Top soccer Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of soccer quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more soccer quotes.

Image of Joe Royle
The trouble with Earl Barrett is that he's one paced .... Zooommmmm.
- Joe Royle
Collection: Soccer
Image of Gary Sinise
Its a way for you to support the children by sending pencils, beanie babies or soccer balls. That all started because of one of those convoys I was on.
- Gary Sinise
Collection: Soccer
Image of Bobby Robson
We've got nothing to lose, and there's no point losing this game
- Bobby Robson
Collection: Soccer
Image of Bobby Robson
In a year's time, he's a year older.
- Bobby Robson
Collection: Soccer
Image of Bobby Robson
Home advantage gives you an advantage
- Bobby Robson
Collection: Soccer
Image of Bobby Robson
Anything from 1-0 to 2-0 would be a nice result
- Bobby Robson
Collection: Soccer
Image of Anne Robinson
In 2001 Steve Staunton became the record cap holder for which country? Brazil.
- Anne Robinson
Collection: Soccer
Image of Sepp Herberger
The ball is round, the game lasts ninety minutes, and everything else is just theory.
- Sepp Herberger
Collection: Soccer
Image of Kevin Keegan
The Germans only have one player under 22, and he's 23!
- Kevin Keegan
Collection: Soccer
Image of Kevin Keegan
The ref was vertically 15 yards away.
- Kevin Keegan
Collection: Soccer
Image of Joe Elliott
As much as I am a huge soccer fan, music just kills it when it comes to importance. I could go to a desert island without a football and survive happily, but if I had to go without music, I think I'd end up killing myself. It fuels my soul. It always has.
- Joe Elliott
Collection: Soccer
Image of Joe Elliott
Music and soccer. They would be my two major passions.
- Joe Elliott
Collection: Soccer
Image of Robbie Savage
There's more chance of me flying Concorde to the moon blindfolded than there is of you taking Wales to the World Cup.
- Robbie Savage
Collection: Soccer
Image of Dave Checketts
The aura of soccer is very different from other sports.
- Dave Checketts
Collection: Soccer
Image of Sven-Goran Eriksson
Whichever country you are, if you lose games you are criticised. It's only when it's England it's like a new world war.
- Sven-Goran Eriksson
Collection: Soccer
Image of Sven-Goran Eriksson
You don't look for jobs. You don't phone up 10 clubs and say, Here I am. You are offered the job. I was in Benfica many years ago. I was leaving the training ground and I had a car after me. It went on for 10 minutes. Anyhow, he stopped and I stopped and he said, I'm from the Italian embassy. Ah yes, and what do you want? I want your phone number because Roma wants you as a manager next season. Three months later I was sitting on the bench in Roma. I don't think the rest of working society works like football.
- Sven-Goran Eriksson
Collection: Soccer
Image of Sven-Goran Eriksson
He has many qualities as a prince, but he is not a surgeon.
- Sven-Goran Eriksson
Collection: Soccer
Image of Alex Morgan
Keep working even when no one is watching.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Soccer
Image of Alex Morgan
Soccer is what I grew up doing - it's my passion, and I'm way more comfortable on the field in my soccer cleats.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Soccer
Image of Alex Morgan
I don't run straight at a constant pace; soccer is always a change of pace and movement.
- Alex Morgan
Collection: Soccer
Image of Kyle Schmid
Soccer is my first love. Ive been playing since I was 4 years old. I traveled the world doing it. I broke my leg when I was 16 or 17, and acting kind of filled the void.
- Kyle Schmid
Collection: Soccer
Image of Luis Suarez
Look, there’s no rule in soccer against biting your opponent. There’s not even a rule against eating your opponent. The only rule in soccer is that you can’t use your hands.
- Luis Suarez
Collection: Soccer
Image of Luis Suarez
In Latin America the border between soccer and politics is vague. There is a long list of governments that have fallen or been overthrown after the defeat of the national team.
- Luis Suarez
Collection: Soccer
Image of Franz Beckenbauer
He shouldn't have resigned over that game. It was not a bad performance; in fact it was quite a good one for England. I would not have resigned under those circumstances.
- Franz Beckenbauer
Collection: Soccer
Image of Bobby Moore
At least is was a victory and at least we won
- Bobby Moore
Collection: Soccer
Image of Matthew Engel
There are those who condemn five in midfield as a negative tactic, but when a side's centre-backs are as hapless as Chris Perry and Hermann Hreidarsson were on Sunday, it is not nearly negative enough.
- Matthew Engel
Collection: Soccer
Image of Matthew Engel
Is this good for English football? In the short run, Chelsea's rise has broken up what was turning into an irritating Arsenal-Manchester United duopoly. But football leagues (look at Scotland, look at Spain) can get along OK with duopolies. A monopoly, however, is a disaster. Everyone else in the Premiership has to operate on some kind of business footing, and the terror stalking Highbury and Old Trafford is that Chelsea will be immune from financial discipline forever.
- Matthew Engel
Collection: Soccer
Image of Matthew Engel
It is customary for columnists to complain about the excesses of Premiership footballers, whenever - as happens regularly - there is an incident involving some combination of sex, drugs, drink, violence and the constabulary. But modern footballers have a lot of both money and disposable time, a combination that has proved a recipe for personal disaster throughout history. And these incidents take place generally round night clubs rather than football clubs. The average Premiership player who turned up for work drunk would have a career-expectancy measurable in minutes.
- Matthew Engel
Collection: Soccer
Image of Phil Cornwell
It's not often you find yourself writing about a game that you haven't seen one kick of. But it's not often that the favourites lose 5-0 in one of their most important matches of the season. But all things considered - the difference between expectations of success and margin of victory, the fact of Strachan's debut, the injury to Chris Sutton, the joy it will bring Rangers fans, and the potential financial loss of going out of Europe completely in the first week in August - it is hard to remember the last defeat this bad for any team.
- Phil Cornwell
Collection: Soccer
Image of Phil Cornwell
Tony Cottee once played in all four divisions in one season. Cottee started 2000-01 at Leicester City, where he made a couple of Premiership appearances as a sub before being released to Norwich, in what was then Division One. In November the chance to be player-manager of Barnet came up and soon Cottee was playing in Division Three, but alas it did not work out. By March he was again looking for work and found it, with two sub appearances, at Millwall in Division Two.
- Phil Cornwell
Collection: Soccer
Image of Phil Cornwell
Having not had a chance to review the tape and obviously not been in the tunnel, I will take the Wenger amendment on this one for now.
- Phil Cornwell
Collection: Soccer
Image of Phil Cornwell
The game's finest mistakes were perpetrated by Djimi Traore, who interrupted his general competence with one air shot, one slice over his own head and a foul so telegraphed that even the lenient referee seemed to have his card out a couple of seconds before contact was made, to show the first yellow of the game.
- Phil Cornwell
Collection: Soccer
Image of Phil Cornwell
Manchester United have risen to the pinnacle of the English game at a time when the rewards are so high - thanks to the ticket to the Champions League - that they have resources that only a handful of other sides, through merit or the exploitation of the people of Russia, can approach.
- Phil Cornwell
Collection: Soccer
Image of Eamon Dunphy
Scots they're either nice or they're horrid and these two are horrid. The Scots wont like that Eamon, thats bordering on racism. Its not racism its ethnic criticism Bill.
- Eamon Dunphy
Collection: Soccer
Image of Eamon Dunphy
Somewhere in there the grace of a ballet dancer joins with the strength of an SAS squaddie, the dignity of an ancient kind, the nerve of a bomb disposal officer.
- Eamon Dunphy
Collection: Soccer
Image of Eamon Dunphy
Every club he's been to has had great injury crises. Every club. And it's always hamstrings.
- Eamon Dunphy
Collection: Soccer
Image of Daniel Finkelstein
Iain Dowie famously coined the phrase 'bouncebackability' to describe Crystal Palace's ability to come from behind. But this is a typical manager's idea, so optimistic. What fans are interested in is 'throwawayability': which teams toss away hard-earned leads? Now we know that 'throwawayability' exists because we proved last season that 'bouncebackability' exists (although, hilariously, Palace don't have it) and 'throw-awayability' is the flip side of it.
- Daniel Finkelstein
Collection: Soccer
Image of Daniel Finkelstein
The statistics John Wesson has compiled in The Science of Soccer show that Premiership football players are vastly more likely to have been born in the first half of the school year. These were the biggest boys in the class and were thus selected for the school team. How fair is that?
- Daniel Finkelstein
Collection: Soccer
Image of Daniel Finkelstein
You know what I wonder about? This - the more details of Sven-Göran Eriksson's love life that appear in the press, the more contempt he attracts for his choice of substitutes in England games. Now, we haven't done the research, but my guess is that Sven's performances in the sack and that of his subs on the pitch are not correlated. So why do we link them?
- Daniel Finkelstein
Collection: Soccer
Image of Malcolm Allison
You're not a real manager unless you've been sacked.
- Malcolm Allison
Collection: Soccer
Image of Steve Bruce
They've kicked our backsides, we've got to lick our wounds...
- Steve Bruce
Collection: Soccer
Image of Barry Venison
I always used to put my right boot on first, and then obviously my right sock.
- Barry Venison
Collection: Soccer
Image of Stuart Pearce
I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel.
- Stuart Pearce
Collection: Soccer
Image of John Bishop
Being an England supporter is like being the over-optimistic parents of the fat kid on sports day.
- John Bishop
Collection: Soccer
Image of Peter Chapman
For those fed up with the lack of mystery at the top of the Premiership, could I refer you to the commanding heights of the Conference. The wide points gap between first and second says we are about to witness the return to the football league of Accrington Stanley. So legendary have they become that everyone across the generations knows them, yet even those of the certain age required (you'd be pushing 60) can scarcely believe they were ever there. What proof do we have that this most Garcia Marquez of football teams was, is and yet may truly be?
- Peter Chapman
Collection: Soccer
Image of Peter Chapman
I don't get what's happening to Jose Mourinho of late. He's lapsing into the kind of Portuguese moroseness you get from staring at the Atlantic horizon and imagining you're the last place in the world, while listening to endless renditions of the fado. His latest line about 'everyone hates us and we don't care' sounds like vintage Joe Kinnear in the great days of the Wimbledon Crazy Gang.
- Peter Chapman
Collection: Soccer
Image of Archie Macpherson
I predicted in August that Celtic would reach the final. On the eve of that final I stand by that prediction.
- Archie Macpherson
Collection: Soccer
Image of David O'Leary
I was a young lad when I was growing up.
- David O'Leary
Collection: Soccer
Image of Charles Nqakula
If you don't have a car, ride a bicycle or a donkey.
- Charles Nqakula
Collection: Soccer