kind of unity.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Unity
Image of Albert Camus
In every rebellion is to be found the metaphysical demand for unity, the impossibility of capturing it, and the construction of a substitute universe.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Unity
Image of Deepak Chopra
Unity consciousness is a state of enlightenment where we pierce the mask of illusion which creates separation and fragmentation. Behind the appearance of separation is one unified field of wholeness. Here the seer and the scenery are one.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Unity
Image of Wes Fesler
The deepest bonds of unity are forged through the trial of competing ideals that have compatible values.
- Wes Fesler
Collection: Unity
Image of Wes Fesler
There is no room for exclusion in family...only love.
- Wes Fesler
Collection: Unity
Image of Andrew Carnegie
Strength is derived from unity. The range of our collective vision is far greater when individual insights become one.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Unity