Top philosophy Quotes Collection - Page 57

Discover a curated collection of philosophy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 57 provides more philosophy quotes.

Image of William James
All that we need explicitly to note is that, the more the passive attention is relied on, by keeping the material interesting; and the less the kind of attention requiring effort is appealed to; the more smoothly and pleasantly the classroom work goes on.
- William James
Collection: Philosophy
Image of William James
Philosophy is at once the most sublime and the most trivial of human pursuits. It works in the minutest crannies and it opens outthe widest vistas. It 'bakes no bread', as has been said, but it can inspire our souls with courage.
- William James
Collection: Philosophy
Image of William Ralph Inge
Philosophy means thinking things out for oneself. Ultimately, there can be only one true philosophy, since reason is one and we all live in the same world.
- William Ralph Inge
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Billy Joel
Black and white is how it should be, but shades of grey are the colors I see.
- Billy Joel
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Victor Hugo
Whether we be Italians or Frenchmen, misery concerns us all. Ever since history has been written, ever since philosophy has meditated, misery has been the garment of the human race; the moment has at length arrived for tearing off that rag, and for replacing, upon the naked limbs of the Man-People, the sinister fragment of the past with the grand purple robe of the dawn.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Erykah Badu
We lock ourselves into our own philosophies, our own religions, our own walks of life, and if we fail, we condemn ourselves and then we get sick.
- Erykah Badu
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Victor Hugo
Philosophy should be an energy; it should find its aim and its effect in the amelioration of mankind.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Philosophy
Image of William James
Philosophy is at once the most sublime and the most trivial of human pursuits.
- William James
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Immanuel Kant
When I could have used a wife, I could not support one; and when I could support one, I no longer needed any
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I don't know if Mika Brzezinski intended to be that honest. She's very worried the president intimidating the media is gonna lead to people believing what the president says instead of what the media says, and it's the media's job to control what people think. She used the word "control." She worries that Donald Trump is acing them on this and her fear is rational, but her philosophy is off course, all wet.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Philosophy
Image of John Locke
The mind is furnished with ideas by experience alone
- John Locke
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The intellectual and moral satisfaction that I failed to gain from the utilitarianism of Bentham and Mill, the revolutionary methods of Marx and Lenin, the social contract theory of Hobbes, the "back to nature" optimism of Rousseau, and the superman philosophy of Nietzsche, I found in the nonviolent resistance philosophy of Gandhi. I came to feel that this was the only morally and practically sound method open to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Rush Limbaugh
There isn't a specific Trump philosophy. That's why you're never gonna be able to pin Trump down on. He doesn't have a political philosophy like conservatism or liberalism or moderatism. He's just day-to-day whatever he wants and needs, he's got a behavior pattern and a process to get there, pure and simple.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Rush Limbaugh
You can't bullet-point Trump's political beliefs because he doesn't have them. He's got various things he wants, needs, wants to accomplish, based on circumstances at the moment, not based on a philosophy. Now, there's a foundation. The foundation for Donald Trump is "Make America Great Again." It's the greatest place on earth and we're gonna build it back up and it's gonna be the greatest no matter what, compared to whoever, it's gonna be the greatest. So, I mean, you can say that. But that's not a political philosophy. That's an objective or a series of goals.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Rush Limbaugh
We've got communism. We have Bushism. We have Clintonism. But there isn't a Trumpism. Bullet-point for me what the Trump political philosophy is and you can't do it, because he's not a political guy.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Alfred Korzybski
Different ‘philosophies’ represent nothing but methods of evaluation, which may lead to empirical mis-evaluation if science and empirical facts are disregarded.
- Alfred Korzybski
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Peter Kropotkin
Each individual is a cosmos of organs, each organ is a cosmos of cells, each cell is a cosmos of infinitely small ones; and in this complex world, the well-being of the whole depends entirely on the sum of well-being enjoyed by each of the least microscopic particles of organized matter. A whole revolution is thus produced in the philosophy of life.
- Peter Kropotkin
Collection: Philosophy
Image of John Locke
When I had gone through the whole, and saw what a plain, simple, reasonable thing Christianity was, suited to all conditions and capacities; and in the morality of it now, with divine authority, established into a legible law, so far surpassing all that philosophy and human reason had attained to, or could possibly make effectual to all degrees of man kind; I was flattered to think it might be of some use in the world.
- John Locke
Collection: Philosophy
Image of John Locke
Laws provide, as much as ispossible that the goods and health of subjects be not injured by the fraud and violence of others. They do not guard them from thenegligence or ill-husbandry of the possessors themselves.
- John Locke
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Aldo Leopold
Your woodlot is, in fact, an historical document which faithfully records your personal philosophy.
- Aldo Leopold
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Thomas Kuhn
What chemists took from Dalton was not new experimental laws but a new way of practicing chemistry (he himself called it the 'new system of chemical philosophy'), and this proved so rapidly fruitful that only a few of the older chemists in France and Britain were able to resist it.
- Thomas Kuhn
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Georg C. Lichtenberg
If this is philosophy it is at any rate a philosophy that is not in its right mind.
- Georg C. Lichtenberg
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Georg C. Lichtenberg
Everyone should study at least enough philosophy and belles-lettres to make his sexual experience more delectable.
- Georg C. Lichtenberg
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Stephen King
Fault always lies in the same place: with him weak enough to lay blame.
- Stephen King
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Gottfried Leibniz
We live in the best of all possible worlds
- Gottfried Leibniz
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Gottfried Leibniz
Every present state of a simple substance is the natural consequence of its preceding state, in such a way that its present is big with its future.
- Gottfried Leibniz
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Satish Kumar
Before the scientific rationalism took hold of our minds and before we became succumbed to a materialistic worldview, the Western philosophy was holistic and relational, and even now there are many scientists in the West seeing things totally interconnected.
- Satish Kumar
Collection: Philosophy
Image of C. S. Lewis
Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Philosophy
Image of C. S. Lewis
We have had enough, once and for all, of Hedonism--the gloomy philosophy which says that Pleasure is the only good.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Georg C. Lichtenberg
Do not commence your exercises in philosophy in those regions where an error can deliver you over to the executioner.
- Georg C. Lichtenberg
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Peter Kropotkin
A different conception of society, very different from that which now prevails, is in process of formation. Under the name of Anarchy, a new interpretation of the past and present life of society arises, giving at the same time a forecast as regards its future, both conceived in the same spirit as the above-mentioned interpretation in natural sciences. Anarchy, therefore, appears as a constituent part of the new philosophy, and that is why Anarchists come in contact, on so many points, with the greatest thinkers and poets of the present day.
- Peter Kropotkin
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Arthur Koestler
I profoundly admire Aldous Huxley, both for his philosophy and uncompromising sincerity. But I disagree with his advocacy of 'the chemical opening of doors into the Other World', and with his belief that drugs can procure 'what Catholic theologians call a gratuitous grace'. Chemically induced hallucinations, delusions and raptures may be frightening or wonderfully gratifying; in either case they are in the nature of confidence tricks played on one's own nervous system.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Rush Limbaugh
What often happens with these Islamist regimes, there are differing philosophies in terms of how fast to go in getting to where everybody wants to end up, which is Sharia. That is the ultimate objective for all of these places. But they have different strategies on the speed with which they’re going to get there, and the strategies involve foreign policy.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Vladimir Lenin
The Marxist doctrine is omnipotent because it is true. It is comprehensive and harmonious, and provides men with an integral world outlook irreconcilable with any form of superstition, reaction, or defence of bourgeois oppression. It is the legitimate successor to the best that man produced in the nineteenth century, as represented by German philosophy, English political economy and French socialism.
- Vladimir Lenin
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Henry Adams
[P]hilosophy . . .consists chiefly in suggesting unintelligible answers to insoluble problems.
- Henry Adams
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Soren Kierkegaard
Theology sits rouged at the window and courts philosophy's favor, offering to sell her charms to it.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I have a philosophy, folks, and it's based on my own life. I'm using my own life experiences to philosophize about things in general. It has to do with desire.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Walter Savage Landor
We may receive so much light as not to see, and so much philosophy as to be worse than foolish.
- Walter Savage Landor
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Aldo Leopold
I do not imply that this philosophy of land was always clear to me. It is rather the end result of a life journey.
- Aldo Leopold
Collection: Philosophy
Image of D. H. Lawrence
A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it.
- D. H. Lawrence
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Paul Krugman
Raising the minimum wage and lowering the barriers to union organization would carry a trade-off - higher unemployment. A better idea is to have the government subsidize low-wage employment. The earned-income tax credit for low-income workers - which has been the object of proposed cuts by both President Clinton and congressional Republicans - has been a positive step in this direction.
- Paul Krugman
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Paul Krugman
Generous unemployment benefits can increase both structural and frictional unemployment. So government policies intended to help workers can have the undesirable side effect of raising the natural rate of unemployment.
- Paul Krugman
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Dalai Lama
We need an approach to ethics which makes no recourse to religion and can be equally acceptable to those with faith and those without.
- Dalai Lama
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Vladimir Lenin
Behind the epistemological scholasticism of empirio-criticism one must not fail to see the struggle of parties in philosophy, a struggle which in the last analysis reflects the tendencies and ideology of the antagonistic classes in modern society.
- Vladimir Lenin
Collection: Philosophy
Image of George Henry Lewes
The spontaneous tendency to invoke a Final Cause in explanation of every difficulty is characteristic of metaphysical philosophy. It arises from a general tendency towards the impersonation of abstractions which is visible throughout History.
- George Henry Lewes
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Johann Kaspar Lavater
True philosophy is that which renders us to ourselves, and all others who surround us, better, and at the same time more content, more patient, more calm and more ready for all decent and pure enjoyment.
- Johann Kaspar Lavater
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I love being a conservative. We conservatives are proud of our philosophy. Unlike our liberal friends, who are constantly looking for new words to conceal their true beliefs and are in a perpetual state of reinvention, we conservatives are unapologetic about our ideals.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Jiddu Krishnamurti
To know yourself you need not go to any book, to any priest, to any psychologist. The whole treasure is within yourself.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Black Power is a nihilistic philosophy born out of the conviction that the Negro can't win... the view that American society is so hopelessly corrupt and enmeshed in evil that there is no possibility of salvation from within.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: Philosophy