Top respect Quotes Collection - Page 12

Discover a curated collection of respect quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 12 provides more respect quotes.

Image of Jack Kerouac
Mankind is like dogs, not gods - as long as you don't get mad they'll bite you - but stay mad and you'll never be bitten. Dogs don't respect humility and sorrow.
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: Respect
Image of Harry Styles
A lot of the time, the way it's portrayed is that I only see women in a sexual way. But I grew up with just my mum and sister, so I respect women a lot.
- Harry Styles
Collection: Respect
Image of Jewell Parker Rhodes
Prejudice is sinful. All blood flows red. And the most harmful and foolish kind of prejudice is prejudice against yourself. Every woman is your sister, and every woman needs her sisters. So try to give other women the courtesy of your compassion, respect, and forgiveness. Love yourself despite - and because of - your flaws.
- Jewell Parker Rhodes
Collection: Respect
Image of Jim Hunt
Teachers have the hardest and most important jobs in America. They're building our nation. And we should appreciate them, respect them, and pay them well.
- Jim Hunt
Collection: Respect
Image of Kenneth Chenault
There was a strong focus on performance and respect for people. And one of the points that my father always made was that with all the challenges and obstacles and barriers, the one thing you can control is your performance. And that is one thing I have tried to adhere to throughout my career.
- Kenneth Chenault
Collection: Respect
Image of William Hazlitt
There is a secret pride in every human heart that revolts at tyranny. You may order and drive an individual, but you cannot make him respect you.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Respect
Image of Daryl Davis
I respect someone's right to air their views whether they are wrong or right.
- Daryl Davis
Collection: Respect
Image of J. K. Rowling
'Harry Potter' gave me back self respect. Harry gave me a job to do that I loved more than anything else.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Respect
Image of Colin Cowherd
If you look at women in sports, they generally have to be more qualified because it is kind of a man's world. Guys will give guys a lot more breaks than a woman. I'd argue that women make fewer mistakes and are held to a higher standard. I think the ultimate respect you can pay to a woman in my business is you're my equal.
- Colin Cowherd
Collection: Respect
Image of Gennaro Gattuso
Respect and consistency, as hard work during the week is the only way to earn your place.
- Gennaro Gattuso
Collection: Respect
Image of Joe Biden
There's one advantage in having been around as long as I have. Everybody in the Senate knows me, and - I'm going to say something presumptuous, to repeat myself - I think most respect me.
- Joe Biden
Collection: Respect
Image of Norman Cousins
Respect for the fragility and importance of an individual life is still the mark of an educated man.
- Norman Cousins
Collection: Respect
Image of T. J. Miller
By the very nature of satire or parody, you have to love and respect your target and respect it enough to understand every aspect of it, so you can more effectively make fun of it.
- T. J. Miller
Collection: Respect
Image of Neil Gorsuch
I consider the United States Senate the greatest deliberative body in the world, and I respect the important role the Constitution affords it in the confirmation of our judges.
- Neil Gorsuch
Collection: Respect
Image of Norman Schwarzkopf
Well, unfortunately, I have always regretted the fact that I have a temper, but I also have, you know, have great love and respect for all of the people that have worked for me. I think like everything else, this is one of those things that has been blown out of proportion.
- Norman Schwarzkopf
Collection: Respect
Image of Alexander Volkanovski
You know, martial arts is all about respect and discipline and it's always been about that. But again, people are starting to forget that, people are missing that, and this is where I believe I can help and it's good for our sport.
- Alexander Volkanovski
Collection: Respect
Image of Dave Grohl
There's a reason why the Foo Fighters don't blast out Nirvana songs every night: because we have a lot of respect for them. You know, that's hallowed ground. We have to be careful. We have to tread lightly. We have talked about it before, but the opportunity hasn't really come up, or it just hasn't felt right.
- Dave Grohl
Collection: Respect
Image of Fidel Castro
The people respect and believe in men who fulfill their duty.
- Fidel Castro
Collection: Respect
Image of George A. Romero
My stories are about humans and how they react, or fail to react, or react stupidly. I'm pointing the finger at us, not at the zombies. I try to respect and sympathize with the zombies as much as possible.
- George A. Romero
Collection: Respect
Image of Neville
I tried to play the etiquette game - the respect game - for too long, and it didn't work out for me.
- Neville
Collection: Respect
Image of Lauryn Hill
I do support artists standing by their beliefs and walking with integrity. We have to find a better way to commercially exploit music while giving artists their proper respect. This cannot be done while taking their contributions for granted or trying to control the scope of their growth and power through threats and fear tactics.
- Lauryn Hill
Collection: Respect
Image of Michelle Obama
I say this everywhere I go: I admire and respect Hillary. She has been a lawyer, a law professor, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, a U.S. Senator, Secretary of State.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Respect
Image of Kiana Tom
Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Period. No exceptions.
- Kiana Tom
Collection: Respect
Image of Dave Reichert
As a former cop, I respect and appreciate those who've dedicated their lives to serving others as well as those who appreciate the rule of law and honor it.
- Dave Reichert
Collection: Respect
Image of Unai Emery
I respect a lot the players: their hair and their hair colour.
- Unai Emery
Collection: Respect
Image of Deborah Sampson
As an overruling providence may succeed our wishes, let us rear an offspring in every respect worthy to fill the most illustrious stations of their predecessors.
- Deborah Sampson
Collection: Respect
Image of Paulo Coelho
With all due respect, the Mona Lisa is overrated.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Respect
Image of Brandon T. Jackson
Why don't women have respect for themselves nowadays? What happen to the woman who learned her grandmama's recipes and made her man sweet potato pie? I tell you, they don't make 'em like they used to. Will my real women stand up, please?
- Brandon T. Jackson
Collection: Respect
Image of Stan Lee
America is made of different races and different religions, but we're all co-travelers on the spaceship Earth and must respect and help each other along the way.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Respect
Image of David Beckham
It's one thing I like about America - they respect the sportsman. They put them up on a pedestal. They don't try to knock them down. And that's a great thing, to be respected by the whole country. It's so patriotic!
- David Beckham
Collection: Respect
Image of Pele
You must respect people and work hard to be in shape. And I used to train very hard. When the others players went to the beach after training, I was there kicking the ball.
- Pele
Collection: Respect
Image of Harrison Ford
'Years of Living Dangerously' is a wonderful opportunity to reach a lot of people with the story and importance of climate change in our lives; in recent history, there's no bigger threat to the quality of human life than what is taking place right now in respect of climate change.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Respect
Image of Aretha Franklin
Everybody wants respect. In their own way, three-year-olds would like respect, and acknowledgment, in their terms.
- Aretha Franklin
Collection: Respect
Image of Rob Van Dam
Somebody like CM Punk, who stands up and says he's completely sober - he doesn't even take a drink of champagne in a toast because that's just not him - he's a man that's completely full of integrity; you've got to respect that.
- Rob Van Dam
Collection: Respect
Image of Thorstein Veblen
Labor wants pride and joy in doing good work, a sense of making or doing something beautiful or useful - to be treated with dignity and respect as brother and sister.
- Thorstein Veblen
Collection: Respect
Image of Eudora Welty
Writing fiction has developed in me an abiding respect for the unknown in a human lifetime and a sense of where to look for the threads, how to follow, how to connect, find in the thick of the tangle what clear line persists.
- Eudora Welty
Collection: Respect
Image of Erin Brockovich
My father was in the Navy. He is very tall and has a big presence. When he was angry, he stared you right in the face and didn't look away until you told him the truth. He never yelled, but you never wanted to lose his respect, and that was scary.
- Erin Brockovich
Collection: Respect
Image of Taylor Swift
When I'm getting to know someone, I look for someone who has passions that I respect, like his career. Someone who loves what he does is really attractive.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Respect
Image of Hubert de Givenchy
Fabric is the most extraordinary thing; it has life. You must respect the fabric.
- Hubert de Givenchy
Collection: Respect
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Respect
Image of Volodymyr Zelensky
I respect Israel as hugely special, especially given all the sensitivities around it. The Jews managed to build a country, to elevate it, without anything except people and brains.
- Volodymyr Zelensky
Collection: Respect
Image of Ryan Gosling
I grew up in a family of strong women and I owe any capacity I have to understand women to my mother and big sister. They taught me to respect women in a way where I've always felt a strong emotional connection to women, which has also helped me in the way I approach my work as an actor.
- Ryan Gosling
Collection: Respect
Image of Jocko Willink
Since the team understands that the leader is de facto in charge, in that respect, a leader has nothing to prove. But in another respect, a leader has everything to prove: Every member of the team must develop the trust and confidence that their leader will exercise good judgment, remain calm, and make the right decisions when it matters most.
- Jocko Willink
Collection: Respect
Image of Randy Orton
I had to realize that everyone has opinions, and they all have the right to feel a certain way, and you have to respect that.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Respect
Image of Harold Prince
Collaboration is just, really, a group of people getting in a room with their eye on a very similar prize and wanting to come out with the same show. The director, ultimately, is the guy in front of whom the buck stops. So, he has to have the courage to prevail. But, he has got to have a huge amount of respect for his collaborators.
- Harold Prince
Collection: Respect
Image of Theodore Zeldin
When two people talk with mutual respect and listen with a real interest in understanding another point of view, when they try to put themselves in the place of another, to get inside their skin, they change the world, even if it is only by a minute amount, because they are establishing equality between two human beings.
- Theodore Zeldin
Collection: Respect
Image of Bob Stoops
It's very rewarding when you know you're affecting a young person in a positive way, when you know you're helping influence them in the right direction. Teaching them by example, giving them examples, showing humility and respect and love for your child and wife.
- Bob Stoops
Collection: Respect
Image of Summer Altice
I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty.
- Summer Altice
Collection: Respect
Image of Frans Timmermans
Respect for the rule of law is not optional; it's fundamental.
- Frans Timmermans
Collection: Respect