Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Julius Erving
One of the things in the back of my mind is that, after my sports experience, I never want to be, totally consumed by any one endeavor, other than my family life.
- Julius Erving
Collection: Sports
Image of Dennis Rodman
There is so much hypocrisy in sports.
- Dennis Rodman
Collection: Sports
Image of J. Philippe Rushton
The biological factors underlying race differences in sports have consequences for educational achievement, crime and sexual behavior.
- J. Philippe Rushton
Collection: Sports
Image of Catherine Bell
I like all the adventure sports but I like to do them in a safe way.
- Catherine Bell
Collection: Sports
Image of James Collins
If I had a personal wish for the new ideas in this new book it would be that every parent, every counselor, every teacher, every professor, every sports coach that deals with young people would understand the three circle concept.
- James Collins
Collection: Sports
Image of Brandi Chastain
Julie, Mia and I just met for a couple days, doing some work but really under the guise of having fun. We do events like the Women's Sports Foundation Dinner, where we get to not only do a good thing for the community but we get to hang out with one another again.
- Brandi Chastain
Collection: Sports
Image of Trishelle Cannatella
Because I just like sports, I like athletics and I like competition.
- Trishelle Cannatella
Collection: Sports
Image of Warren Farrell
I don't think there's anything that is a greater area of discrimination against women today than the fact that nowhere in the world is there a female role model in team sports that more than half of a general audience would recognize.
- Warren Farrell
Collection: Sports
Image of Warren Farrell
Men's competitive team sports focus on the balance between individual achievement and team achievement with the emphasis on team achievement.
- Warren Farrell
Collection: Sports
Image of Meyer Lansky
All pro sports, as well as the NCAA, should thank God every day we have sports betting here... We have the only agency in the world that regulates the honesty of games.
- Meyer Lansky
Collection: Sports
Image of Garth Brooks
I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won't believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation.
- Garth Brooks
Collection: Sports
Image of Greg Louganis
In sports, people reach their peak very early. You have to move on. I don't know if I will ever surpass what I did at the Olympics, but I'm still doing the work I always wanted to do.
- Greg Louganis
Collection: Sports
Image of Rio Ferdinand
There is a huge responsibility on all of us to get England through. It would be one of the biggest disasters in sports history if we blew it and we must make sure it does not happen.
- Rio Ferdinand
Collection: Sports
Image of Elle Macpherson
For a while I was on the cover of every Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, which was regarded as the pinnacle of success in America.
- Elle Macpherson
Collection: Sports
Image of Ed Bradley
And I realized that there was no sports reporter, so I started covering sporting events.
- Ed Bradley
Collection: Sports
Image of Michael Wilbon
Sports don't define us; it is not what we live for.
- Michael Wilbon
Collection: Sports
Image of Michael Wilbon
People here don't identify themselves by their sports team.
- Michael Wilbon
Collection: Sports
Image of Ronald Graham
A lot of the high-level sports are really in your mind.
- Ronald Graham
Collection: Sports
Image of Jurgen Klinsmann
We coaches have to learn how to deal with that: How do I get to each one best - with a talk, with video analysis? And what sort of tone? We need our own coaches for that. The sports psychologist coaches me too.
- Jurgen Klinsmann
Collection: Sports
Image of Lorrie Fair
We knew it was going to be the biggest event scheduled in the history of women's sports, but we didn't ever fathom we would be playing before sold-out stadiums all over the country.
- Lorrie Fair
Collection: Sports
Image of Jerry B. Jenkins
While writing my first 90 books, I was magazine editor, publisher, book publisher, executive, etc., so I was established in publishing. three of my seven or so books were biographies of sports stars and really opened doors for me in that area.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
Collection: Sports
Image of George J. Mitchell
I had a great interest in sports. I had three older brothers who were great athletes. I was not.
- George J. Mitchell
Collection: Sports
Image of Lynn Redgrave
I don't want to have to say, Honey, you know, could you turn off the sports channel because I'm not a big sports fan, and I don't love the television being on just for the sake of turning on. I'd like turning on for some thing specific.
- Lynn Redgrave
Collection: Sports
Image of Kurt Russell
I played professional level sports. When you're playing for money, it's a whole other level.
- Kurt Russell
Collection: Sports
Image of Shia LaBeouf
When you look at golf films before us they're all - garbage or satire. A lot of sports films tend to vilify the opposition. Where the opposition becomes this big angry monster, so big you can't beat him.
- Shia LaBeouf
Collection: Sports
Image of Neal Schon
I never got into sports at all until I was in my early 20s, after my music career got going.
- Neal Schon
Collection: Sports
Image of Katarina Witt
Money was never the motivation. It never should be in sports.
- Katarina Witt
Collection: Sports
Image of Verne Troyer
I'm a big sports fan. College football is my favorite.
- Verne Troyer
Collection: Sports
Image of Jack Brickhouse
I regard sports first and foremost as entertainment, so dry documentary narration is not for me.
- Jack Brickhouse
Collection: Sports
Image of Will McDonough
The two major things that changed the makeup of all professional sports are money generated by television and courts that players went to in order to win their freedom as free agents.
- Will McDonough
Collection: Sports
Image of Will McDonough
One of my first jobs was at the Boston Globe. I worked in the sports department six months a year. When I was ready to graduate, the sports editor gave me a job as a schoolboy sports writer.
- Will McDonough
Collection: Sports
Image of Todd Barry
I do not like sports, unless you consider treating all humankind with love and respect a sport.
- Todd Barry
Collection: Sports
Image of Frank Shorter
I think it is that parents just don't kick their kids out the door as much as they used to. I think the demise of sandlot sports has had a lot to do with it.
- Frank Shorter
Collection: Sports
Image of Jim Lampley
You know, we - we start with a mentality that we'll take a sports project if its good. And we're certainly not on the lookout for them, because to be honest we don't have to. They walk in the door.
- Jim Lampley
Collection: Sports
Image of Joan Jett
I love sports. I love animals. I love kids. I want to save the world. So how do I combine all those things? I don't know.
- Joan Jett
Collection: Sports
Image of Tim McGraw
But I was so wrapped up in sports growing up as a kid, that I think I was going to grow to be a pro ball player. But I found out real quick that was not going to happen.
- Tim McGraw
Collection: Sports
Image of Tim Robbins
I was a sports fan, but I also went to peace marches.
- Tim Robbins
Collection: Sports
Image of Cindy Crawford
It's become another dimension to who I am. I don't think Sports Illustrated is going to be wanting me. But who cares? I'm at a different place in my life.
- Cindy Crawford
Collection: Sports
Image of Larry King
If they asked me, I did two shifts. I did sports, I did news, because I loved it.
- Larry King
Collection: Sports
Image of Claudio Reyna
I think we have our sports within our own culture that are huge with baseball, football, basketball, and hockey. Those are the sports in America that we grow up with and soccer isn't really there yet.
- Claudio Reyna
Collection: Sports
Image of Claudio Reyna
We're a crazy country about sports, but for the longest time, only followed our own sports.
- Claudio Reyna
Collection: Sports
Image of Robert Jay Lifton
As a kid I was fascinated with sports, and I loved sports more than anything else. The first books I read were about sports, like books about Baseball Joe, as one baseball hero was called.
- Robert Jay Lifton
Collection: Sports
Image of Lewis H. Lapham
Unlike any other business in the United States, sports must preserve an illusion of perfect innocence.
- Lewis H. Lapham
Collection: Sports
Image of Lindsey Shaw
The thing about sports movies is, they can't help but feel epic - putting music to images, etc.
- Lindsey Shaw
Collection: Sports
Image of Lil Durk
I don't want my kids to be on the streets period. I want my kids to be nerds. I want them to be book smart or playing sports - I don't want them to know nothing about the streets.
- Lil Durk
Collection: Sports
Image of Emma Bunton
I'm not a big sports fan, but I love it when they 'slam dunk.' That's sexy.
- Emma Bunton
Collection: Sports
Image of Anurag Thakur
Truly sports is a great unifier as our athletes come from villages and cities, north to south, from east to west.
- Anurag Thakur
Collection: Sports
Image of Jack Kevorkian
The American people are sheep. They're comfortable, rich, working. It's like the Romans, they're happy with bread and their spectator sports. The Super Bowl means more to them than any right.
- Jack Kevorkian
Collection: Sports
Image of Calvin Klein
We're not doing outrageous fashion; I make sports clothes that are relatively conservative, clothes that everyone wears.
- Calvin Klein
Collection: Sports