Top Recovery Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Recovery quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Recovery quotes.

Image of Sung Won Sohn
The economy has settled into a sustainable, self-reinforcing growth path, .. All major categories of the economy have contributed to economic growth. Now that businesses have begun to add to payrolls, the current expansion is self-reinforcing. Only external shocks, such as terrorist attacks or a surge in oil prices, could derail the recovery.
- Sung Won Sohn
Collection: Recovery
Image of Frederick Crews
The recovery movementis not primarily addressed to people who always knew about their sexual victimization. Its main intendedaudience is women who aren't at all sure that they were molested, and its purpose is to convince them of that face and embolden them to act upon it. As for genuine victims, the comfort they are proffered may look attractive at first, but it is of debatable long value.
- Frederick Crews
Collection: Recovery
Image of Tom J. Donohue
[A dramatic increase in regulation under the Obama administration is] threatening to short-circuit our recovery and undermine our long-term growth....More importantly , it is suffocating the entrepreneurial spirit so vital to America's success.
- Tom J. Donohue
Collection: Recovery
Image of Richard M. Schulze
He was one of my most dramatic recoveries with AIDS, and the reason I say that is that he was the most far gone. He was in the absolute, end stage - they have that wing in the hospital where they have given up on you. You can smoke pot and do anything you want. They had given up on him.
- Richard M. Schulze
Collection: Recovery
Image of Victoria Pendleton
In competition, everything is very well planned in advance and very well detailed. You just stick to the plan, keep your head down and be as disciplined as possible in every aspect, whether sleep, recovery or the intensity of your training. And it's all recorded; the data is analysed.
- Victoria Pendleton
Collection: Recovery
Image of Calvin Johnson
The outpouring of support from health professionals who want to volunteer for Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts has been tremendous.
- Calvin Johnson
Collection: Recovery
Image of Brad Alan Lewis
MCP, maximum controled pressure. No tomorrow, no waiting, nothing beyond the moment. We seek the perfect balance-total abandon on the drive, total control on the recovery.
- Brad Alan Lewis
Collection: Recovery
Image of George Voinovich
The economy is showing encouraging signs of recovery.
- George Voinovich
Collection: Recovery
Image of Bebe Moore Campbell
Forgiveness is the key to the recovery of the soul.
- Bebe Moore Campbell
Collection: Recovery
Image of Giuseppe Antonio Borgese
It is necessary; therefore, it is possible.
- Giuseppe Antonio Borgese
Collection: Recovery
Image of Matt Fitzgerald
Masters runners fare best when they designate every third week as a recovery week.
- Matt Fitzgerald
Collection: Recovery
Image of Carrie Fisher
Sometimes you can only find Heaven by slowly backing away from Hell.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Recovery
Image of Wayne Dyer
If you don't make peace with your past it will keep showing up in your present.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Recovery
Image of Mark Lowry
Life is a series of recoveries.
- Mark Lowry
Collection: Recovery
Image of Hans Eysenck
The more psychotherapy, the smaller the recovery rate.
- Hans Eysenck
Collection: Recovery
Image of Amanda Ripley
Narrative is the beginning of recovery.
- Amanda Ripley
Collection: Recovery
Image of Tim Bray
Bloggers and other flavors of lone wolf are publishing heart-wrenching photo-essays from the front line of the recovery effort. Newspapers and TV networks? They're writing about the temperature of the water in some part (they don't specify which) of some damaged reactor, illustrating it with video screen grabs of machinery they don't understand enough to explain.
- Tim Bray
Collection: Recovery
Image of Bill Bonner
You can forget about recovery. There is no recovery - and there's not going to be any recovery. Recovery is an impossibility.
- Bill Bonner
Collection: Recovery
Image of Gillian Tett
The great rebalancing -- what does recovery mean today?
- Gillian Tett
Collection: Recovery
Image of Timothy Geithner
The government can help, but we need to make this transition now to a recovery led by private investment.
- Timothy Geithner
Collection: Recovery
Image of Henry E. Sigerist
Disease is a dynamic process. It has a beginning - slow or sudden - develops, reaches in many cases an acme, and ends in recovery or death.
- Henry E. Sigerist
Collection: Recovery
Image of Anthony Green
I'm three years into my recovery from heroin and all this stuff and I want to be able to help people. But they have to do it on their own.
- Anthony Green
Collection: Recovery
Image of Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - No one is coming to rescue you from yourself; your inner demons, your lack of confidence, your dissatisfaction with yourself and life. Only self-love and good decisions will rescue you.
- Jennifer Young
Collection: Recovery
Image of Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Every single event in your life, especially the difficult lessons, have made you smarter, stronger, and wiser than you were yesterday. Be thankful!
- Jennifer Young
Collection: Recovery
Image of Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - You will have a lot more time and energy to spend on yourself when you stop worrying and wasting time on how others need to change.
- Jennifer Young
Collection: Recovery
Image of Bernard Jensen
Nutrition is the only remedy that can bring full recovery and can be used with any treatment. Remember, food is our best medicine!
- Bernard Jensen
Collection: Recovery
Image of Melody Gardot
I was riding my bicycle and I was hit by a Jeep. And the damage that was done to my body was gradually diagnosed, instead of immediately, so the recovery process for me was probably unnecessarily long: It took nearly two years for me to say that I could successfully walk. It was scary. And in a way, when you're faced with something like that, it forces you to change, and very quickly. I think that unconsciously, I felt called to a challenge-a challenge to regain something.
- Melody Gardot
Collection: Recovery
Image of William Duncan Silkworth
Men and women drink essentially because they like the effect produced by alcohol. The sensation is so elusive that, while they admit it is injurious, they cannot after a time differentiate the true from the false. To them, their alcoholic life seems the only normal one. They are restless, irritable, and discontented, unless they can again experience the sense of ease and comfort which comes at once by taking a few drinks-drinks which they see others taking with impunity.
- William Duncan Silkworth
Collection: Recovery
Image of William Duncan Silkworth
Men have cried out to me in sincere and despairing appeal: 'Doctor, I cannot go on like this! I have everything to live for! I must stop, but I cannot! You must help me!'...One feels that something more than human power is needed to produce the essential psychic change. Though the aggregate of recoveries resulting from psychiatric effort is considerable, we physicians must admit we have made little impression upon the problem as a whole. Many types do not respond to the ordinary psychological approach.
- William Duncan Silkworth
Collection: Recovery
Image of William Duncan Silkworth
I personally know of scores of cases (of alcohoics) who were of the type with whom other methods had failed completely....because of the extraordinary possibilities of rapid growth inherent in this froup they may mark a new epoch in the annals of alcoholism. These men may well have a remedy for thousands of such situations.
- William Duncan Silkworth
Collection: Recovery
Image of Danny Glover
I want people with epilepsy to know that there are ways in which they can play a role in their own recovery. It's all in how they approach what is happening and how they can use that as a catalyst for their own growth. If there's one thing that I've learned, it's that people are willing to embrace you if you share your story.
- Danny Glover
Collection: Recovery
Image of Stanton Peele
Recovery is about purpose and meaning in life, not “sobriety” and meetings.
- Stanton Peele
Collection: Recovery
Image of Valtteri Bottas
During the season, it's a lot of maintaining your fitness, so in the winter time is when the main work is done. During the season, I just try to maintain my speed with different types of drills with my trainer. I also work on some muscles. If there's ever any injuries during races, then I'll focus a lot of my time on the muscle recovery.
- Valtteri Bottas
Collection: Recovery
Image of Christopher
I refuse to allow a disability to determine how I live my life. I don't mean to be reckless, but setting a goal that seems a bit daunting actually is very helpful toward recovery.
- Christopher
Collection: Recovery
Image of John Grisham
Shame was an emotion he had abandoned years earlier. Addicts know no shame. You disgrace yourself so many times you become immune to it.
- John Grisham
Collection: Recovery
Image of Frederick William Borden
My recovery, though slower than hoped for, is nevertheless assured.
- Frederick William Borden
Collection: Recovery
Image of Cecil Williams
When people get up on the stage and say, "I've got AIDS," or "I'm in recovery," gosh, it's hard for them. It's like that story touches every person's story. You know, they open their entire humanity up. Storytelling is very important in life. Telling the truth is critical. It's like, again, the melody. The melody of jazz music is the truth, for me.
- Cecil Williams
Collection: Recovery
Image of Keith Henson
Some people recovering from drugs or alcohol stay with the programs indefinitely, making the recovery program their family, a long-term source of attention rewards.
- Keith Henson
Collection: Recovery
Image of James E. Loehr
Recovery is an important word and a vital concept. It means renewal of life and energy. Knowing how and when to recover may prove to be the most important skill in your life.
- James E. Loehr
Collection: Recovery
Image of Michael Botticelli
I'm one of 23 million Americans in recovery who have gone on to live productive lives.
- Michael Botticelli
Collection: Recovery
Image of Marya Hornbacher
The problem is that you don't just choose recovery. You have to keep choosing recovery, over and over and over again. You have to make that choice 5-6 times each day. You have to make that choice even when you really don't want to. It's not a single choice, and it's not easy.
- Marya Hornbacher
Collection: Recovery
Image of Randall Price
Archaeology in general is the recovery and study of the material culture of past civilizations. Biblical archaeology is as an application of the science of archaeology to the field of biblical studies. Through the comparison and integration of Scripture with the evidence of history and culture derived from archaeology, new insights into the biblical context of people and events, and sometimes the interpretation of the text itself, are possible. In this way archaeology serves as a necessary tool for biblical exegesis and for apologetic concerns.
- Randall Price
Collection: Recovery
Image of Mariska Hargitay
You survived the abuse, you’re going to survive the recovery.
- Mariska Hargitay
Collection: Recovery
Image of Nathan Oliveira
See the first stroke as a start and everything after that a recovery.
- Nathan Oliveira
Collection: Recovery
Image of Cornelia Meigs
Recovery from illness often seems like beginning life all over again.
- Cornelia Meigs
Collection: Recovery
Image of Jenni Schaefer
Replace perfectionism with persistence. After all, in recovery and life, it's persistence that really pays off. Forget about perfection.
- Jenni Schaefer
Collection: Recovery
Image of Jenni Schaefer
I would not encourage you to go through the sweat, blood, and tears of the recovery process only to reach some kind of mediocre state where you were just 'managing' the illness. It is possible to live without Ed.
- Jenni Schaefer
Collection: Recovery
Image of Jenni Schaefer
Oftentimes, especially during my recovery, I didn't need to think about everything I was doing wrong; instead, I needed to focus more on what I was doing right-and then do more of the right stuff. I needed to live more in the solution.
- Jenni Schaefer
Collection: Recovery
Image of Ashley Judd
I have a very ecumenical faith. I have a very inclusive faith. There's a quote I love from recovery literature that says, "The realm of the spirit is roomy and broad. It is open to all." I've absolutely staked my life on that.
- Ashley Judd
Collection: Recovery