Top Theory Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Theory quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Kenneth R. Miller
We don't regard any scientific theory as the absolute truth
- Kenneth R. Miller
Collection: Theory
Image of John Brunner
If the evidence says you're wrong, you don't have the right theory. You change the theory, not the evidence.
- John Brunner
Collection: Theory
Image of William Whewell
The catastrophist constructs theories, the uniformitarian demolishes them.
- William Whewell
Collection: Theory
Image of Edward Weston
I am not limiting myself to theories, so I never question the rightness to my approach.
- Edward Weston
Collection: Theory
Image of Jean-Martin Charcot
Theory is good; but it doesn't prevent things from existing.
- Jean-Martin Charcot
Collection: Theory
Image of William Stanley Jevons
Economists can never be free of from difficulties unless they will distinguish between a theory and the application of a theory.
- William Stanley Jevons
Collection: Theory
Image of Kurt Lewin
There is nothing so practical as a good theory.
- Kurt Lewin
Collection: Theory
Image of Paul Cezanne
All the theories mess you up inside.
- Paul Cezanne
Collection: Theory
Image of Ludwig Boltzmann
Nothing is more practical than a good theory.
- Ludwig Boltzmann
Collection: Theory
Image of Massimo Pigliucci
If a theory purports to explain everything, then it is likely not explaining much at all.
- Massimo Pigliucci
Collection: Theory
Image of Asa Butterfield
My theory. Music can fix anything. Anything.
- Asa Butterfield
Collection: Theory
Image of Leonid Brezhnev
There is nothing more practical than a good theory.
- Leonid Brezhnev
Collection: Theory
Image of John Carew
I can now rejoice even in the falsification of a cherished theory, because even this is a scientific success.
- John Carew
Collection: Theory
Image of Carl Whitaker
I have a theory that theories are destructive.
- Carl Whitaker
Collection: Theory
Image of Josephine Lawrence
You can never tell what will happen to a theory before you can get around to using it.
- Josephine Lawrence
Collection: Theory
Image of Edwin Powell Hubble
Observation always involves theory.
- Edwin Powell Hubble
Collection: Theory
Image of Vijay Seshadri
These new theories of the universe, that there are multiple universes just bubbling up constantly - it's all pretty wild.
- Vijay Seshadri
Collection: Theory
Image of Albert Bandura
We are more heavily invested in the theories of failure than we are in the theories of success.
- Albert Bandura
Collection: Theory
Image of Mary Matalin
My theory on education is... get one.
- Mary Matalin
Collection: Theory
Image of Karl Popper
Historically speaking all - or very nearly all - scientific theories originate from myths.
- Karl Popper
Collection: Theory
Image of Oscar Wilde
No theory of life seemed to him to be of any importance compared with life itself
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Theory
Image of Karl Popper
There is no pure, disinterested, theory-free observation.
- Karl Popper
Collection: Theory
Image of Karl Popper
A theory that explains everything, explains nothing
- Karl Popper
Collection: Theory
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
[A] theory is a very dangerous thing to have.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Theory
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
The supreme misfortune is when theory outstrips performance
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Theory
Image of Natan Sharansky
My theory is that security - also against terror - can only be accomplished through global democratization.
- Natan Sharansky
Collection: Theory
Image of Wendell Berry
We live beyond words, as also we live beyond computation and beyond theory.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: Theory
Image of Virginia Woolf
Theories then are dangerous things.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Theory
Image of Haruki Murakami
A theory is a battlefield in your head.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Theory
Image of E. F. Schumacher
It is amazing how much theory we can do without when work actually begins.
- E. F. Schumacher
Collection: Theory
Image of Mark Batterson
Verse by verse, the Bible becomes more than theory. It becomes my firsthand experience.
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Theory
Image of Winston Churchill
We are stripped bare by the curse of plenty. [Referring to the theory that over-production caused the Depression]
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Theory
Image of Don DeLillo
That's what in theory differentiates a writer from everyone else. You see and hear more clearly.
- Don DeLillo
Collection: Theory
Image of Joan Collins
It's just something that I like, and I also don't buy into the ageism theory.
- Joan Collins
Collection: Theory
Image of Gene Weingarten
That is my theory to explain the I don't knows. It's human.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Theory
Image of W. Edwards Deming
Experience by itself teaches nothing... Without theory, experience has no meaning. Without theory, one has no questions to ask. Hence, without theory, there is no learning.
- W. Edwards Deming
Collection: Theory
Image of W. Edwards Deming
Without theory, there are no questions.
- W. Edwards Deming
Collection: Theory
Image of Mason Cooley
Theory now: concern for truth must not hobble our discussion.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Theory
Image of Richard P. Feynman
Another thing I must point out is that you cannot prove a vague theory wrong.
- Richard P. Feynman
Collection: Theory
Image of Albert Einstein
A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its area of applicability.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Theory
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
We do what we can, and then make a theory to prove our performance the best.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Theory
Image of Albert Einstein
The economists will have to revise their theories of value.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Theory
Image of Albert Einstein
Since others have explained my theory, I can no longer understand it myself.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Theory
Image of Freeman Dyson
The ground of science was littered with the corpses of dead unified theories.
- Freeman Dyson
Collection: Theory
Image of Albert Einstein
In my personal experience I have hardly come to know the wretchedness of mankind better than as a result of the general theory of relativity and everything connected to it. But it doesn't bother me.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Theory
Image of Ellen Glasgow
Theories have nothing to do with life.
- Ellen Glasgow
Collection: Theory
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Ahimsa in theory no one knows. It is as indefinable as God.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Theory
Image of Daniel Handler
Everybody has a theory.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Theory
Image of Stephen Hawking
Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it.
- Stephen Hawking
Collection: Theory
Image of David Hilbert
We do not master a scientific theory until we have shelled and completely prised free its mathematical kernel.
- David Hilbert
Collection: Theory