Top stress Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of stress quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more stress quotes.

Image of Agnes Meyer Driscoll
Tension is a prerequisite for creative living.
- Agnes Meyer Driscoll
Collection: Stress
Image of Mark Rippetoe
There is simply no other exercise, and certainly no machine, that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength, psychological demand and toughness, and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat.
- Mark Rippetoe
Collection: Stress
Image of Michael Ray
In my courses I encourage people to bring their creativity to bear on six personal challenges - discovering purpose and career, dealing with time and stress issues, developing and maintaining good relationships, achieving personal/professional balance or synergy in life, finding true prosperity, and bringing one's own creativity into the business and life. Unless people are continually dealing with these challenges, they are not bringing out their best and are not of much use to anyone, particularly themselves and their organizations.
- Michael Ray
Collection: Stress
Image of Jonathan Ott
While public school history courses in the United States stress the horrors of the German Nazi murder of 6 million Jews and Josef Stalin's pogroms against racial minorities and political dissidents in the Soviet Union, the facts that the U.S. Army's solution to the 'Indian Problem' was the prototype for the Nazi 'Final Solution' to the 'Jewish Problem' and that the North American Indian Reservation was the model for the twentieth century gulag and concentration camp, are conveniently overlooked.
- Jonathan Ott
Collection: Stress
Image of Carolee Schneemann
I assume the senses crave sources of maximum information, that the eye benefits by exercise, stretch, and expansion towards materials of complexity and substance, . . . conditions which alert the total sensibility - cast it almost in stress - extend insight and response, the basic responsive range of empathetic-kinesthetic vitality.
- Carolee Schneemann
Collection: Stress
Image of Gabrielle Bernstein
The second you change the way you look at a situation, your stress levels drop.
- Gabrielle Bernstein
Collection: Stress
Image of Gabrielle Bernstein
Much of our anxiety and stress comes when we're focused on fear and disconnected from the voice of our inner guide.
- Gabrielle Bernstein
Collection: Stress
Image of Clifford Allbutt
I am sick of diseases, I want to know origins and processes…If we are to prevent disease it is to the beginning of the chain of accumulating stresses that we must look.
- Clifford Allbutt
Collection: Stress
Image of Aaron T. Beck
Cognitive therapy seeks to alleviate psychological stresses by correcting faulty conceptions and self-signals. By correcting erroneous beliefs we can lower excessive reactions.
- Aaron T. Beck
Collection: Stress
Image of Grantly Dick-Read
The woman in labor must have NO STRESS placed upon her. She must be free to move about, walk, rock, go to the bathroom by herself, lie on her side or back, squat or kneel, or anything she finds comfortable, without fear of being scolded or embarrassed. Nor is there any need for her to be either "quiet" or "good."
- Grantly Dick-Read
Collection: Stress
Image of P. M. Forni
These small indignities and minor cruelties take a toll. They add to the burden of stress and fatigue that is already present in the workplace and they have real consequences on the every day lives of workers.
- P. M. Forni
Collection: Stress
Image of Charles J. Chaput
I want to stress again the importance of really living what we claim to believe. That needs to be a priority-not just in our personal and family lives but in our churches, our political choices, our business dealings, our treatment of the poor; in other words, in everything we do.
- Charles J. Chaput
Collection: Stress
Image of Tom Burke
The security of people and nations rests on four pillars - food, energy, water and climate. They are all closely related, and all under increasing stress
- Tom Burke
Collection: Stress
Image of Nigel Dennis
Close encounters are bad. Bad for the animal, as it causes stress, and bad for me for exactly the same reason.
- Nigel Dennis
Collection: Stress
Image of Orji Uzor Kalu
If we should tell ourselves the truth, all things being equal, President Jonathan will be re-elected with minimal stress, because of his sterling performance in the last six years.
- Orji Uzor Kalu
Collection: Stress
Image of Arthur L. Williams, Jr.
I don't believe people die from hard work. They die from stress and worry and fear - the negative emotions. Those are the killers, not hard work. The fact is, in our society today, most people don't understand what hard work is all about.
- Arthur L. Williams, Jr.
Collection: Stress
Image of Wess Roberts
Much of the stress you experience may be created by recognizing a problem and doing nothing about it.
- Wess Roberts
Collection: Stress
Image of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
It is how people respond to stress that determines whether they will profit from misfortune or be miserable.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Collection: Stress
Image of John Beddington
Extreme weather like the droughts in Russia, China and Brazil and the flooding in Pakistan and Australia [in 2010] have contributed to a level of food price volatility we haven't seen since the oil crisisof 40 years ago. Unfortunately, this could be just a taste of things to come because in the next few decades the build-up of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere could greatly increase the risk of droughts, flooding, pest infestation and water scarcity for agriculture systems already under tremendous stress.
- John Beddington
Collection: Stress
Image of Suzy Welch
Most people don't know where they stand. One day their boss gives them an eye roll, and it can set back their whole day. It causes enormous stress.
- Suzy Welch
Collection: Stress
Image of Amit Ray
If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.
- Amit Ray
Collection: Stress
Image of Claudine Schneider
Over and over again, we must stress that a healthy ecology is the basis for a healthy economy.
- Claudine Schneider
Collection: Stress
Image of Rolf Dobelli
Steve Chandler and Duane Black present an approach to management that promises to lower your stress level, increase your happiness and allow everyone in your organization to be more creative and productive.
- Rolf Dobelli
Collection: Stress
Image of Ace Antonio Hall
If you get to a point where something happens today to stress you out, take a breath & center your thoughts on peace. Ignored thoughts die.
- Ace Antonio Hall
Collection: Stress
Image of Dale Archer
Post traumatic stress disorder starts out with nightmares, flashbacks and actually reliving the event. And this happens over and over and over and over in your mind. If you let it go on, it can become chronic and become hard if not impossible to treat.
- Dale Archer
Collection: Stress
Image of Dr. John
Stress is the inability to adapt to a changing environment.
- Dr. John
Collection: Stress
Image of Liam Fox
I felt it was vital to stress the importance of national security in this debate and the need for a clear path to our exit from the European Union. I hope I have achieved both these objectives.
- Liam Fox
Collection: Stress
Image of Michael Koryta
I think pressure can be an incentive toward improvement, and while I'm not denying that I feel some, I will also stress that it is self-inflicted and hopefully can be channeled in a healthy way.
- Michael Koryta
Collection: Stress
Image of James Dashner
What would I do without you? I'd die of stress and depression before nature killed me.
- James Dashner
Collection: Stress
Image of Ana Gasteyer
It’s funny, there are so many women who are former executives and have taken all that stress and anxiety and transferred it onto their kids.
- Ana Gasteyer
Collection: Stress
Image of Pascal Bruckner
Frustration is a bad experience. What you have to stress is the satisfaction.
- Pascal Bruckner
Collection: Stress
Image of Steve Valentine
Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep yet
- Steve Valentine
Collection: Stress
Image of Justin Berfield
L.A. can be intense but the second you get over the hill into Calabasas, your stress level immediately drops because it's so peaceful and safe. Sometimes I really miss it.
- Justin Berfield
Collection: Stress
Image of Carl Safina
We are blessed with a magnificent and miraculous world ocean on this planet. But we are also stressing it in ways that we are not even close to bringing under control.
- Carl Safina
Collection: Stress
Image of Todd Snider
They say 74% of everything you're learning in college is a bunch of bullshit you'll never need 83.4% of everything you've got, you bought to satisfy you're greed Because 91% of the world's population links their pssessions to success Even though 88% of the wealthiest 1% of the population drinks to an alarming excess More money more stress.
- Todd Snider
Collection: Stress
Image of Amy Sherman-Palladino
Gilmore Girls was the highlight of my ridiculous life. I can't wait to sit with these unbelievable broads and relive a time where sleep did not exist, where stress and coffee were mama's little helpers, and where we all dove into the deep end together to make something weird and very, very cool.
- Amy Sherman-Palladino
Collection: Stress
Image of Alexandra Daddario
I try to write my own music. It's a good way of de-stressing.
- Alexandra Daddario
Collection: Stress
Image of Tim Lebbon
It wasn't a case of me sitting down and thinking, right then, what shall I do with my life? Airline pilot? Plumber? Guitar manufacturer? Writer .... yeah, writer. I've always loved writing, from a very early age--I guess I was writing my first stories when I was still in single digits. It progressed, and the love of writing grew in my mind and is still growing. Doing it full-time, there are different stresses and tensions, and the business side of it comes to the fore sometimes. But I still love it, and I'm always thankful that I can do what I do and make a living from it.
- Tim Lebbon
Collection: Stress
Image of Jordan Burroughs
I know that stress on me mentally and physically will only help me improve not only as a human being but as a wrestler.
- Jordan Burroughs
Collection: Stress
Image of John Ratey
At every level, from the microcellular to the psychological, exercise not only wards off the ill effects of chronic stress; it can also reverse them. Studies show that if researchers exercise rats that have been chronically stressed, that activity makes the hippocampus grow back to its preshriveled state. The mechanisms by which exercise changes how we think and feel are so much more effective than donuts, medicines, and wine. When you say you feel less stressed out after you go for a swim, or even a fast walk, you are.
- John Ratey
Collection: Stress
Image of Roy Masters
Imagine that someone said or did something cruel to you, but that you did not react in any way whatsoever – you did not become upset, resentful or even ruffled. You simply observed that this person was saying or doing something cruel, as though you were calmly observing the scene in a movie. You simply would not be stressed by what would appear to others to be a highly stressful encounter. Stress and cruelty affect us as profoundly as they do only because we react to them resentfully.
- Roy Masters
Collection: Stress
Image of Aaron McGruder
I think, being a public figure - which, I have to admit, I guess I'm largely responsible for, in terms of going out and putting myself out there - comes with its own burdens, and its own things that cause you stress, and its own worries.
- Aaron McGruder
Collection: Stress
Image of David Breashears
The stresses of high-altitude climbing reveal your true character; they unmask who you really are. You no longer have all the social graces to hide behind, to play roles. You are the essence of what you are.
- David Breashears
Collection: Stress
Image of Gary Lutz
If I believe in anything when it comes to writing, and I can't stress enough that I detest writing, it's something that sticks with me not from any English class but from some awfully recondite driver's ed. seminars I had the privilege to audit during my mid-teens, and to this day I probably misunderstand it anyway. It's the term "right of way."
- Gary Lutz
Collection: Stress
Image of James Dobson
The Lord doesn't always remove the sources of stress in our lives...but He's always there and cares for us. We can feel His arms around us on the darkest night.
- James Dobson
Collection: Stress
Image of P. K. Page
It is the stress that holds the structure up.
- P. K. Page
Collection: Stress
Image of Chris Cannon
Nothing relieves stress like setting things on fire.
- Chris Cannon
Collection: Stress
Image of Stanley Sarnoff
The process of living is the process of reacting to stress.
- Stanley Sarnoff
Collection: Stress
Image of Enson Inoue
MMA for me was a stepping stone in my life as a man to grow... The stress and the fears and anxiety you've got to overcome in that moment is not something you're ever going to gain in a daily lifetime routine.
- Enson Inoue
Collection: Stress