Top running Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of running quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more running quotes.

Image of Robert J. Shiller
In the longer run and for wide-reaching issues, more creative solutions tend to come from imaginative interdisciplinary collaboration.
- Robert J. Shiller
Collection: Running
Image of Robert J. Shiller
In the short run and for decisions unlikely to have broad impact, it may be more cost effective to use just one expert.
- Robert J. Shiller
Collection: Running
Image of Maud Hart Lovelace
Isn't it mysterious to begin a new journal like this? I can run my fingers through the fresh clean pages but I cannot guess what the writing on them will be.
- Maud Hart Lovelace
Collection: Running
Image of Pete Townshend
Rock music is important to people , because it allows them to escape this crazy world. It allows them not to run away from the problems that are there, but to face up to them , but at the same time sort of DANCE ALL OVER THEM. That's what rock and roll is about.
- Pete Townshend
Collection: Running
Image of Wade Boggs
A swing is like a car. You've got the fan belt, carburetor, pistons, spark plugs, fuel pump. If any part isn't working, the car doesn't run. Same way with hitting.
- Wade Boggs
Collection: Running
Image of David Foenkinos
We may finally ask ourselves whether coincidence really does exist. Maybe everybody we run into is walking around near us with the undying hope of meeting us? To think of it, it's a fact that they often seem out of breath.
- David Foenkinos
Collection: Running
Image of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
When I see Messi - who is the best player in the world in my opinion - lose the ball, he runs off until he gets it back or commits a foul. Our guys lose the ball and fold their arms.
- Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Collection: Running
Image of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Only in my case, when my presidency ends, I will go back to my home industrial city town, 800 meters from my local trade union that projected me my political life. And if I fail, when I go back to my hometown, it's going to take another century for another worker, another member of the working class to reach the presidency, because people are going to say that the workers do not have the competency to run a country.
- Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Collection: Running
Image of Lilith Saintcrow
What you can't run away from, you have to face
- Lilith Saintcrow
Collection: Running
Image of Bono
I wouldn't run for President. I wouldn't want to move to a smaller house.
- Bono
Collection: Running
Image of James Sallis
Mostly what you lose with time, in memory, is the specificity of things, their exact sequence. It all runs together, becomes a watery soup. Portmanteau days, imploded years. Like a bad actor, memory always goes for effect, abjuring motivation, consistency, good sense.
- James Sallis
Collection: Running
Image of Arthur W. Pink
Instead of a river, God often gives us a brook, which may be running today and dried up tomorrow. Why? To teach us not to rest in our blessings, but in the blesser Himself.
- Arthur W. Pink
Collection: Running
Image of Don Roff
Authors must spend months, years making fantasy believable in a single work while reality runs rampant and complete chaos elsewhere.
- Don Roff
Collection: Running
Image of Hiromu Arakawa
Fool! Nothing but black ink runs through my veins!
- Hiromu Arakawa
Collection: Running
Image of Ruby Wax
You shouldn't run away from your problems, you need to aim straight for the heart of the beast.
- Ruby Wax
Collection: Running
Image of Suheir Hammad
War and tooth enameled salted lemon childhoods All colors run, none of us solid Don't look for shadow behind me I carry it within I live cycles of light and darkness
- Suheir Hammad
Collection: Running
Image of Vince Vaughn
You think the politicians that run my country and your country don't have guns in the schools their kids go to? They do. And we should be allowed the same rights. Banning guns is like banning forks in an attempt to stop making people fat. Taking away guns, taking away drugs, the booze, it won't rid the world of criminality.
- Vince Vaughn
Collection: Running
Image of Scott O'Dell
Below me Rontu was running along the cliffs barking at the screaming gulls. Pelicans were chattering as they finished the blue water. But suddenly I thought of Tutok, and the island seemed very quiet.
- Scott O'Dell
Collection: Running
Image of Natsuki Takaya
I'm still willing to continue living with the burden of this memory. Even though this is a painful memory, even though this memory makes my heart ache. Sometimes I almost want to ask God to let me forget this memory. But as long as I try to be strong and not run away, doing my best, there will finally be someday...there will be finally be someday I can overcome this painful memory. I believe I can. I believe I can do it. There is no memory that can be forgotten, there is not that kind of memory. Always in my heart.
- Natsuki Takaya
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
The real competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
The answer to the big questions in running is the same as the answer to the big questions in life: Do the best with what you've got.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
Running is just such a monastery- a retreat, a place to commune with God and yourself, a place for psychological and spiritual renewal.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
No matter how old I get, the race remains one of life's most rewarding experiences. My times become slower and slower, but the experience of the race is unchanged: each race a drama, each race a challenge, each race stretching me in one way or another, and each race telling me more about myself and others.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
Life is a positive-sum game. Everyone from the gold medallist to the last finisher can rejoice in a personal victory.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
To keep from decaying, to be a winner, the athlete must accept pain - not only accept it, but look for it, live with it, learn not to fear it.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
Once you have decided that winning isn't everything, you become a winner.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
Listen to your body. Do not be a blind and deaf tenant.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of George A. Sheehan
To know you are one with what you are doing, to know that you are a complete athlete, begins with believing you are a runner.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Running
Image of Suketu Mehta
If you are late for work in Mumbai and reach the station just as the train is leaving the platform, don't despair. You can run up to the packed compartments and find many hands unfolding like petals to pull you on board. And while you will probably have to hang on to the door frame with your fingertips, you are still grateful for the empathy of your fellow passengers, already packed tighter than cattle, their shirts drenched with sweat in the badly ventilated compartment. They know that your boss might yell at you or cut your pay if you miss this train.
- Suketu Mehta
Collection: Running
Image of Barry Sanders
A lot of times I did lose yards on a run, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
- Barry Sanders
Collection: Running
Image of Boris Yeltsin
I will not step down, I will not resign, ... I will work to the end of my term in office under the constitution. In the year 2000, there will be presidential elections under the constitution and I will not run in those elections.
- Boris Yeltsin
Collection: Running
Image of Richard Stallman
For personal reasons, I do not browse the web from my computer. (I also have not net connection much of the time.) To look at page I send mail to a demon which runs wget and mails the page back to me. It is very efficient use of my time, but it is slow in real time.
- Richard Stallman
Collection: Running
Image of Eric Schlosser
The executives who run the fast food industry are not bad men. They are businessmen. They will sell free-range, organic, grass-fed hamburgers if you demand it. They will sell whatever sells at a profit.
- Eric Schlosser
Collection: Running
Image of Bill Moyers
A profound transformation is happening here. The framers of our nation never envisioned these huge media giants; never imagined what could happen if big government, big publishing and big broadcasters ever saw eye-to-eye in putting the public's need for news second to their own interests. I approach the end of my own long run believing more strongly than ever that the quality of journalism and the quality of democracy are inextricably joined ... .
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Running
Image of Nina Bawden
The kind of response I hope for when I write my novels for children: to give them a chance to recognize something of their own feelings -- about themselves, their parents, their friends -- and their own situation as a kind of subject race, always at the mercy of the adults who mostly run their lives for them.
- Nina Bawden
Collection: Running
Image of Cherry Adair
Never run after a man or a bus, there's always another one in five minutes.
- Cherry Adair
Collection: Running
Image of Anthony Storr
It is widely believed that interpersonal relationships of an intimate kind are the chief, if not the only, source of human happiness, yet the lives of creative individuals often seem to run counter to this assumption.
- Anthony Storr
Collection: Running
Image of Amy Winehouse
The dark covers me and I cannot run now.
- Amy Winehouse
Collection: Running
Image of Morris West
No man - prince, peasant, pope - has all the light, who says else is a mountebank. I claim no private lien on truth, only a liberty to seek it, prove it in debate, and to be wrong a thousand times to reach a single rightness. It is that liberty they fear. They want us to be driven to God like sheep, not running to him like lovers, shouting joy!
- Morris West
Collection: Running
Image of Scott Ritter
I really am tired of all the Clinton Democrats running around getting all-sanctimonious over Iraq. It was them who killed 1.5 to 2.2 million Iraqis through sanctions. Sanctions that Madeline Albright, their illustrious Secretary of State, when confronted with the fact of 500,000 dead Iraqi children, said it was a price she was willing to pay.
- Scott Ritter
Collection: Running
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
Clockwork could not run counter to its nature. The seconds, minutes, and hours moved only forward. Patient, precise, and unstoppable. Memory was an indulgence, an illusion that broke like a wave upon the juggernaut of time. The past remained the past.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Running
Image of Alexander Gordon Smith
But nobody can run from their own demons.
- Alexander Gordon Smith
Collection: Running
Image of Sonya Sones
I wish he hadn't gone and cut his hair. He looks about eight years old. His ears have tripled in size. Everyone's started calling him Dumbo. Which wouldn't be so bad, except they've started calling me Mrs. Dumbo. You can't even tell he's got curly hair anymore. There's nothing left to run my fingers through. Just this weird blond AstroTurf sprouting out of his skull.
- Sonya Sones
Collection: Running
Image of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
In any given society the authority of man over man runs in inverse proportion to the intellectual development of that society.
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Collection: Running
Image of Christina Dodd
I intend to marry Michael, and squander all his money and run his life, and make sure he never again consorts with wicked women or gambles with licentious men. I promise I will henpeck him until he has no life beyond what I allow him, and when we die, I will lie in his arms through all eternity.
- Christina Dodd
Collection: Running
Image of Mary Hoffman
My guard will run you through if he catches you looking at my face," said Arianna. "I don't think so. I think it might be treason to kill a duke," said Luciano. "But you're not a duke," said Arianna. "I will be if you marry me," said Luciano. "Yes, you would be," said Arianna. "Would?" "If you are asking me." "I'm asking." "And if I accepted." "Do you?" "I do. With all my heart.
- Mary Hoffman
Collection: Running
Image of Katherine Hannigan do you run and play when you feel like there are bricks of the heaviest sadness weighing down every part of your body? How do you laugh and talk when there are no laughs left inside of you?
- Katherine Hannigan
Collection: Running