
Image of Neville
I always said the whole time all I was waiting for was an opportunity and a chance to get my foot in the door.
- Neville
Collection: Chance
Image of Neville
I tried to play the etiquette game - the respect game - for too long, and it didn't work out for me.
- Neville
Collection: Respect
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I've got nothing to prove. I've already proven to everybody that I'm untouchable.
- Neville
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Pound for pound, I'm unmatched.
- Neville
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For the longest time, I still tried to hold up this act - this nice-guy, superhero, role-model persona - that wasn't really me and wasn't serving me.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I've broken my ankle in two spots. Fortunately, it was a relatively clean break, so it's remained in position. The bone has remained in position. I don't require surgery. I will have to rest it, though. It's a broken ankle.
- Neville
Image of Neville
It was set to be my first WrestleMania, which is obviously a lifetime goal. To have that taken away from me right on the approach - we were something like three weeks out - was devastating. It certainly changed me as a person, that process.
- Neville
Image of Neville
The Cruiserweight Classic was a fantastic platform for people of my size, people who are similar stylistically to the way that I am, to show the world what we're capable of.
- Neville
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You have to consider, I'm a full-time professional wrestler, and Stephen Amell is a celebrity, and yet we still managed to beat two full-time professional wrestlers.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I have been a wrestler now for 12 years, and now I am reaching this peak at the top of the mountain - WrestleMania.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I'm not concerned with appeasing people with a dream match. What I care about is Neville and my championship. That's all I care about.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I've been very fortunate with injuries: I've had the odd broken bone in my back; when I was starting out here in England, I cracked a few ribs, and I've broken a bone in my hand.
- Neville
Image of Neville
Our schedule is intense. We do this for five nights a week, so injuries can happen very easily with the demands of the job. It's just the nature of what we do and sports in general.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I loved 'Survivor Series' as a kid. It's one of our biggest pay-per-views, and I would love to be part of that, just for the bucket list!
- Neville
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The Red Arrows are the acrobatic division of the Royal Air Force in England.
- Neville
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I remember, as a kid, we would go and watch the Red Arrows, and I thought it was similar to British wrestlers and the acrobatic division.
- Neville
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Daniel Bryan is a guy I'd like to mix it up with at some point - Tyson Kidd, Kevin Owens. You know, we have a lot of history in NXT, and he's another guy I've known for a long time, so there's so many different options.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I think I am the underdog.
- Neville
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Growing up, my wildest dream was always to be part of the WWE, and I'd been in NXT by that time for two and a half years, so I felt very, very ready to go.
- Neville
Image of Neville
Obviously, you know, when you talk about dream matches and you talk about the WWE, you can't not mention John Cena.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I'm generally a highly motivated person. I always try and be the very best I can be, so I'm just gonna try and take every day and be the best that I can be, and prove myself to the WWE Universe and the WWE in general, and see how far I can go.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I still feel like I am in my introductory period in terms of making my name in WWE so want to keep my head down and work hard. I would also love to have a match with Daniel Bryan.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I had a lot of professional wrestling experience from around the world when I joined the company, but what NXT did was prepare me for WWE television, an environment that was alien to me at that point.
- Neville
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A different demographic of people watch NXT compared to Raw and Smackdown; NXT is followed by the real knowledgeable, hardcore internet audience, whereas the main shows have a more family feel.
- Neville
Image of Neville
There are so many role models who I watched and idolised growing up, mainly guys with a similar athletic style to myself. I loved Dynamite Kid, Eddie Guerrero, and Rey Mysterio, as well as Japanese juniors like Jushin Liger, Ultimo Dragon, and Tiger Mask.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I've had a few matches with Kevin Owens. I can recollect him taking advantage of me somehow underhandedly and me being walked and trampled all over and allowing it to happen.
- Neville
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'King of the Cruiserweights' is not just something I say. Let me be straight. I am the king. You can see that. It's undeniable.
- Neville
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I knew the fans that attend the Raw after WrestleMania are a very special audience.
- Neville
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Wrestling in Japan is very much sports based.
- Neville
Image of Neville
All the territories or places I've wrestled are different. There are different styles. The WWE and TV style is also very different.
- Neville
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I do wrestle a really high-risk and high-flying style.
- Neville
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That's the most important thing is how we reach the WWE Universe and how we inspire people in their life. If I can do that and be given the chance to do it, it's really the best thing we do.
- Neville
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My career path is the best I could have hoped for, and that's thanks to independent wrestling and territories across the world.
- Neville
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I wanted to do a corkscrew moonsault backwards, so I had the idea of doing it forwards like the shooting star corkscrew, and I was aware no one else did that in wrestling. If I could perfect this technique, it would be unique to me.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I'm not one of these guys who is going to build myself up to you for an over and put myself over. I do my talking in the ring.
- Neville
Image of Neville
For too long, I have been overlooked. For too long, I have been disrespected. For too long, I had been too good.
- Neville
Image of Neville
I've always been fanatical about wrestling from a young age, growing up in Newcastle, and I have been fortunate to start training, get opportunities, and meet the right people at the right time.
- Neville