Top Passing On Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Passing On quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Diane Wakoski
I'm passing on a tradition of which I am part. There's a long line of poets who went before me, and I'm another one, and I'm hoping to pass that on to other younger, or newer, poets than myself.
- Diane Wakoski
Collection: Passing On
Image of Khalil Gibran Muhammad
If the professors don't start or continue to figure out who we are as a people, where we're going and where we've been, then in a sense we are not capable of passing on that knowledge to future generations.
- Khalil Gibran Muhammad
Collection: Passing On
Image of William Shakespeare
The jury passing on the prisoner's life may in the sworn twelve have a thief or two guiltier than him they try.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Passing On
Image of Haruki Murakami
What I want is for the two of us to meet somewhere by chance one day, like, passing on the street, or getting on the same bus.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Passing On
Image of Rabindranath Tagore
Things in which we do not take joy are either a burden upon our minds to be got rid of at any cost; or they are useful, and therefore in temporary and partial relation to us, becoming burdensome when their utility is lost; or they are like wandering vagabonds, loitering for a moment on the outskirts of our recognition, and then passing on. A thing is only completely our own when it is a thing of joy to us.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Collection: Passing On
Image of John Hurt
This whole theory of alienation that intellectuals have been passing on, really is just to stop a lot of ham acting. If you fill something with a proper emotion, it didn't worry him at all.
- John Hurt
Collection: Passing On
Image of Isaac Marion
It’s not about keeping up the population, it’s about passing on who we are and what we've learned, so things keep going. So we don’t just end.
- Isaac Marion
Collection: Passing On