Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 48

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 48 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Karl Meltzer
I look at road marathons as a totally different sport. Those guys are stupid fast. It is unbelievable. I might be a top ultrarunner, but put me in the field with those guys and I'm just another guy trying to break three hours. Road-running is far more competitive. In ultrarunning, after these long races, we all chat with each other at the end and have a beer. The camaraderie is awesome. But don't get me wrong, winning is fun.
- Karl Meltzer
Collection: Sports
Image of Wayne Gretzky
One hundred percent of shots not taken don't go in.
- Wayne Gretzky
Collection: Sports
Image of Wayne Gretzky
I think sports for kids is the greatest thing in the world because it teaches you how to share, about winning and losing and pressure. But I don't think you should force your kid to become a professional athlete.
- Wayne Gretzky
Collection: Sports
Image of Chris Froome
Unfortunately this is the legacy that has been handed to us by the people before us, people who have won the Tour only to disappoint fans a few years later, if this is part of the process we have to go through to get the sport to the better place, obviously I'm here, I'm doing it.
- Chris Froome
Collection: Sports
Image of Jean de Gribaldy
Cycling isn’t a game, it's a sport. Tough, hard and unpitying, and it requires great sacrifices. One plays football, or tennis, or hockey. One doesn’t play at cycling.
- Jean de Gribaldy
Collection: Sports
Image of John Arbuthnot
It is surprising to see what superficial, inconsequential reasonings satisfy the most part of mankind. A piece of wit, a jest, a simile, or a quotation of an Author, passes for a mighty argument.... This weakness and effeminacy of mankind in being persuaded where they are delighted, have made them the sport of orators, poets, and men of wit.
- John Arbuthnot
Collection: Sports
Image of Joe Ehrmann
One of the great myths in America is that sports build character. They can and they should. Indeed, sports may be the perfect venue in which to build character. But sports don't build character unless a coach possesses character and intentionally teaches it. Sports can team with ethics and character and spirituality; virtuous coaching can integrate the body with the heart, the mind, and the soul.
- Joe Ehrmann
Collection: Sports
Image of Joe Garagiola
I went through baseball as a player to be named later.
- Joe Garagiola
Collection: Sports
Image of Robert the Bruce
I have brought you to the ring, now you must dance.
- Robert the Bruce
Collection: Sports
Image of Maya Moore
As a student of the game, it is a dream come true to align myself with a brand that has a rich history in sports. Like most kids, I grew up idolizing Michael Jordan and continue to work relentlessly to reach his iconic status on the court. I'm truly motivated to take my career to the next level as a member of Team Jordan.
- Maya Moore
Collection: Sports
Image of Maya Moore
Title IX is huge for sports but also its helped move our nation to a place where we can accept women in the workforce as well. Its opened up a lot of jobs for women. We had a female run for president in Hillary Clinton.
- Maya Moore
Collection: Sports
Image of Lionel Barber
There were always plenty of newspapers in the house. The Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail were all regular fixtures on the coffee table. I used to enjoy reading The Times editorial pages and the Daily Mail sports pages.
- Lionel Barber
Collection: Sports
Image of Brian Griese
I really believe the only thing you can control in those situations is what you do as a player but also how you interact with your teammates, which is critical.
- Brian Griese
Collection: Sports
Image of Brian Griese
The only thing I want to be able to do is come in and learn the offense, go out there and compete, show what I am capable of doing and try to get better as a football player.
- Brian Griese
Collection: Sports
Image of Brian Griese
We've got a lot of potential on offense. But really potential doesn't mean much if you don't realize it.
- Brian Griese
Collection: Sports
Image of Brian Griese
I'm going to go out and try to be the best player I can be and help the Chicago Bears win.
- Brian Griese
Collection: Sports
Image of Rich Froning Jr.
In training, you listen to your body. In competition, you tell your body to shut up.
- Rich Froning Jr.
Collection: Sports
Image of Damon Thayer
The 2006 event logo combines the twin spires of Churchill Downs, one of the great signature elements in sports, with the greatest international day of Thoroughbred racing. We look forward to displaying the logo widely throughout the commonwealth of Kentucky, and to our international outlets.
- Damon Thayer
Collection: Sports
Image of Christopher Michael Cillizza
Talking about and analyzing sports isn't the same as playing sports.
- Christopher Michael Cillizza
Collection: Sports
Image of Jemele Hill
When it comes to sports, women are big targets for abuse because the resentment is two-fold. Some resent us for our confidence and beliefs. But there also is an added resentment because we are supposedly infiltrating a space that has been decidedly male.
- Jemele Hill
Collection: Sports
Image of Doug Phillips
Something is mighty wrong with our priorities when professing Christian men joke about their wives, joke about their children, and joke about God, but fight to the death over their favorite sports team.
- Doug Phillips
Collection: Sports
Image of Chris Sharma
That's what's so amazing about climbing - it's not just a sport. It's a lifestyle, it's a way of being creative, of connecting with yourself and with nature.
- Chris Sharma
Collection: Sports
Image of Chris Sharma
One of the things that separates climbing from other sports is how independent and personal it is. With most sports, you either win or lose, but climbing is about your own personal experience.
- Chris Sharma
Collection: Sports
Image of Chris Sharma
Climbing is a full-body sport from your fingers to your toes, but at the same time, it's like a dance on the rock. It's about being strong and fit but also graceful and elegant and efficient on the rock.
- Chris Sharma
Collection: Sports
Image of Chris Sharma
Climbing is an amazing, unique sport, and I want to share that with as many people as possible. I want to be an ambassador for the sport and raise the profile. I try to take advantage of any opportunity to share climbing with the world.
- Chris Sharma
Collection: Sports
Image of Rick Scarborough
Bashing the Religious Right has become an acceptable political sport.
- Rick Scarborough
Collection: Sports
Image of Natalie Cook
The female body is a masterpiece. Everyone likes to look at the female body, especially in dynamic, athletic sport.
- Natalie Cook
Collection: Sports
Image of Boo Weekley
That kid ain't got no bills to pay, he ain't got no kids; When you're that young to him it's only all about the sport he's playing. You don't have to worry about nuthin' else!
- Boo Weekley
Collection: Sports
Image of Heyneke Meyer
Ballroom dancing is a contact sport. Rugby is a collision sport.
- Heyneke Meyer
Collection: Sports
Image of Joe Frazier
There's one thing I don't ever think about: losing ... Instead, I think about how I'm going to win, and how I can do it the quickest way.
- Joe Frazier
Collection: Sports
Image of Elana Meyers
It's a huge testament to those around me - my friends, my family and everyone who supported me. Without their help, I couldn't have made it here. It's been an amazing journey. But we are here for a higher purpose There's a reason that God has for each of us in the sport. It's all about serving His purpose.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Sports
Image of Elana Meyers
The Lord calls us to love everybody. Every day it's a challenge. Within this sport, I'm called to love everybody. That means that every single German or Canadian that I want to beat, I still have to love. That means competing the way God wants me to compete. That means doing things that might not necessarily be seen as giving me a competitive advantage but instead doing what God would want me to do.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Sports
Image of Elana Meyers
In Lake Placid we have Bible studies and it's awesome to be able to share your struggles as an athlete and as a Christian with others Christian athletes. That's one of the coolest things about sports ministry. We can share these common experiences with other Christians. Having Lolo as a teammate, for example, has been great.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Sports
Image of Elana Meyers
I know that God is working through me within this sport. I know He's put me here for a purpose and it's not just to win medals. Winning is great and hopefully it gives me a platform to spread His love and spread His Word, but at the end of the day, I'm called to do what He wants me to do.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Sports
Image of Elana Meyers
We're talking about the Olympics. We're talking about trying to win the gold medal. All of these things can be overwhelming. But regardless of whether I win a gold medal or never compete again, I just have to trust that God has a plan for my life and I'm called to be His representative through the sport and outside of the sport.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Sports
Image of Elana Meyers
I've got some other great teammates like Dallas Robinson and Johnny Quinn on the men's side who have been tremendous at showing Christ's love. It's not just the US teams, but there are also many believers from the international community including several from the Canadian team. We hope to grow Christianity throughout our sport.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Sports
Image of Elana Meyers
As Christians, we're asked to give. In my sport, if someone needs equipment or help with something, regardless of who they are as a competitor, I'm called to help them for a higher purpose. So it definitely affects everything I do. It's not easy. It's very hard to love everyone.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Sports
Image of Bernie Parent
Lots of guys don't like Jacques Plante, but he has been good to me. He's always by himself, you know, and how can you hate a guy when you never see him?
- Bernie Parent
Collection: Sports
Image of C. J. Wilson
Looking good is important. We're our own premium brand as professional athletes, so you want to be thoughtful about presentation and represent yourself and your city and sport as best you can.
- C. J. Wilson
Collection: Sports
Image of Stephen Greenblatt
In high school I read [Lev] Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" and loved it. Then I read [Friedrich] Nietzsche's "On the Genealogy of Morals" and that hit me hard. I don't know where I got it. My parents warned me not to mention either of those books when I went for my college interviews so I wouldn't seem like an egghead. They told me to talk about sports.
- Stephen Greenblatt
Collection: Sports
Image of David Biespiel
Literary lineage is part of your autobiography. The authors are the literary base, the image base, the character base that you bring into your civilian work. Same with film, architecture, music, sports. That's one tributary of the autobiography.
- David Biespiel
Collection: Sports
Image of Peter Croft
What I saw so clearly when I started climbing was adventure. Difficulty was only an ingredient. I never thought to wonder about grades, just as I never thought to wonder what Tarzan might bench press. I found the closer I moved to sport, the closer I felt to science - and the closer I moved to adventure, the closer I felt to greatness.
- Peter Croft
Collection: Sports
Image of Larry Goetz
Officiating is the only job in America that everybody knows how to do better than the guy who is doing it.
- Larry Goetz
Collection: Sports
Image of Bailey Chase
Where I grew up, acting wasn't really accessible. I was just playing sports. But, I did watch a lot of TV. I watched a lot of Clint Eastwood movies on TV and had this fantasy of being like him when I grew up.
- Bailey Chase
Collection: Sports
Image of Terre Thaemlitz
The Olympics are too powerful. I hate sports - they generate so much nationalism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, economic exploitation, displacement of communities to build worthless bankrupt stadiums.
- Terre Thaemlitz
Collection: Sports
Image of Clay Guida
In this sport, in this life, I think heart takes you a lot further than skill and technique... Just digging down deep will take you a lot further in life.
- Clay Guida
Collection: Sports
Image of Clay Guida
My parents are hard workers and they showed me what it means to work hard. I would give a lot of the credit to my parents for where I'm at and who I am. They both worked multiple jobs to make sure me and my siblings were able to play sports and have a home. I'll never forget how hard they worked and that always motivates me.
- Clay Guida
Collection: Sports
Image of Mike Lupica
A friend of mine who used to be my boss at ESPN once was asked why sports had exploded the way it had. He said, "Because you can't go to Blockbuster and rent tonight's game." Every night is different in sports. Every day there are different heroes and villains and conversations after the game.
- Mike Lupica
Collection: Sports
Image of Tim Lincecum
Since baseball is my favorite sport, it's easy to go out and do what I do.
- Tim Lincecum
Collection: Sports