Top Spring Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of Spring quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more Spring quotes.

Image of William Cowper
Spring hangs her infant blossoms on the trees, Rock'd in the cradle of the western breeze.
- William Cowper
Collection: Spring
Image of Emily Dickinson
The older I grow the more do I love spring and spring flowers. Is it so with you?
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Spring
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
Heroism, self-denial, and magnanimity, in all instances where they do not spring from a principle of religion, are but splendid altars on which we sacrifice one kind of self-love to another.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Spring
Image of Matthew Tobin Anderson
People talk about the beauty of the spring, but I can't see it. The trees are brown and bare, slimy with rain. Some are crawling with new purple hairs. And the buds are bulging like tumorous acne, and I can tell that something wet, and soft, and cold, and misshapen is about to be born. And I am turning into a vampire.
- Matthew Tobin Anderson
Collection: Spring
Image of Phyllis Diller
Right from the start my parents had left me to fend for myself. Apparently unaware that I was a kid, they invariably treated me like an adult, perhaps because they themselves were no spring chickens.
- Phyllis Diller
Collection: Spring
Image of Jon Gordon
We had Bob's [Gordon] records, and he's on Clifford Brown's first record as a leader. I believe it was Clifford Brown's first record as a leader and had the original versions of Daahoud and Joy Spring that were arranged by Bob's best friend, the West Coast tenor player named Jack Montrose, who I later met.
- Jon Gordon
Collection: Spring
Image of John Dewey
Even the alleged benefits of war, so far as more than alleged, spring from the fact that conflict of peoples at least enforces intercourse between them and thus accidentally enables them to learn from one another, and thereby to expand their horizons. Travel, economic and commercial tendencies, have at present gone far to break down external barriers; to bring peoples and classes into closer and more perceptible connection with one another.
- John Dewey
Collection: Spring
Image of Sarah Ban Breathnach
Today, look at the blue sky, hear the grass growing beneath your feet, inhale the scent of spring, let the fruits of the earth linger on your tongue, reach out and embrace those you love. Ask Spirit to awaken your awareness to the sacredness of your sensory perceptions.
- Sarah Ban Breathnach
Collection: Spring
Image of Joan Didion
It was the United States of America in the cold late spring of 1967, and the market was steady and the G.N.P. high and a great many articulate people seemed to have a sense of high social purpose and it might have been a spring of brave hopes and national promise, but it was not, and more and more people had the uneasy apprehension that it was not.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Spring
Image of Paul Davies
If you get a drill and drill down 5km beneath the ground, it's teeming with life - millions of tiny living fossils. They resemble the earliest life forms and suggest that life started under the Ground. The bible talks of Eden as a sunny parkland with white fluffy clouds, but it probably ascended from the region that we now associate with Hell.
- Paul Davies
Collection: Spring
Image of Paul Davies
I always look on the black side of life. That way, you won't be disappointed and I'm cheerful if it doesn't work out. I'm a cheerful pessimist.
- Paul Davies
Collection: Spring
Image of e. e. cummings
it's spring when the world is puddle-wonderful
- e. e. cummings
Collection: Spring
Image of Confucius
There are cases in which the blade springs, but the plant does not go on to flower. There are cases where it flowers, but no fruit is subsequently produced.
- Confucius
Collection: Spring
Image of Gautama Buddha
Winter always turns into Spring.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Spring
Image of Socrates
I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence.
- Socrates
Collection: Spring
Image of Emily Dickinson
An altered look about the hills; A Tyrian light the village fills; A wider sunrise in the dawn; A deeper twilight on the lawn; A print of a vermilion foot; A purple finger on the slope; A flippant fly upon the pane; A spider at his trade again; An added strut in chanticleer; A flower expected everywhere.
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Spring
Image of Ally Condie
Red is the first color of spring. It's the real color of rebirth. Of beginning.
- Ally Condie
Collection: Spring
Image of Tina Fey
This January, Kevin Costner will be honored by the Palm Springs International Film Festival for his contribution to film. This gives Costner just two months to make a contribution to film.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Spring
Image of George Eliot
It cuts one sadly to see the grief of old people; they've no way o' working it off; and the new spring brings no new shoots out on the withered tree.
- George Eliot
Collection: Spring
Image of Frederick Lenz
The kundalini energy is often compared to a snake that is coiled up. Because it is coiled up it can spring very quickly. It can jump and extend itself very far.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Spring
Image of Fyodor Dostoevsky
Lamentations comfort only by lacerating the heart still more. Such grief does not desire consolation. It feeds on the sense of its hopelessness. Lamentations spring only from the constant craving to re-open the wound.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Collection: Spring
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
Yet birth, and lust, and illness, and death are changeless things, and when one of these harsh facts springs out upon a man at some sudden turn of the path of life, it dashes off for the moment his mask of civilization and gives a glimpse of the stranger and stronger face below.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Spring
Image of Meister Eckhart
Through the higher love the whole life of man is to be elevated from temporal selfishness to the spring of all love, to God: man will again be master over nature by abiding in God and lifting her up to God.
- Meister Eckhart
Collection: Spring
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
In shape they were like horrible toads, and moved in a succession of springs, but in size they were of an incredible bulk, larger than the largest elephant. We had never before seen them save at night, and indeed they are nocturnal animals save when disturbed in their lairs, as these had been. We now stood amazed at the sight, for their blotched and warty skins were of a curious fish-like iridescence, and the sunlight struck them with an ever-varying rainbow bloom as they moved.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Spring
Image of Fyodor Dostoevsky
Though I do not believe in the order of things, still the sticky little leaves that come out in the spring are dear to me, the blue sky is dear to me, some people are dear to me, whom one loves sometimes, would you believe it, without even knowing why; some human deeds are dear to me, which one has perhaps long ceased believing in, but still honors with one's heart, out of old habit..." --Ivan Karamazov
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Collection: Spring
Image of Cassandra Peterson
I was probably about 13 or 14, and I went by myself to the City Auditorium in Colorado Springs and saw the guy who wrote and sang "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini." Brian something. And I got to meet him and he signed an autograph for me, a little piece of paper. Brian Hyland! It was so bizarre.
- Cassandra Peterson
Collection: Spring
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sleep is not, death is not; Who seem to die Live. House you were born in, Friends of your spring-time, old man and young maid, Day's toil and it's guerdon, They are all vanishing, Fleeing to fables, Cannot be moored
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Spring
Image of Dogen
When you paint Spring, do not paint willows, plums, peaches, or apricots, but just paint Spring. To paint willows, plums, peaches, or apricots is to paint willows, plums, peaches, or apricots - it is not yet painting Spring.
- Dogen
Collection: Spring
Image of Meister Eckhart
If anyone went on for a thousand years asking of life: 'Why are you living?' life, if it could answer, would only say, 'I live so that I may live.' That is because life lives out of its own ground and springs from its own source, and so it lives without asking why it is itself living.
- Meister Eckhart
Collection: Spring
Image of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Our forms of government - though both cast in the democratic pattern - are greatly different. Indeed, sometimes it appears that many of our misunderstandings spring from an imperfect knowledge on the part of both of us of the dissimilarities in our forms of government.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Collection: Spring
Image of George Eliot
Fairy folk a-listening Hear the seed sprout in the spring, And for music to their dance Hear the hedgerows wake from trance, Sap that trembles into buds Sending little rhythmic floods Of fairy sound in fairy ears. Thus all beauty that appears Has birth as sound to finer sense And lighter-clad intelligence.
- George Eliot
Collection: Spring
Image of George Eliot
I might mention all the divine charms of a bright spring day, but if you had never in your life utterly forgotten yourself in straining your eyes after the mounting lark, or in wandering through the still lanes when the fresh-opened blossoms fill them with a sacred silent beauty like that of fretted aisles, where would be the use of my descriptive catalogue?
- George Eliot
Collection: Spring
Image of Mary Baker Eddy
Spring is my sweetheart.
- Mary Baker Eddy
Collection: Spring
Image of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Our greatest indulgence towards a man springs from our despair of him.
- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Collection: Spring
Image of Edward Everett
When every brake hath found its note, and sunshine smiles in every flower.
- Edward Everett
Collection: Spring
Image of Maya Angelou
That knowledge humbles me, melts my bones, closes my ears, and makes my teeth rock loosely in their gums. And it also liberates me. I am a big bird winging over high mountains, down into serene valleys. I am ripples of waves on silver seas. I'm a spring leaf trembling in anticipation.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Spring
Image of T. S. Eliot
Cling, swing, Spring, sing, Swing up into the apple tree.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Spring
Image of George Eliot
We reap what we sow, but nature has love over and above that justice, and gives us shadow and blossom and fruit, that spring from no planting of ours.
- George Eliot
Collection: Spring
Image of George Eliot
the mysterious complexity of our life is not to be embraced by maxims ... to lace ourselves up in formulas of that sort is to repress all the divine promptings and inspirations that spring from growing insight and sympathy.
- George Eliot
Collection: Spring
Image of Fyodor Dostoevsky
There is something at the bottom of every new human thought, every thought of genius, or even every earnest thought that springs up in any brain, which can never be communicated to others, even if one were to write volumes about it and were explaining one's idea for thirty-five years; there's something left which cannot be induced to emerge from your brain, and remains with you forever; and with it you will die, without communicating to anyone perhaps the most important of your ideas.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Collection: Spring
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The glance is natural magic. The mysterious communication established across a house between two entire strangers, moves all the springs of wonder.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Spring
Image of Malcolm Forbes
One cannot walk into an April day in a negative way. With spring, each man's plans and hopes result in new efforts, fresh actions. All of which has a mighty important bearing on the economy. There are those of us who think that the psychology of man, each and together, has more impact on markets, business, services and building and all the fabric of an economy than all the more measurable statistical indices.
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Spring
Image of Zeena Schreck
A unifying factor between the different traditions and lineages of Tantra, is that it is feminine in nature. It acknowledges the feminine as the basis from which all the practices spring. Therefore, Tantra is by its nature, the understanding that all phenomenal existence, the universe, or cosmos, that we experience is feminine in nature.
- Zeena Schreck
Collection: Spring
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
There's so much spring in the air- there's so much lazy sweetness in your heart.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Spring