Elana Meyers

Image of Elana Meyers
Regardless of what you look like, regardless of where you come from, you can be involved in winter sports.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Sports
Image of Elana Meyers
Growing up, most girls have this image of how they want their wedding to be and things like that. I had none of that except for the cake I wanted, and that's what I got. The cake was the first thing we ordered.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Wedding
Image of Elana Meyers
Biggest rival is Kaillie Humphries of Canada, and we are actually training partners. She was at my wedding, and I consider her a close friend.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Wedding
Image of Elana Meyers
Find your passion, set a goal, go to work, evaluate, reassess, and repeat.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I don't like cold weather.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Love can overcome everything.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
In Sochi, I felt like I lost a gold.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Bobsledding is like sprinting with NASCAR. You get to push these 400-pound sleds as fast as you can down a hill and hop in. How could you not enjoy that?
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I got a letter from a mom, and she was telling me about how her daughter is a tomboy and the trouble she has in classes and being around boys. She herself had the same kinds of problems growing up and how inspired they were by me. That was such an incredible email to receive.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
The more eyeballs there are on the sport, it will get more diverse.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I want to represent my color and ethnicity. To be proud of our heritages is really cool.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I'm E Money because I'm money when it counts. Not sure exactly where or when it started, but I was called it in softball, too.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
My dad was a Marine, my aunt is still in the Navy, and my grandfathers both served. So, it's a huge honor for me to represent my country in any way I can.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
When bobsled is going right - and it sometimes goes wrong - it's the closest thing I could imagine to being a superhero.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
All sports have a zone, but ours is at 95 mph. You can feel the speed; you can feel the wind. It's the most euphoric thing I've ever done.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Bobsled boils down to three things - your equipment, start, and drive. To win the Olympics requires all three.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I made driving mistakes in Sochi that cost me gold, and I'll torture myself for the rest of my life about that!
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Being southern and doing bobsled was difficult from the standpoint that I had no idea how to handle the cold and how to dress in the cold, let alone warm up and compete in the cold - so it was a definite shock. I didn't even own a coat when I first started bobsledding!
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I've always been the type willing to try a lot of different things.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I've been in plenty of crashes! Some are not too bad - resulting in ice burn. Others are pretty rough, and sometimes - rarely, but sometimes - people do get seriously injured. It's a risk we all know of and accept. If you bobsled, you're going to crash - guaranteed.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I'm not sure I'll ever love softball as much as bobsled. It's like having children: you don't love one more than the other, you just love them differently, and that's how my love for softball is vs. my love of bobsled - two totally different sports with different personalities.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
After giving up softball, I didn't know what I was going to do. I thought I would try bobsled, but I wasn't really sure what would happen. I thought my athletic career was over.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
There's times when I'll be out in the middle of the track, standing in the curve, and I'll just laugh. 'What the heck am I doing right now? I'm sliding down the hill at crazy speeds and standing in freezing cold weather.'
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I played all kinds of sports growing up: soccer, basketball, track. You name it, I've probably played it.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Bobsled is a universal sport, and most people don't know that. Anybody can slide down a hill.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I was a shortstop in softball, and a lot of times I had collisions with base runners coming in, so I definitely have scars.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Bobsleigh is best for athletes who are fast and strong, which were my strengths in softball.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Making the transition from softball to bobsleigh was difficult, but my family and friends believed in me when no one else would.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Anything worth having is worth working for.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
After the situation I had with my concussion in 2015, how long and lasting the effects were, I'm just more careful about it.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Oh my gosh, cheat meals I could go on and on about.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I converted from softball. We've got volleyball, we've got track and field. Athletes come from anywhere and then convert into bobsled.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Most people watch a game because they're excited about it; I'll sit there and watch lacrosse championships to try to find a female who could be a bobsledder.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I'll do whatever I need to do to bring more athletes to the sport.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I don't put limits on anybody.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
For most people, they only thing they know about bobsled is 'Cool Runnings.' Well, 'Cool Runnings' was, of course, four men in a bobsled, and four-man is considered the highlight of our sport. It's what everybody knows. It's what everybody watches. And it's the big dog of our sport.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I love this sport, and I want people to have the opportunities that I have. I want the kid in the inner city to know that she can be a bobsledder one day, and I want the kid in the middle of Africa to know that she can be a bobsledder one day. So the more that we can go out there and grow the sport, the better.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Anytime you hit a curve, or you hit on the side of the wall, you hit against the side of the sled. We're taking four to five, sometimes six or seven Gs on our body every time we go down the track. And then the crashing.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I went to college, George Washington University, and played softball there. I also played professionally but with the real goal of being an Olympian and making the Olympic team.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I'm a squat person: I love squats. I love back squats, things like that.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I've been on every type of nutrition plan you can think of.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
If one little girl who looks like me picks up a winter sport because she sees me, that's all anybody could ever ask for.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I grew up in Douglasville, Georgia. My father played football for the Atlanta Falcons. We lived a bunch of places when I was younger. I was born in California. We lived in Chicago for a little bit, and finally, we ended up in Georgia.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I grew up playing softball, and at the age of nine, I decided I was going to be an Olympian. I didn't really know what that meant at the time. I thought it might be in a warm summer sport like softball, but I played a variety of sports growing up - basketball, soccer and track. I really didn't care. I just wanted to be an Olympian.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I played softball at George Washington University, and then I played professionally for the Mid-Michigan Ice. I had a couple of tryouts with the U.S. Olympic Team, but I don't know if I have a word to describe how bad one of the tryouts was. It was the worst tryout in the history of tryouts. It was that bad.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
Being a brakeman is very physical, and success is mostly determined by how fast you can push a sled for about 30 meters.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I am powered by the defeat in Sochi, as I am by all my defeats.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
My favorite thing about South Korea is the people - they are so kind and helpful.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
It's important that the Olympics are motivating to young people and inspiring to all, and the only way to do that is to ensure clean performances, free of cheating.
- Elana Meyers
Image of Elana Meyers
I love who I am. But being a woman competing in a male-dominated sport and always trying to push the envelope as a female athlete, you get a lot of comparisons to men and things like that.
- Elana Meyers