Ruth Reichl

Image of Ruth Reichl
I'm not a big turkey fan, but my husband loves it. Thanksgiving is his favorite meal.
- Ruth Reichl
Collection: Thanksgiving
Image of Ruth Reichl
The secret to life is finding joy in ordinary things. I'm interested in happiness.
- Ruth Reichl
Collection: Happiness
Image of Ruth Reichl
If you go back in American history, oysters were the food of poor people. New York was filled with oyster saloons in the 1800s.
- Ruth Reichl
Collection: Food
Image of Ruth Reichl
The American government policy on what we supported and subsidised in agriculture was a social experiment on a whole generation of children.
- Ruth Reichl
Collection: Government
Image of Ruth Reichl
The way we live is changing. Each year, our free time shrinks a little more as computers clamor for an increasing percentage of our attention.
- Ruth Reichl
Collection: Computers
Image of Ruth Reichl
American food is the food of immigrants. You go back a couple of hundred years, and we were all immigrants, unless we're going to talk about Native American cuisine.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
Anyone who has ever been an ugly adolescent - and we are legion - knows that the feeling of being unlovely and unlovable never goes away; it is always there, lurking just beneath the surface.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I love to make pies - pot pies, quiches, savory tarts, fruit pies. I use an old-fashioned pastry blender with wires and a wooden handle. I never use a recipe.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I bake bread nearly every day; I use Jim Lahey's no-knead method and leave it to rise overnight.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
Ask people to pitch in - hand them a spoon and ask them to stir. Doing things together, having everyone help, makes for a nicer party.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
The first time you make something, follow the recipe, then figure out how to tailor it to your own tastes.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I love breakfast, and I don't see any reason it has to be cereal and eggs and toast.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
'Comfort Me with Apples' is a love story, or better, two love stories. And since it deals with a later period in my life, most of the people who appear in it are living.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
My mother's name was Miriam, but most people called her Mim.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I meet people, and we can get past small talk pretty quickly if they've read my books. It's a great shortcut.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
For me, cooking is a way to try and please people and tell them I love them. When I fall in love with someone, I want to feed them as well.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
What was so extraordinary to me about going through this box of my mother's letters and diaries was meeting my mother not as my mother, but as a real person. And what breaks my heart is that I had no idea how self-aware she was and how protective of me she was.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
There is that romanticized idea of what a bookstore can be, what a library can be, what a shop can be. And to me, they are that. These are places that open doors into other worlds if only you're open to them.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
My mother really would make these dreadful concoctions. She really prided herself on something called 'Everything Stew,' where she would take everything in the refrigerator, all the leftovers, and put them all together.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
Writing about food is my default.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
World War II really fascinated me because it's the only time that everybody in this country sat down at the same table, because eating on rations was your patriotic duty.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I loved writing fiction. I mean, once I found the character, or the characters, and knew who they were and knew their back-stories, it really - I mean, I went into my studio every day, thinking, 'What's gonna happen to Billy today?'
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I don't think I hate any food trends.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
You don't want to give people what they want. Give them something that they didn't know that they wanted.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I've been to a couple of restaurants in L.A. that were so loud, I left there with a sore throat; you literally could not have a conversation. I think it's very deliberate: There's this idea that somehow it's more fun if there's a roar in the room.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I think of fiction as the highest calling. I'm kind of addicted to it. It's the thing that has gotten me through all the hard points in my life.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
What does happen in 'Gourmet,' we had eight test kitchens, and at any given time, there were, like, ten or twelve test cooks. And whenever anybody finished something, they would yell, 'Taste!' and everyone would go running towards it, and then taste, and then brutally deconstruct the dish.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I learned so much in Laos. I learned that fried silkworm larvae are delicious. I learned how to make ant-egg salad.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
Laos is a country where everything is eaten. When I came back, I would find myself chopping parsley and thinking: 'Why am I throwing these stems away? They're perfectly edible.'
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
My idea of good living is not about eating high on the hog. Rather, to me, good living means understanding how food connects us to the earth.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
One of the things I really love about restaurants is that in many ways, they are the ultimate democratic institutions, where you get to walk in the door, plunk down your money, and for however long that you're there, you can be anyone you want to be.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I loved being at the 'Times,' and they were incredibly good to me. I think it's a wonderful paper, and I was really well edited.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I think it's hard, when you're someone who likes to please people, as I am, to be a boss. I had to learn how to rein myself in and not terrify people.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
Really, the only way to face the biggest problems we have is for the government to change the way they subsidize food. The way we subsidize food makes it cheaper to go to McDonald's and get a hamburger than a salad, and that's insane.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
The way we allow children to be advertised to is shocking. Eating is a learned behavior, and we've made these kids sitting ducks for all the bad messages about industrialized food. The fact that we allow that to go on is horrifying.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
We in the media have been guilty about not doing a better job of making people understand how really simple cooking is. We've made everyone feel like they have to be a chef.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
The hardest part of cooking is shopping, and if you organize yourself and shop once a week, you're halfway there.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I wanted to figure out a way of living where I didn't have to be in an office every day.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
My kitchen was built for my body. It forms a 'U' in the middle of the living room and dining room. It's not huge, because I don't like huge kitchens.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
The thing I like most in my kitchen is my marble counters. Everybody said not to use marble because it's fragile, it stains, it cracks, and it doesn't remain beautiful. But I love marble.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
My mother's father was a doctor, and she desperately wanted to be a doctor.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
What I learned is that how we present ourselves to the world is really how we get treated. So if you want to be treated really well in a restaurant, you really have to dress up. You cannot just show up.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I don't think there's one thing more important you can do for your kids than have family dinner.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
It takes a great deal of strength to be an optimist.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
People are so used to eating terrible pancakes, no matter how you mess up, they're going to be great. And if you make fresh orange juice, they'll be over the moon.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
When you're a restaurant critic, you're not home at night, so breakfast became really important for us.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I think I wrote my first piece about food in 1978.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
I think that reading is always active. As a writer, you can only go so far; the reader meets you halfway, bringing his or her own experience to bear on everything you've written. What I mean is that it is not only the writer's memory that filters experience, but the reader's as well.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
My mother started out by being a very good girl. She did everything that was expected of her, and it cost her dearly. Late in her life, she was furious that she had not followed her own heart; she thought that it had ruined her life, and I think she was right.
- Ruth Reichl
Image of Ruth Reichl
One of mom's greatest acts of generosity was that she trained me to be defiant. Her great gift to me was encouraging me to be the person that I wanted to be, not the one that she and my father wished I was.
- Ruth Reichl