Top Should Have Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Should Have quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Should Have quotes.

Image of Betty Ford
Any woman should have the right to a safe and legal abortion.
- Betty Ford
Collection: Should Have
Image of Thomas P. Campbell
My goal is that we should have a rich engagement online that caters to a general and scholarly audience and that can provide a seamless experience for people, whether they are up the road or on the other side of the world.
- Thomas P. Campbell
Collection: Should Have
Image of Michael Atiyah
Any good theorem should have several proofs, the more the better.
- Michael Atiyah
Collection: Should Have
Image of Shiv Khera
People who wish to go into the future should have two skills to succeed - the ability to deal with people and the ability to sell.
- Shiv Khera
Collection: Should Have
Image of Jason Giambi
We should have apologized back then and made sure we had a rule in place and gone forward. ... Steroids and all of that was a part of history. But it was a topic that everybody wanted to avoid. Nobody wanted to talk about it.
- Jason Giambi
Collection: Should Have
Image of Chung Ling Soo
I knew I should have cleaned that musket!
- Chung Ling Soo
Collection: Should Have
Image of Willy Ronis
I have never separated form and content. The photo should have a meaning. But my photos are also more or less well constructed. If they had false notes, they stayed on the contact sheet.
- Willy Ronis
Collection: Should Have
Image of Alfred Rosenberg
We let 50,000 Jewish intellectuals get across the border. Just as I wanted Lebensraum for Germany, I thought Jews should have a Lebensraum for themselves--outside of Germany.
- Alfred Rosenberg
Collection: Should Have
Image of Ahmet Ertegun
I came close to signing Elvis Presley. I offered $25,000 for his contract and they asked for $45,000 and I just didn't have the other $20,000. I should have gotten the Beatles. But one of my lawyers kind of messed up.
- Ahmet Ertegun
Collection: Should Have
Image of Ahmet Ertegun
A singer's biographical film should have their music and their voice.
- Ahmet Ertegun
Collection: Should Have
Image of Diane Arbus
Everybody has that thing where they need to look one way but they come out looking another way and that's what people observe. You see someone on the street and essentially what you notice about them is the flaw. It's just extraordinary that we should have been given these peculiarities. Something is ironic in the world and it has to do with the fact that what you intend never comes out like you intend it.
- Diane Arbus
Collection: Should Have
Image of Dennis Kozlowski
I should have known. The first tip I got was when she rarely showed up in court for the second trial.
- Dennis Kozlowski
Collection: Should Have
Image of Philippe Kahn
I am surprised at all the people in the high-tech industry focused on "making money"... If that's all they want to do, they should have a $100 printing press in their basements and they will truly "make money." Instead, if we focus all that energy on innovation, we'll change the world for the best.
- Philippe Kahn
Collection: Should Have
Image of Jean-Luc Godard
When we talked, I talked about me, you talked about you, when we should have talked about each other.
- Jean-Luc Godard
Collection: Should Have
Image of Zohra Sehgal
You are seeing me now, when I am old and ugly; you should have seen me then, when I was young and ugly.
- Zohra Sehgal
Collection: Should Have
Image of Jim Bob Duggar
No victim wants their record, or their minor story to be told. Every victim should have the right to tell their own story.
- Jim Bob Duggar
Collection: Should Have
Image of Don Yaeger
If Albert Einstein was right, Cal Ripken should have been a CEO or politician rather than a shortstop, because Ripken led by example over and over... and over again.
- Don Yaeger
Collection: Should Have
Image of Ray LaHood
People across America who value bicycling should have a voice when it comes to transportation planning. This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized.
- Ray LaHood
Collection: Should Have
Image of Nina Jacobson
[On the racial backlash about Hunger Games casting]: "People should have ignored the five racist idiots.
- Nina Jacobson
Collection: Should Have
Image of Kimberley Strassel
And the United States of America should have been at the front of that line. And was not.
- Kimberley Strassel
Collection: Should Have
Image of Morton Gould
It's not a special taste. An American composer should have something to say to a cab driver.
- Morton Gould
Collection: Should Have
Image of Jez Butterworth
Looking back, I spent a lot of time sitting in pubs when I should have been perfecting my playwriting.
- Jez Butterworth
Collection: Should Have
Image of Sri Aurobindo
An aimless life is always a troubled life. Every individual should have an aim. But do not forget that the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life. Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others. Whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realized unless you have realized perfection in yourself.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Should Have
Image of George Harrison
Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by Nature
- George Harrison
Collection: Should Have
Image of Zaha Hadid
The goal posts might shift, but you should have a goal.
- Zaha Hadid
Collection: Should Have
Image of Hugh Everett III
Someone once noted that Hugh Everett should have been declared a "national resource," and given all the time and resources he needed to develop new theories.
- Hugh Everett III
Collection: Should Have
Image of Robert B. Weide
When it came to the on-camera TV stuff, I'd be standing next to the director, my friend, and he'd be asked a question that I should have been answering.
- Robert B. Weide
Collection: Should Have
Image of Eamon
Kewell should have been yanked off the pitch at half time and put in a hot bath, a boiling hot bath.
- Eamon
Collection: Should Have
Image of Peter Hook
I suppose in the end it's almost too easy to look back and say what you should have done, how you might have changed things. What's harder - what's much, much harder - is to accept what you actually did do.
- Peter Hook
Collection: Should Have
Image of Gary Gutting
Good politicians need not be intellectuals, but they should have intellectual lives.
- Gary Gutting
Collection: Should Have
Image of Jim Gilmore
Tom Brady was suspended 4 games for hiding evidence. Hillary should have to sit out first 4 primaries.
- Jim Gilmore
Collection: Should Have
Image of George Rickey
Since the design of the movement is paramount, shape, for me, should have no significance.
- George Rickey
Collection: Should Have
Image of Robbie Lawler
You really can't worry about stuff you can't control... You need to focus on getting where you need to be and not worry about what could have been and what should have been.
- Robbie Lawler
Collection: Should Have
Image of E. W. Howe
Most people put off till tomorrow that which they should have done yesterday.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Should Have
Image of Kazuo Ishiguro
I have the feeling of this completely alternative person I should have become. There was another life that I might have had, but I’m having this one.
- Kazuo Ishiguro
Collection: Should Have
Image of Leonardo Drew
Why should you be bogged down with my titles and how I thought about it and my poetic reasoning? No, that's not necessary. Either you're going to be drawn into it [or not]. It's a black hole; gravity should pull you in and you should have that experience.
- Leonardo Drew
Collection: Should Have
Image of Jonathan Kellerman
His experience and training should have taught him that families are the cauldrons in which violence is brewed. (144)
- Jonathan Kellerman
Collection: Should Have
Image of Rush D. Holt, Jr.
We know Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin as politicians, but they felt that science was something everyone should have a knowledge of.
- Rush D. Holt, Jr.
Collection: Should Have
Image of Judith Krug
You should have access to ideas and information regardless of your age. If anyone is going to limit or guide a young person, it should be the parent or guardian and only the parent or guardian.
- Judith Krug
Collection: Should Have
Image of Otto Ohlendorf
There were a large number of Jews who held more favorable positions than they should have, according to their percentage of the population. Germans should have held those positions.
- Otto Ohlendorf
Collection: Should Have
Image of Kliment Voroshilov
Whoever can lift a rifle, should have one.
- Kliment Voroshilov
Collection: Should Have
Image of Alice-Leone Moats
An invitation to be a bridesmaid is an honor which cannot be declined without some very good reason. Our idea of one of the better reasons is the impending arrival of a little stranger. ... any lady in this interesting condition should have the grace to refuse. We know that symbols of fertility are appropriate to the marriage ceremony, but they needn't be quite so obviously borne in on the congregation.
- Alice-Leone Moats
Collection: Should Have
Image of F. Lee Bailey
My experience is, people who retire die sooner than they should have.
- F. Lee Bailey
Collection: Should Have
Image of James Inhofe
We should have no concern for the environment, because, after the great flood with Noah, God promised that He would never ruin the earth again.
- James Inhofe
Collection: Should Have
Image of Donald Dunn
I always look back and say I should have made more. It should have been more lucrative, but it wasnt.
- Donald Dunn
Collection: Should Have
Image of William A. Rusher
And if something came along that didn't sound so good, it perhaps didn't always get out there as it should have. But given the fact that she [Eleanor Roosevelt] had the help, nonetheless she knew how to use it. And she used it very effectively.
- William A. Rusher
Collection: Should Have
Image of Etta James
I've gone through so much in my life. I should have been dead a long time ago, but I am still here, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.
- Etta James
Collection: Should Have
Image of Ginger Baker
People say Cream gave birth to heavy metal. If that's so, we should have had an abortion.
- Ginger Baker
Collection: Should Have
Image of Robbie Amell
Everyone should have cheat days or days off. You need to balance the unhealthy with the healthy.
- Robbie Amell
Collection: Should Have