Top Teenager Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Teenager quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Teenager quotes.

Image of Jack Klugman
I'm 83 and a half years old and I feel fine. I feel like a teenager but I'm unable to do a lot of the things that I used to do but I enjoy life to the fullest.
- Jack Klugman
Collection: Teenager
Image of Vera Brosgol
Impressing a bunch of snooty teenagers is a pretty lame life goal to have.
- Vera Brosgol
Collection: Teenager
Image of Penelope Mitchell
When you're teenager, your hormones and your emotions are so tumultuous and so unpredictable. You're just trying to understand yourself.
- Penelope Mitchell
Collection: Teenager
Image of Lucille Ball
I cured myself of shyness when it finally occurred to me that people didn't think about me half as much as I gave them credit for. The truth was, nobody gave a damn. Like most teenagers, I was far too self-centered. When I stopped being prisoner to what I worried was others’ opinions of me, I became more confident and free.
- Lucille Ball
Collection: Teenager
Image of W. Kamau Bell
When I was a teenager, black pride became newly popular again. Suddenly a lot of black people were wearing the fake kente cloth and red black and green and Bob Marley. That was sort of my window into finding my own identity as a black person.
- W. Kamau Bell
Collection: Teenager
Image of Barry Ptolemy
I was absolutely floored as a lot of people are but also I was reunited with ideas that I actually had as a teenager and these are ideas that I had put away as I approached college years because they were ridiculous on the face of it and when you talk to someone about living forever, they just dismiss you out of hand.
- Barry Ptolemy
Collection: Teenager
Image of Zoe Leonard
I grew up in Harlem, but I moved to the Lower East Side when I was a teenager and it was ... I feel like when I try to describe it, it doesn't sound believable. It just sounds like you're lying. And I see it on the faces of my younger friends.
- Zoe Leonard
Collection: Teenager
Image of Le1f
Having had been not so well traveled as a kid, as most teenagers aren't, I always thought, "Okay I'm going to focus my energy on rap and the rap game, because that's how I'm going to be able to pay rent and pay off my school loans." But seeing the reaction with this whole gay rap situation has made me not want to play into it at all anymore and just make whatever.
- Le1f
Collection: Teenager
Image of Adrian Tomine
It's cold water in the face to realize you're not nearly as special and as unusual as you might have thought when you were an alienated teenager.
- Adrian Tomine
Collection: Teenager
Image of Adrian Tomine
When I talk to people who have teenagers now, their rooms are filled with screens. There are their phones and their DVD players and TVs and all these things to produce distractions for them, and I think it would be hard to find the time to create something. I think that's really changing something about adolescence.
- Adrian Tomine
Collection: Teenager
Image of Adrian Tomine
I think it's harder for each generation. Even I just feel completely separate from teenagers today who have access to the Internet. And I'm amazed that this interest in video games has never gone away. It just keeps growing.
- Adrian Tomine
Collection: Teenager
Image of Omar Zuniga
I became interested in film as a viewer when I was a teenager. I would spend entire afternoons in an arthouse theater in downtown Santiago. I didn't really expect to be a filmmaker back then. But it was clearly an interest.
- Omar Zuniga
Collection: Teenager
Image of John Lloyd Young
I'm kind of happy to know there may be some kid or teenager now who might never have had the chance to see my Broadway performance, but gets a taste for what it might have been like now, because they can see Clint Eastwood's film."
- John Lloyd Young
Collection: Teenager
Image of Sadakat Kadri
I was a teenager when General Zia took power in the Pakistan; I was in my twenties when I went there during the late 1980s and I saw then not only the novel punishments that he was introducing - because they were novel, and this is again something that's very important to understand, it's only in the last thirty, forty years, since 1979 in fact, that these penalties have been revived anywhere in the world apart from Saudi Arabia.
- Sadakat Kadri
Collection: Teenager
Image of Wendy Starland
Eventually as a teenager, I was pulled up on stage by James Brown's saxophone player, Maceo Parker, during one of his concerts and scatted on his stage for 20 minutes. After I was done, Maceo's bass player got down on one knee as if he were proposing, took a string off of his bass guitar and coiled it up around my ring finger. He hushed the crowd and said into the microphone, "Wendy, from this day forward you are married to music. You have a gift from God. You must devote your life to using this gift or else you will deprive the world of something so special." I got the chills.
- Wendy Starland
Collection: Teenager
Image of Kevin Shields
When I was a teenager, I learned that in order to play guitar like Johnny Ramone, it takes a huge amount of physical effort.
- Kevin Shields
Collection: Teenager
Image of Shelby Harris
Now circadian rhythms become very interesting and problematic for patients because when you become a teenager, your rhythms actually tend to naturally shift.
- Shelby Harris
Collection: Teenager
Image of Frances McDormand
There’s no desire to be an adult. Adulthood is not a goal. It’s not seen as a gift. Something happened culturally: No one is supposed to age past 45 — sartorially, cosmetically, attitudinally. Everybody dresses like a teenager. Everybody dyes their hair. Everybody is concerned about a smooth face.
- Frances McDormand
Collection: Teenager
Image of Yara Shahidi
When you're aware, from a young age, of how something plays in public, it makes you a young entrepreneur, whether you like it or not. I call most teenagers 'young entrepreneurs' because from a young age we're aware that our social media is building our brand. And if, when you're 13, you're concerned with building your brand, then "like" disparities matter.
- Yara Shahidi
Collection: Teenager
Image of Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra
I would say I was a philosophical boy. Thoughts about 'identical stones' are the earliest philosophical thoughts I remember. But when I was a teenager I also thought about the more typical philosophical problems teenagers think about: the existence of god, the objectivity of morality, whether one can know that the external world exists.
- Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra
Collection: Teenager
Image of Kieran Hebden
The lo-fi scene and the riot grrrl thing had a huge influence on me. As a teenager I went to see Bikini Kill and all those bands.
- Kieran Hebden
Collection: Teenager
Image of Gordon Hempton
If you're going to listen, you have to be willing to be changed by what you've heard. My life has gone through so many changes. I'm sixty-two years old right now, and I'm as busy changing now as I was when I was a teenager, or in my twenties. Every day is different. Every day brings new information.
- Gordon Hempton
Collection: Teenager
Image of Kesh
My fans - I hate the word supporters - it's an international following that isn't from being in London and existing on the "scene." It came from being on the Internet, from being a teenager communicating with different artists, showing who I am, who KESH is, as well as connecting with other people around the world doing similar things.
- Kesh
Collection: Teenager
Image of Gustav Ejstes
I was into hip-hop when I was a teenager. Then I started to look for samples, and I started a long Hendrix period - I liked the drums and the beats.
- Gustav Ejstes
Collection: Teenager
Image of Yannis Philippakis
Music was my friend when I was a teenager, and I would inhabit and take comfort in lyrics. That's how I want to write.
- Yannis Philippakis
Collection: Teenager
Image of Yannis Philippakis
When you're making an album with people who made your favorite records as a rebellious teenager, it feels like you've achieved something.
- Yannis Philippakis
Collection: Teenager
Image of Claire Dederer
I think that what I knew as a teenager, and what I rediscovered in my mid-forties, was - aside from the primacy of sexual desire and how strongly it rules me - this idea that we are lucky to feel something. Even if that something is sadness.
- Claire Dederer
Collection: Teenager
Image of Lisa Yee
At first I was thinking of it as superheroes who happened to be teenagers. Then I realized, no, I'm writing about teenagers who happen to be superheroes. Thinking like that changed everything for me. I started approaching the stories through the characters' core emotions, rather than leading with the superpowers.
- Lisa Yee
Collection: Teenager
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
[Calvinistic tradition] has fashioned and shaped my thinking since I was a teenager.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Teenager
Image of Mano Khalil
After school, I went to Damascus to study law and history, which I didn't really like. I didn't like history, in particular. In Syria, the regime was trying to present to us a distorted version of the past. Assad was shown as the father of history. So I decided to shift to film, which was something I had always loved as a teenager.
- Mano Khalil
Collection: Teenager
Image of Andy Kim
Kevin [Drew] beat me to the punch because when he first sent "Sister OK" and I'm listening to it, it took me to a place that I had not been to in a long time. It took me to a place when you're a teenager. I understand it all now, but in a moment of confusion, in a moment of trying to find some kind of solid ground in an environment that was quicksand in my life, it's that first line just kills me all the time: "Well it's just that your sister said you'd be OK."
- Andy Kim
Collection: Teenager
Image of Matthew Specktor
I was so very interested in literature and so relatively uninterested in the movies when I was a teenager.
- Matthew Specktor
Collection: Teenager
Image of Matthew Specktor
Every snotty egotistical teenager thinks they're smarter than the world they crawled out of. It didn't take me so long to grow out of that. I think I was only in my early twenties when I realized I was just relying on received ideas.
- Matthew Specktor
Collection: Teenager
Image of Simon Taylor-Davis
I think that as a teenager in England, it's very hard to avoid Europe. You see Barcelona, and you see all those places as a youngster. You go there on school trips and everything, but America is like a different planet.
- Simon Taylor-Davis
Collection: Teenager
Image of Nell Hudson
I just figured it out when I was approaching the age where teenagers forced to make major life decisions and I just went with my heart, which is that I love acting, and was lucky enough to kind of pursue that and for it to work out so far.
- Nell Hudson
Collection: Teenager
Image of Elly Jackson
I think something that happens when you grow a bit older is you become slightly less overly emotional. Obviously when you're young or a more progressed teenager, you're overly emotional, so that side of me calmed down. I wanted to write more about stories, and other things that I'd observed and seen or done.
- Elly Jackson
Collection: Teenager
Image of Osama Alomar
Since I was a teenager, I had wanted to come to the United States to establish my name as a writer and to establish my freedom. As a writer and artist, I cannot do anything without freedom. For me, freedom is just like the air or water. I cannot write without freedom.
- Osama Alomar
Collection: Teenager
Image of Stanley Nelson Jr.
People also don't understand how young the Panthers were - basically teenagers. And that they were over 50 percent women.
- Stanley Nelson Jr.
Collection: Teenager
Image of Meera Menon
When I was a teenager, I thought I wanted to be an actor. I worked on an Indian soap opera that was my first exposure to production. But I quickly became disillusioned by acting and seeing that in the movies I loved and the TV I loved, no one looked like me. There weren't going to be any leading roles that would be interested in casting someone with my face.
- Meera Menon
Collection: Teenager
Image of Rostam Batmanglij
I did take guitar lessons as a teenager, though, and I started to teach myself how to play everything I could play on the guitar on piano, so I had a really weird, non-traditional route to proficiency. I think it probably helped me come at things from a new angle.
- Rostam Batmanglij
Collection: Teenager
Image of Marnie Stern
People don't seem to care about convictions any more. When I was a teenager, the deal was that, y'know, you had a band that you were really loyal towards, almost to a fault, and you stayed really loyal to that band. That was the whole thing, that was such a big deal.
- Marnie Stern
Collection: Teenager
Image of Vivienne Westwood
I haven't told anyone this before, but when I was a teenager... I actually thought I was turning into a boy, and I didn't really care. It didn't bother me at all.
- Vivienne Westwood
Collection: Teenager
Image of Markus Zusak
I think to be writer you have to enjoy being alone. I was a loner as a teenager and was always drawn to characters in books and films who were at the fringes.
- Markus Zusak
Collection: Teenager
Image of Katherine Applegate
Oh, I'm sure we could talk them into letting us in for nothing," Marco said. "Just tell them we're Animorphs." "Tell them we're what?" Rachel asked. "Idiot teenagers with a death wish," Marco said. "Animorphs." I tried the word out. It sounded okay.
- Katherine Applegate
Collection: Teenager
Image of Jodi Picoult
Being a teenager isn't all that different from being part of someone else's story. There's always someone who thinks they know better than you do
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Teenager
Image of Barack Obama
You know, I think that we are going to be OK. Look, Malia is 10, so three years from now she is 13. Who knows what happens to teenagers?
- Barack Obama
Collection: Teenager
Image of Richard Branson
Ever since I saw the moon landing as a young teenager, I was determined I would go into space one day.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Teenager
Image of Justin Bieber
What do you get when you give a teenager $200 million? A bunch of has-beens calling you a lesbian for two hours.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Teenager
Image of John Oliver
Teenagers falling off skateboards - funny. Nut shots - funny. Breaking wind - funny. The world cannot change those. Those three things are columns upon which humor is built.
- John Oliver
Collection: Teenager