Top steven Quotes Collection - Page 2

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Image of Steven Crowder
A prime example of 'turning the other cheek' would be the United States allowing Canada to exist as a country. Sure, we could take over Canada with ease. We'd certainly benefit from conquering a country rich in natural resources and never-ending comedic talent. Instead, we decide to make friends and treat them with the utmost respect.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Tinseltown really likes to think that they have a handle on all things 'love.' After all, they've turned it into a billion dollar industry with romance films, trashy TV shows, and 'who's-dating-who' tabloids.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
The Western world needs to ally themselves against the evil that is political Islam. To unite with its practitioners would be to unite with evil. Anyone who sees that as a virtue is simply enabling evil and, by proxy, is evil themselves.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
President Obama... is a wimp.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
When I see out-of-shape, overweight people huffing and puffing in the gym, my eyes well up with tears of pride. I want to walk over to them, hug them, and say, 'Good on you for getting in here. It gets better!' You know why? Because they're challenging themselves.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
I am consistently amazed at Sean Hannity's inability to host his own show. He's a dear, dear man - a very nice person... these liberals who aren't even that smart just come in and absolutely bulldoze him like a child.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
I'm not saying Michael Moore's smarter than Sean Hannity, but Michael Moore is better at running interviews than Hannity, even though Hannity's running the interview!
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
I spent a lot of my life afraid as a kid, even throughout high school.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
All of my videos, everything I upload is short and edited.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
People can hold any opinion that they want on any subject that they choose. Just don't proactively lie to people. It's a simple request, really, and one that we don't hear nearly enough.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Ever since my grade school days, as I mastered the art of 'faking sick' and I stumbled across 'The View,' I've been confusedly asking myself the same question... How do these dumb broads remain gainfully employed?
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Joy Behar... Is never even funny accidentally.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Have you ever noticed how hell-bent liberals are at making the United States seem inferior to other countries... to any country?
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
I still can't decide which is silliest; a person believing in a God who 'isn't there,' or a person offended by a God whom he doesn't believe exists.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
The painful truth is that in its attempt to remain 'morally neutral,' Hollywood is causing us to raise a nation of cads and harlots... Thanks again, Sean Penn!
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
When Barack Obama tries to continually weasel his ever-expanding government into the private sector or does something like try to sneak the biggest backdoor tax in history into the books, he ceases to be 'Presidential.'
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
If I hadn't been raised in such a logical household, the entertainment industry would have elicited only one reaction from me in regards to 'Christians': 'Good God, these people are crazy.'
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Even though ripping on those of the Christian cloth is nothing new, edgy, or thought provoking, Hollywood feels the need to do it with each of their religiously overtoned talkies.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
We all know that Kim Jong-il is 'buy-yourself-a-handgun' crazy. It's pretty much a given.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
North Korea is really just the kid who decided he'd be 'all out crazy,' hoping people would be scared off by the tirades and avoid stepping up to the plate.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Why on Earth would the United States ever want to be more like Europe? Correct me if I'm wrong, but we left, did we not? Not only did we leave that older, lesser world behind, but we left skid-marks along the way with an entire continent eating our proverbial dust.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
I guess as far as leftists are concerned, the United States can't qualify as a 'cultured society' simply because we've actually created a society that works.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
If appeasing other nations means that we need to begin acting like them, you can count me out.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
For people who seem so hell-bent on multiculturalism, why can't liberals understand that free enterprise/freedom is a part of the American Culture?
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
One of my goals in life is to watch political correctness shrivel up and die (as it should be for any true conservative).
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Folks, it's okay to find flamboyant homosexuality funny.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
My name is Steven Crowder, and I happen to find blatant gayness funny. I mean really funny.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
To a straight man, the notion of walking around as a coiffed, waxed, nail-polish-wearing, lispy dude is uproariously absurd. As people, we find absurdities funny. That's our first step in making sense of them.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
I'm a pansy when compared to the men and women of the United States military.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Contrary to what most of Hollywood will tell you, the men and women of our armed forces are the best among us. Not only because of how they serve, but because they are able to find the best in each other... And they are able to encapsulate the best in all of us.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
God bless America, God bless the troops.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
All I'm saying is that I rarely find myself pointing to Sean Penn's love life thinking, 'I want to be like that.'
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
If you're unhappy with your circumstances, then change them. Don't blame the government or your boss or the guy down the street who's better looking than you (exceptions include Hugh Jackman and George Clooney). Just take some Pepto-Bismol and be a man (or woman, for all of you bullish feminists).
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
More often than not, people who are poor... are right where they should be.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
The mistake that all 'long-term poor people' make is putting others under a microscope in an attempt to set blame. That right there is a true loser's mentality (or 'poppycock' if you will).
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Crowder
Death is not only a passing on but a time for everyone else to truthfully reflect on one's life.
- Steven Crowder
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I've played to audiences where people are sitting there with their arms crossed, just kind of watching. Although they might be having a great time, and they might be really enjoying the spectacle, if I'm not getting anything back, it does affect the way I perform and project.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
It's nice to be in the position where you're the guy with the vision, but you're able to work with people who can bring your vision to life - and then some.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I think there is something about the Internet which gives people almost an opportunity to role play and to create a facade, an image. I see that as quite a dangerous development because I think what we call social networking, Twitter, Facebook, etc., is actually quite antisocial.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I grew up with vinyl records and remember the pleasure and the kind of buzz that I got from buying a beautiful vinyl record with the sleeve and the lyrics - all that kind of tactile experience that you could get from an old vinyl record.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I really love the combination of Israel and England. They are completely different. The British are very private and keep things to themselves, while Israelis aren't that way. In England, I couldn't make friends with people in the supermarket or people who work at my bank or post office, but in Israel I can, and I like that.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
When I was younger, I worked for several years composing music for commercials, but I was very happy to give that up. I didn't really like it, it was a way of financing my bands.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
Every time I make a new record, some of my existing fans are going to like it, and some are not. It's inevitable, and it's part of the deal. It's part of the job description.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
What I do is I basically make records to please myself first and foremost, and so one of the most important things for me as a musician and a writer and a producer is to feel like there's always a sense of evolution and reinvention with each record.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
If you live in the city, you only have to look out your window to see enough that would make you feel that you don't want to step outside your front door ever again.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
My first love is making records, and whatever's necessary in order for me to achieve that, I'll learn how to do it.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
That's what made me fall in love with music in the first place was the idea of being able to take listeners on a journey across forty or sixty minutes.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
I grew up listening to a lot of very smart pop records by artists like Kate Bush, Talk Talk, Peter Gabriel, Prince, Depeche Mode, Tears for Fears, The The.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven
Image of Steven Wilson
My fifth record is, in many ways, inspired by the hugely ambitious progressive pop records that I loved in my youth.
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Steven