Top Spring Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of Spring quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more Spring quotes.

Image of Hee-seop Choi
In spring training I'm in every newspaper (in Korea) every day. In the regular season, they watch it on TV.
- Hee-seop Choi
Collection: Spring
Image of Meher Baba
Love has to spring spontaneously from within And it is no way amenable to any form of inner or outer force. Love and coercion can never go together; But though love cannot be forced on anyone, It can be awakened in him through love itself. Love is essentially self communicative; Those who do not have it catch it from those who have it. True love is unconquerable and irresistible, And it goes on gathering power and spreading itself, Until eventually it transforms everyone whom it touches.
- Meher Baba
Collection: Spring
Image of Meher Baba
People wait for the big moment, the great event, and forget that happiness comes from building steadily on the small daily things of life. People wait for that special moment to express love and forget that love springs from thoughtfulness practised every day. People wait, but waiting is future and NOW is always the time.
- Meher Baba
Collection: Spring
Image of P. D. James
however long we have to live, there are never enough springs.
- P. D. James
Collection: Spring
Image of Robert Veninga
When one has faith that the spring thaw will arrive, the winter winds seem to lose some of their punch.
- Robert Veninga
Collection: Spring
Image of Julia McNair Wright
We do not take much warning of our own mortality in seeing others die, nor of our own weakness in seeing others break down: we think we feel the springs of life stronger in us.
- Julia McNair Wright
Collection: Spring
Image of Jack Irons
"Yield" was completed in 1997 and released in 1998. In the spring of 1997, I had made a decision to stop taking medications that I had been taking daily since 1988.
- Jack Irons
Collection: Spring
Image of George Wendt
I'm sure there has been something ridiculous [to sign], but nothing springs to mind. You have the usual things like breasts and such.
- George Wendt
Collection: Spring
Image of Jean Hersey
In March winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us too.
- Jean Hersey
Collection: Spring
Image of Jean Hersey
When you plant early, you bring spring early.
- Jean Hersey
Collection: Spring
Image of Thomas Binney
All errors spring up in the neighborhood of some truth; they grow round about it, and, for the most part, derive their strength from such contiguity.
- Thomas Binney
Collection: Spring
Image of Adah Isaacs Menken
There is a graveyard in my poor heart - dark, heaped-up graves, from which no flowers spring.
- Adah Isaacs Menken
Collection: Spring
Image of Robert Johnson
A sense of reverence is necessary for psychological health. If a person has no sense of reverence, no feeling that there is anyone or anything that inspires awe, it cuts the personality off completely from the nourishing springs of the unconscious.
- Robert Johnson
Collection: Spring
Image of Marah Ellis Ryan
with the spring a sort of inspiration is wakened in the most prosaic of us. The same spirit of change that thrills the saplings with fresh vitality sends through human veins a creeping ecstasy of new life.
- Marah Ellis Ryan
Collection: Spring
Image of Gertrude Jekyll
More than half a century has passed, and yet each spring, when I wander into the primrose wood, I see the pale yellow blooms and smell their sweetest scent - for a moment I am seven years old again and wandering in that fragrant wood.
- Gertrude Jekyll
Collection: Spring
Image of Ted Hughes
One day God felt he ought to give his workshop a spring clean... It was amazing what ragged bits and pieces came from under his workbench as he swept. Beginnings of creatures, bits that looked useful but had seemed wrong, ideas he'd mislaid and forgotten... There was even a tiny lump of sun. He scratched his head. What could be done with all this rubbish?
- Ted Hughes
Collection: Spring
Image of Wilhelm von Humboldt
Whatever does not spring from a man's free choice, or is only the result of instruction and guidance, does not enter into his very being, but still remains alien to his true nature; he does not perform it with truly human energies, but merely with mechanical exactness.
- Wilhelm von Humboldt
Collection: Spring
Image of Ashley Judd
Your private relationship with yourself is a spring that will feed every other factor.
- Ashley Judd
Collection: Spring
Image of Ayana Mathis
All of us, writers and non-writers alike, have incredible well-springs of personal experience and history. And we also have imagination - which I think is a kind of human miracle.
- Ayana Mathis
Collection: Spring
Image of Richard Sammel
It's a very beneficial experience for me that America has started to be interested in me. I get offers here, and I'm very open to having a new spring in my career here.
- Richard Sammel
Collection: Spring
Image of Charles Lamb
Cultivate simplicity or rather should I say banish elaborateness, for simplicity springs spontaneous from the heart.
- Charles Lamb
Collection: Spring
Image of Peter Kropotkin
Everywhere you will find that the wealth of the wealthy springs from the poverty of the poor.
- Peter Kropotkin
Collection: Spring
Image of Lucy Larcom
The peach-bud glows, the wild bee hums, and wind-flowers wave in graceful gladness.
- Lucy Larcom
Collection: Spring
Image of Tony Kushner
The smallest indivisible human unit is two people, not one; one is a fiction. From such nets of souls societies, the social world, human life springs.
- Tony Kushner
Collection: Spring
Image of Harmon Killebrew
I remember one spring when I was doing the team's telecasts, Bob Allison was with me, and we were walking through the clubhouse in Orlando. This kid who was trying to make it with the Twins as an outfielder came up to me and asked who was that with me. I said that's Bob Allison, and you better hope you have as good a career as he had.
- Harmon Killebrew
Collection: Spring
Image of Penelope Lively
I can remember the lush spring excitement of language in childhood. Sitting in church, rolling it around my mouth like marbles--tabernacle and pharisee and parable, tresspass and Babylon and covenant.
- Penelope Lively
Collection: Spring
Image of Shaw Desmond
The object of our sojourns on earth, as apart from the gaining of experience, is but one. The loosing of ourselves from the coil of reincarnation, which, over and over again, brings us back to earth as on a coiled spring, until, having learned the last lesson of matter, leaped the last barrier, we are freed for ever from earth.
- Shaw Desmond
Collection: Spring
Image of Karin Tidbeck
All my stories and worlds spring from the basic principle of being a slave to the premise, to follow the consequences wherever they may lead without taking any easy or comfortable ways out.
- Karin Tidbeck
Collection: Spring
Image of Hugh Kingsmill
Most of the avoidable suffering in life springs from our attempts to escape the unavoidable suffering inherent in the fragmentary nature of our present existence. We expect immortal satisfactions from mortal conditions, and lasting and perfect happiness in the midst of universal change. To encourage this expectation, to persuade mankind that the ideal is realizable in this world, after a few preliminary changes in external conditions, is the distinguishing mark of all charlatans, whether in thought or action.
- Hugh Kingsmill
Collection: Spring
Image of Hugh Kingsmill
The reward of renunciation is some good greater than the thing renounced. To renounce with no vision of such a good, from fear or in automatic obedience to a formula, is to weaken the springs of life, and to diminish the soul's resistance to this world.
- Hugh Kingsmill
Collection: Spring
Image of Phil Stern
I'm always looking for perfection. Every photographer, in one way or another, if he's serious, is. He ain't ever going to get it. But hope springs eternal.
- Phil Stern
Collection: Spring
Image of Primo Levi
For me chemistry represented an indefinite cloud of future potentialities which enveloped my life to come in black volutes torn by fiery flashes, like those which had hidden Mount Sinai. Like Moses, from that cloud I expected my law, the principle of order in me, around me, and in the world... I would watch the buds swell in spring, the mica glint in the granite, my own hands, and I would say to myself: "I will understand this, too, I will understand everything.
- Primo Levi
Collection: Spring
Image of Atsushi
When it's time for the flowers to bloom, they'll bloom.When it's time for spring to come, it'll come.
- Atsushi
Collection: Spring
Image of R. D. Laing
If you have passion for what you do, the company you keep, the life you live, it will be reflected in whatever you create. Passion is like that; it springs out, jumps, unpredictable and unplanned, into everything we touch. If it doesn't, others know. Passion can't be faked and it can't be manufactured. Which is why it is so priceless.
- R. D. Laing
Collection: Spring
Image of Emma Lazarus
Thick February mists cling heavily To the dead earth and to each leafless tree, And closer down upon the hilltops draw, Dull forecasts there of bright, sure-coming spring; Yet the heart gathers hope and strange delight From this dear, unlovely, wished-for sight Of leaden-misted twilights lengthening.
- Emma Lazarus
Collection: Spring
Image of Donald Verrilli Jr.
It's the spring of 2012, that the [Barak] Obama administration would be embracing the argument that the Affordable Care Act was a tax, and that was going to, itself, be a political albatross.
- Donald Verrilli Jr.
Collection: Spring
Image of Joseph Wood Krutch
The most serious charge which can be brought against New England is not Puritanism, but February.... Spring is too far away to comfort even by anticipation, and winter long ago lost the charm of novelty. This is the very three a.m. of the calendar.
- Joseph Wood Krutch
Collection: Spring
Image of Arthur Koestler
I went to Communism as one goes to a spring of fresh water, and I left Communism as one clambers out of a poisoned river strewn with the wreckage of flooded cities and the corpses of the drowned.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Spring
Image of Elizabeth Crook
When I was six I wanted to be a ballerina. By the time I was eight I was fairly sure this plan wasn't panning out. I began aspiring to be an "Aquamaid" at a resort called "Aquarena Springs" in my hometown of San Marcos: Aquamaids got to wear mermaid tails and feed milk bottles underwater to Ralph the Swimming Pig for an audience submerged in a "submarine".
- Elizabeth Crook
Collection: Spring
Image of Sophie Blackall
But mostly I think two people do share a moment, and we all know that feeling, and it can put a spring in your step for the rest of the day.
- Sophie Blackall
Collection: Spring
Image of Zicheng Hong
The learned should be vigorous and diligent, but they should also be free-spirited. If they are too rigorous and austere, they have the death-dealing quality of autumn but lack the life-giving quality of spring. How can they develop people then?
- Zicheng Hong
Collection: Spring
Image of George Meredith
Darker grows the valley, more and more forgetting: So were it with me if forgetting could be willed. Tell the grassy hollow that holds the bubbling well-spring, Tell it to forget the source that keeps it filled.
- George Meredith
Collection: Spring
Image of Judith Hayes
Why is it that almost every human culture yet discovered has found it necessary to believe in an afterlife of some sort, but not a 'before-life?' Why are there so many versions of Heaven, Paradise and The Great Beyond, but almost none about The Great Before.
- Judith Hayes
Collection: Spring
Image of Paolo Gentiloni
But it could be that we, as early as spring, will need to embark on a new policy in order to save one of the cornerstones of European politics: personal freedom of movement.
- Paolo Gentiloni
Collection: Spring
Image of David Maraniss
It seemed that I could tell the whole story pretty powerfully in those 18 months between October of '62 and the spring of '64 when they were all at their peak. And yet you could see some of the shadows of Detroit's demise coming.
- David Maraniss
Collection: Spring
Image of Myrna Loy
I was a homely kid with freckles that came out every spring and stuck on me till Christmas.
- Myrna Loy
Collection: Spring
Image of Kesh
I created my own space, which was called the cave. It was a live/work space in downtown Los Angeles on 7th and Spring. When I lived there it was quite derelict. I got this massive space and half of it was my bedroom and the other half of it was the back room - no [natural] light, all fluorescent lights.
- Kesh
Collection: Spring