Top Predator Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Predator quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of James S.A. Corey
You're the predator right up until you're prey.
- James S.A. Corey
Collection: Predator
Image of Greg Ginn
The small companies who feel that the majors are a threat, or are predators, will use that as an excuse for their eventual downfall. Dont blame others for your own inadequacies.
- Greg Ginn
Collection: Predator
Image of Joan Collins
Life is a predator: you have to eat it before it eats you.
- Joan Collins
Collection: Predator
Image of Massad Ayoob
The way to reason with a predator is to make it aware that it can live in a cage, or it can die, but it can no longer prey upon us.
- Massad Ayoob
Collection: Predator
Image of Tom Holt
Lawyers are predators in grey worsted
- Tom Holt
Collection: Predator
Image of Mallory Ortberg
Someone who responds to "Please don't grope me" with whining and pouting isn't a friend. He's an asshole and a predator.
- Mallory Ortberg
Collection: Predator
Image of Arnold Schwarzenegger
If it can bleed, we can kill it.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Collection: Predator
Image of Nalini Singh
These predators loved with wild fury, but they were also darkly possessive, crossing the boundary into what humans might term obsession.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Predator
Image of Bette Midler
There are bugs and there are the pigeons and other predators, but you shouldn't be afraid of them, because this is how nature works.
- Bette Midler
Collection: Predator
Image of Newt Gingrich
Donald Trump's not a sexual predator.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: Predator
Image of Dale Jamieson
You can't imagine anything like nature as we know it without predators.
- Dale Jamieson
Collection: Predator