Top Single Mom Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Single Mom quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Wes  Moore
Life's impermanence, I realized, is what makes every single day so precious. It's what shapes our time here. It's what makes it so important than not a single moment be wasted.
- Wes Moore
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Diane Setterfield
There was no single moment when I thought, Aha! What a great idea! Rather there was a slow and gradual accumulation of numerous small ideas.
- Diane Setterfield
Collection: Single Mom
Image of David Zindell
Life moved ever outward into infinite possibilities and yet all things were perfect and finished in every single moment, their end attained.
- David Zindell
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Emanuel Swedenborg
Every single moment of a person's life, both of the understanding and of the will, is a new beginning.
- Emanuel Swedenborg
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Mark Waid
Comics are expensive. Don’t make me resent the money I spend buying yours. Every single moment in your script must either move the story along or demonstrate something important about the characters — preferably both — and every panel that does neither is a sloppy waste of space.
- Mark Waid
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Sinclair B. Ferguson
Repentance is a characteristic of the whole life, not the action of a single moment.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Miguel Angel Ruiz
I am here to enjoy life. I am not here to suffer. I am here to be a dreamer, to be an artist, to be a seer. The mission of my life is to enjoy every single moment of my life.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Instead of thinking of this and that, one thing after the other, let your mind recognize itself in a single moment. When the mind recognizes itself, there is no thing to see there. It’s just wide open. That’s because the essence of mind is empty. It’s wide open and free
- Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
On the day that you were born, you began to die. Do not waste a single moment more!
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Henry Highland Garnet
Neither god, nor angels, or just men, command you to suffer for a single moment. Therefore it is your solemn and imperative duty to use every means, both moral, intellectual, and physical that promises success.
- Henry Highland Garnet
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Pete Wilson
The grateful heart is not developed in a single moment; it is the result of a thousand choices.
- Pete Wilson
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Bryan Kest
I need to somehow peel away the dullness and heighten my sensitivity and alertness. I need to start sucking the juice out of every single moment of the most precious gift ever to be had, "my life!"
- Bryan Kest
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Alison McGhee
All it takes is a single moment.
- Alison McGhee
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Tim Frick
The Paralympic movement has given me a lifetime of joy and accomplishment but really, the pleasure has been all mine. I've loved every single moment and continue to be involved.
- Tim Frick
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Lady Margaret Sackville
Great imaginations are apt to work from hints and suggestions, and a single moment of emotion is sometimes sufficient to create a masterpiece.
- Lady Margaret Sackville
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Gregory Crewdson
The whole reason I make these pictures is for those moments of clarity. For that single moment, everything seems to make sense in my world. And I think we all look for that in our lives, because our lives are generally filled with chaos and confusion and disorder and complication.
- Gregory Crewdson
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Stephanie Dowrick
Happiness can come in a single moment. And in a single moment it can go again. But a single moment does not create it. Happiness is created through countless choices made and then made again throughout a lifetime. You are its host as well as its guest. You give it form, shape, individuality, texture, tone. And what it allows you to give can change your world. Happiness can be stillness. But it isn't still. It wraps, enchants, heals, consoles, soothes, delights, calms, inspires and connects. It is on your face and in your body. It is in your life and being.
- Stephanie Dowrick
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Kevin Jonas
Treasure every single moment you spend with someone you care about.
- Kevin Jonas
Collection: Single Mom
Image of M. J. Ryan
In every single moment, we have the choice to be happy or not. No matter what is going on, we can choose to focus on what is right, what is good and whole in ourselves and our lives, and what options we have in any given situation. In other words, we can choose to be happy no matter what.
- M. J. Ryan
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Kim Edwards
A moment was not a single moment at all, but rather an infinite number of different moments, depending on who was seeing things and how.
- Kim Edwards
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Frederick Lenz
Humility accepts that God places us in the right place at every single moment, not a moment to soon and not a moment too late.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Loren Eiseley
The creature called man has a strange history. He is not of one piece, nor was he born of a single moment in time. His elementary substance is stardust almost as old as the universe.
- Loren Eiseley
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Cindy Gallop
Vulnerability is a loaded word, and it can off-putting and terrifying to people. The best moment of my life (and by the way, this actually wasn’t a single moment) was when I realized that I no longer give a damn about what anybody thinks. What you'd talk about as vulnerability, I'd talk about as simply being true to yourself.
- Cindy Gallop
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Edan Lepucki
I am not sure how a novel changes the world. I think it alters a reader's perspective by asking him or her to see the world through another consciousness. That can perhaps cause people to see their own lives differently. Or just give a single day, a single moment, a slightly different sheen.
- Edan Lepucki
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Jason Silva
For me, its always a failure of the imagination. I have that anxiety that time is passing, that everything is ultimately fleeting and impermanent. I better take advantage of every single moment.
- Jason Silva
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Lorraine Heath
I would rather be a cripple and have your love for all of a single moment than to live as I am without ever having it.
- Lorraine Heath
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Ernie Harwell
The greatest single moment Ive ever known in Detroit was Jim Northrups triple in the seventh game of the World Series in St. Louis. It was a stunning moment because not only were the Tigers winning a world championship that meant so much to an entire city, they were beating the best pitcher I ever saw-Bob Gibson.
- Ernie Harwell
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Caroline Knapp
Trying to describe the process of becoming an alcoholic is like trying to describe air. It's too big and mysterious and pervasive to be defined. Alcohol is everywhere in your life, omnipresent, and you're both aware and unaware of it almost all the time, all you know is you'd die without it, and there is no simple reason why this happens, no single moment, no physiological event that pushes a heavy drinker across a concrete line into alcoholism. It's a slow, gradual, insidious, elusive becoming.
- Caroline Knapp
Collection: Single Mom
Image of James McAvoy
A cry-wanking scene is the struggle to live, in a single moment.
- James McAvoy
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Danielle Dutton
So it was this multi-perspective, multi-character book, and it went through all of these different manifestations. I'm not sure there was a single moment where I thought to myself, Oh, I need to write about Margaret Cavendish. She just kept taking over the book I thought I was writing.
- Danielle Dutton
Collection: Single Mom
Image of John Mayer
Not worrying is a skill. It's a skill not breaking down every single moment.
- John Mayer
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Harry S. Truman
Within the first few months I discovered that being president is like riding a tiger. A man has to keep riding or be swallowed. The fantastically crowded nine months of 1945 taught me that a President either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be on top of him. I never felt I could let up for a single moment.
- Harry S. Truman
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Iyanla Vanzant
At every single moment, we are given the opportunity to choose our future. What we do today will determine what we face next week, next month, or next year. It is at the moment of a particular occurrence that we are called upon to make a choice: Will I do it the way I've always done it, or will I do it a different way.
- Iyanla Vanzant
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Rajneesh
The mind is constantly talking. If the inner talk can drop even for a single moment you will be able to have a glimpse of no-mind. That's what meditation is all about. The state of no-mind is the right state. It is your state.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Rajneesh
How can one become enlightened in one single moment? One can, because one is enlightened -- one just has to recognize the fact. It is not something that happens from the outside, it is something that arises from the inside. It has always been there but you were clouded, you were full of thoughts.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Banana Yoshimoto
Living like that utterly convinced me of the extreme limitations of language. I was just a chlld then,so I have only an intuitive understanding of the degree to which one losses control of words once they are spoken or written. It was then that I first felt a deep curiosity about language, and understood it as a tool that encompasses both a single moment and eternity
- Banana Yoshimoto
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Oscar Wilde
At every single moment of one's life one is what one is going to be no less than what one has been.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Kristen Stewart
I always say every single moment that has led me to this moment has made me who I am.
- Kristen Stewart
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Joel Osteen
Your time is too valuable, your destiny is too great, and your future is too bright to waste a single moment. Be a now person.
- Joel Osteen
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Rajneesh
You are so addicted and you have become so habituated that you cannot allow the cup to be empty even for a single moment. The moment you see emptiness anywhere you start filling it. You are so scared of emptiness, you are so afraid.: emptiness appears like death. You will fill it with anything, but you will fill it.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Rajneesh
I teach contentment. And the basic principle of contentment is to drop your ego. Don`t think for a single moment, "To be or not to be." Just not to be is the rule. What have you gained by trying to be? Just for a change try not to be, and you will be amazed. The moment you are not, there is contentment, there is silence, there is beauty, there is bliss. Meditation is only a methodology to make you aware that your only disease is your ego, and your only health is egolessness.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Lisa Unger
I didn’t see the point of judging and analyzing a single moment in someone’s life.
- Lisa Unger
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Oscar Wilde
To stake all one's life on a single moment, to risk everything on one throw, whether the stake be power or pleasure, I care not - there is no weakness in that.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Michael Eric Dyson
America is capable at single moments of receiving the depth and the breadth of the homiletical vision of black America when a black preacher rises to his or her craft at the height of his or her ambition and the desire to tell America the truth.
- Michael Eric Dyson
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Peter Thiel
There are still many large white spaces on the map of human knowledge. You can go discover them. So do it. Get out there and fill in the blank spaces. Every single moment is a possibility to go to these new places and explore them.
- Peter Thiel
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Brian Tracy
Every single moment shapes our future. Be intentional. Live on purpose!
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Woody Allen
The movie is usually, for me, something organic that grows all the time. I sit home and write it, and I'm in an isolated, four-walled environment, and I don't know what's going on. I just write it, and it's appearing in my head in some idealized way where every single moment works, and every little thing is perfect, because it's in my head.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Single Mom
Image of Pema Chodron
Each moment is just what it is. It might be the only moment of our life; it might be the only strawberry we'll ever eat. We could get depressed about it, or we could finally appreciate it and delight in the preciousness of every single moment of our life.
- Pema Chodron
Collection: Single Mom