Top Pyramids Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Pyramids quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of John Lothrop Motley
Monuments! what are they? the very pyramids have forgotten their builders, or to whom they were dedicated. Deeds, not stones, are the true monuments of the great.
- John Lothrop Motley
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Skrillex
I remember seeing the full Daft Punk pyramid show in 2007. I went alone, drove up in my Honda Fit, bought a ticket off a scalper for $150, got on the floor, and had the best time of my life. I didn't have a drink, no drugs. But I was high out of my mind. It changed my life.
- Skrillex
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Nathan Eldon Tanner
To be healthy and happy, a person must live a life that includes a good variety of activities.
- Nathan Eldon Tanner
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Frank Chodorov
Private capitalism makes a steam engine; State capitalism makes pyramids.
- Frank Chodorov
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Marion D. Hanks
People need recreation, need to be achieving, need to contribute; but if these come at the cost of friendship with Christ, the price is much too high.
- Marion D. Hanks
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Caldwell Esselstyn
Having the USDA design your food pyramid is like having Al Capone do your taxes.
- Caldwell Esselstyn
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Eddie Griffin
You know how we built the pyramids? You gotta ask yourself a question always flip the script. What if up was down and down was up? What if you looked down into space standing up on Earth? This is how we built the pyramids.
- Eddie Griffin
Collection: Pyramids
Image of William F. Longgood
I continue to handpick the beetles, mosquitoes feast on me, birds eat the mosquitoes, something else eats the birds, and so on up and down the biotic pyramid.
- William F. Longgood
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Rod Coronado
The only way we can guarantee our continued survival on earth is to recognise the importance of other non human life forms and stop pretending we're on top of some pyramid of domination over other beings.
- Rod Coronado
Collection: Pyramids
Image of I. L. Peretz
The Hebrew language... is the only glue which holds together our scattered bones. It also holds together the rings in the chain of time.... It binds us to those who built pyramids, to those who shed their blood on the ramparts of Jerusalem, and to those who, at the burning stakes, cried Shema Yisrael!
- I. L. Peretz
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Elena Satine
Im fascinated by anything that deals with the unexplained. I love any show that totally makes me want to know more. How did they build these pyramids? Why did they find these carvings that look like spaceships?
- Elena Satine
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Samuel Laman Blanchard
Shall we not rejoice then and revel in the glorious liberty of extract, and quote to the thousandth line? Shall we not have pages like the Pyramids?
- Samuel Laman Blanchard
Collection: Pyramids
Image of William McChesney Martin
Too many of our prejudices are like pyramids upside down. They rest on tiny, trivial incidents, but they spread upward and outward until they fill our minds.
- William McChesney Martin
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Alan Parsons
The Sicilian Defence was our attempt at quickly fulfilling our contractual obligation after I Robot, Pyramid and Eve had been delivered. The album was rejected by Arista, not surprisingly, and we then renegotiated our deal for the future and the next album, The Turn of a Friendly Card. The Sicilian Defence album was never released and never will be, if I have anything to do with it. I have not heard it since it was finished. I hope the tapes no longer exist.
- Alan Parsons
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Michael Dumontier
I have to listen to music while I'm working. Music is essential. It's at the top of the pyramid for me. I've always felt disappointed in what I've made when I held it up to the music I love. I try not to compare them now.
- Michael Dumontier
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Alexander Weinstein
David Foster Wallace was a brilliant experimentalist who I deeply admire. His ability to do formalism helped me understand how to tackle stories like "Dictionary" and "Failed Revolution." "Dictionary," in particular, functions against narrative in many ways - each of the definitions are their own mini-story or prose poem, and the collection of them adds up to create a different effect than the traditional Freytagian Pyramid story.
- Alexander Weinstein
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Tom Stoppard
Rosencrantz: Shouldn't we be doing something--constructive? Guildenstern: What did you have in mind? ... A short, blunt human pyramid...?
- Tom Stoppard
Collection: Pyramids
Image of J. K. Rowling
We tried to shut him in a pyramid, but Mum spotted us.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Karl Pilkington
The great pyramid is overrated. It's a bad design. The lounge is going to be huge, but the bedroom is going to be tiny.
- Karl Pilkington
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Brigham Young
Recreation and diversion are as necessary to our well-being as the more serious pursuits of life.
- Brigham Young
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Barack Obama
The pyramids are one of those things that live up to the hype. They're elemental in ways that are hard to describe.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Terry Pratchett
It was said that life was cheap in Ankh-Morpork. This was of course, completely wrong. Life was often very expensive; you could get death for free.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Brigham Young
The people must have amusement as well as religion...every pure enjoyment is from heaven.
- Brigham Young
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Tom Stoppard
What did you have in mind? A short, blunt human pyramid?
- Tom Stoppard
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Rick Riordan
"Bloated!" he cried. The corresponding hieroglyph flew through the air, bursting against a demon's chest in a spray of light. Instantly, the demon swelled like a water balloon and rolled screaming down the pyramid. "Flat!" Thoth blasted another demon, who collapsed and shriveled into a monster-shaped doormat. "Intestinal problems!" Thoth yelled. The poor demon who got zapped with that one turned green and doubled over.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Pyramids
Image of George Bernard Shaw
If the lesser mind could measure the greater as a foot-rule can measure a pyramid, there would be finality in universal suffrage. As it is, the political problem remains unsolved.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Ben Stein
There is no sudden leap into the stratosphere... There is only advancing step by step, slowly and tortuously, up the pyramid toward your goals.
- Ben Stein
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Stefan Molyneux
To connect is to dissolve the imaginary pyramids of artificial privilege.
- Stefan Molyneux
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Karl Pilkington
The Chichen Itza is just a pyramid with four sides, with stairs on each side leading to some kind of bungalow on the top.
- Karl Pilkington
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Vera Nazarian
The pyramid shape is said to hold many secrets and amazing properties. One of them is a sense of wonder.
- Vera Nazarian
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
Families must spend more time together in work and recreation.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Jennifer Rardin
I described the pyramid we'd found and waited for him to jump on the bandwagon. Unfortunately he's afraid of wagons. And bands.
- Jennifer Rardin
Collection: Pyramids
Image of John Henrik Clarke
You look at the Pyramids. They're not one fraction of an inch off in terms of their alignment. They were built without a bonding agent.
- John Henrik Clarke
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Benjamin Carson
When you look at the way the pyramids are made, with many chambers that are hermetically sealed, they would have to be that way for a reason. And, you know, various scientists have said, well, you know, there were alien beings that came down, and they had special knowledge, and that's how they were - you know, it doesn't require an alien being when God is with you.
- Benjamin Carson
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Bill Viola
Human beings have always been creative. The guys who were making the pyramids, and archaeological research has showed us this, had little figurines made by the workers, to express their devotion to their god.
- Bill Viola
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Garry Winogrand
I never saw a pyramid, but I've seen photographs; I know what a pyramid or a sphinx looks like. There are pictures that do that, but they satisfy a different kind of interest.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Pyramids
Image of John Henrik Clarke
What example do you have of anything like the Pyramids outside of Africa? You have them in Mexico, but that can be traced to early African migration. So the African created mound culture.
- John Henrik Clarke
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Dan Brown
Proof ... was a conclusion built on a pyramid of facts, a broad base of accepted information on which more specific assertions were made.
- Dan Brown
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Ice Cube
I identify with the bottom of the pyramid, because, outside of having money, I am at the bottom of the pyramid.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Pyramids
Image of E. L. Doctorow
So that individuation may be compared to a pyramid in that it is only achieved by the placement of the top stoneā€¦ The Jews, Ford said. They ain't like anyone else I know. There goes you theory up shits creek. He smiled.
- E. L. Doctorow
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Rachel
I used to consider myself as great as a pyramid, and now I realize that I am only a shadow that passes.
- Rachel
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Frederick Lenz
To the great pharaohs it mattered a great deal to bury their treasures in the pyramids, which they thought they would bring to the other worlds. But obviously it doesn't matter to them now. They went, the goods stayed.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Michael Hudson
On the flat tax, the more you compress the tax rates, the more you untax where the income is really made, at the top of the pyramid.
- Michael Hudson
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Daniel Handler
There's information about everything from poetry to pills, from picture frames to pyramids, and from pudding to psychology--and that's just in the P aisle, which we're walking down right now.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Nick Hornby
...You can find people. It's like those acrobatic displays.... Those ones when you stand on top of loads of people in a pyramid. It doesn't really matter who they are, as long as they're there and you don't let them go away without finding someone else.
- Nick Hornby
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Ninon de L'Enclos
There is always a moment in the pyramid of our lives when the apex is reached.
- Ninon de L'Enclos
Collection: Pyramids
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
They all attended Hester's church, which Dellarobia viewed as a complicated pyramid scheme of moral debt and credit resting ultimately on the shoulders of the Lord, but rife with middle managers.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Pyramids