Top steven Quotes Collection - Page 3

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Image of Steven Wilson
When it comes to being in a band or going solo, one is collaborative, and one is not. But generally speaking, when going solo, I am the boss. People can contribute ideas, but I am the boss. When collaborating, you make compromises and look for a common ground.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
We had an extreme reaction to Storm Corrosion. We were proud of it, but it divided the audience. The metal fans were divided. Some went with it. Some hated it, since it wasn't the progressive metal supergroup they were waiting for.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
The definition of an artist, for me, is someone who is quite selfish about their creativity.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
The real artists are ultimately people who don't consider their audience and are almost incapable of considering their audience. They can do what they do and fire themselves up.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I have a thing for major 7ths. They've got a very mournful, nostalgic quality to them.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
My favourite chord? Bb6th with added 9th.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I'm not one of those guys who can just take a guitar into a room and come out with a song. I need all my instruments dotted around.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I think anybody who likes Cardiacs, they tend to be quite evangelistic about them for obvious reasons. They're not a band you can be on the fence about.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I left school, and I went to work in a computer company. I was in my late teens.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
People who like progressive music tend to sneer at the idea of a kind of punk aesthetic, and people who like alternative indie rock or punk rock tend to sneer at what they see as the pretentiousness and pomposity of progressive music.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I think 'genius' is an overused word.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
It's always lovely to discover that the people that you kind of look up to are actually very down-to-earth people.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I never made a distinction, really, between music and sound. Let me explain what I mean by that. I grew up near to a train station, and the sound of the trains became a very important part of my world. It was a very musical sound to me.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
My musical tastes are very diverse. I just never felt like listening to certain kinds of bands. There's too much great stuff out there.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I've never been one of those people who say, 'Oh, well, if you play this kind of music, you can only like these kinds of bands.'
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
So many things influence me in one way or another. Some might be surprising, but that's OK.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
In the mid- to late '70s, there was no one better than ABBA at writing and producing great pop.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
It's too easy now to find music, and it's therefore too easy to dismiss music, particularly music that doesn't hit you the first time you hear it.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
Like anybody, I look around at the world that we live in, and I find it hard to be completely positive about everything that's going on.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
When I was growing up, I was always looking for the most willfully uncommercial music: Whether it was Captain Beefheart or Frank Zappa or King Crimson, that's what attracted me.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
Ultimately, I'd like to create a body of work where every album has its own personality and a reason to exist within the catalog, not just 'more of the same.'
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
One thing I have found over years is that if you change direction, the initial reaction tends to be very polarized, but as the music gradually filters through and fans start engaging with it on its own terms rather than comparing it to what went before, the appreciation and acceptance of it increases.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I always wanted to create my own musical world. That takes time and must be earned, and it does mean sometimes confronting the expectations of the audience.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I think that's part of the battle of defining yourself as an artist. You're constantly fighting the pressure from outside to be pigeonholed and deliver more of what people already liked.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
Pop shouldn't be a comfortable slipper. It should shock and surprise you and confront your expectations.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven