Top Oil Quotes Collection - Page 2

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Image of Wilson Greatbatch
Nearly all of our existing power sources are generators which use a heat cycle. This includes our coal, oil, and gas fired utilities, our automobiles, trucks, and trains, and even our nuclear fission utility power plants.
- Wilson Greatbatch
Collection: Oil
Image of David Dixon
Always expect the unexpected. The oil and gas industry is terrible at predicting anything. Always have a back-up plan.
- David Dixon
Collection: Oil
Image of Roscoe Bartlett
You can drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, on every continental shelf and atop every hill in America for that matter, and you still won't reverse the fact that our oil production is in permanent decline. We're just sopping up what's left, digging ourselves into a deeper hole.
- Roscoe Bartlett
Collection: Oil
Image of Roscoe Bartlett
I will work for energy policies that recognize oil won't last forever.
- Roscoe Bartlett
Collection: Oil
Image of Ahmed Chalabi
American companies will have a big shot at Iraqi oil.
- Ahmed Chalabi
Collection: Oil
Image of Van Jones
Well, we in America are about to break up with oil. Why not break up with poverty and discrimination too?
- Van Jones
Collection: Oil
Image of Colman McCarthy
Breaking America's oil addiction would not lead to a future of sackcloth and ashes.
- Colman McCarthy
Collection: Oil
Image of Tom Monaghan
I sometimes compare my brainstorming on paper to the drilling of oil wells. The only way to strike oil is to drill a lot of wells.
- Tom Monaghan
Collection: Oil
Image of James R. Schlesinger
We are not good at recognizing distant threats even if their probability is 100%. Society ignoring [peak oil] is like the people of Pompeii ignoring the rumblings below Vesuvius.
- James R. Schlesinger
Collection: Oil
Image of Frances Harper
True politeness is to social life what oil is to machinery, a thing to oil the ruts and grooves of existence. False politeness can shine without warming and glitter without vivifying.
- Frances Harper
Collection: Oil
Image of Markwayne Mullin
You can't have oil without oil spills.
- Markwayne Mullin
Collection: Oil
Image of Wallace Pratt
Gold is where you find it, according to an old adage, but judging from the record of our experience, oil must be sought first of all in our minds.
- Wallace Pratt
Collection: Oil
Image of Richard Heinberg
Surveying the available alternative energy sources for criteria such as energy density, environmental impacts, reliance on depleting raw materials, intermittency versus constancy of supply, and the percentage of energy returned on the energy invested in energy production, none currently appears capable of perpetuating this kind of society.
- Richard Heinberg
Collection: Oil
Image of Richard Heinberg
...the era of cheap oil and natural gas is coming to a crashing end, with global oil production projected to peak in 2010 and North American natural gas extraction rates already in decline. These events will have enormous implications for America's petroleum-dependent food system
- Richard Heinberg
Collection: Oil
Image of Dizzy Dean
It puzzles me how they know what corners are good for filling stations. Just how did they know gas and oil was under there?
- Dizzy Dean
Collection: Oil
Image of Andrew Simms
Britain has squandered its windfall of natural resources from North Sea oil and gas. Instead of prudently investing the 'unearned income' from nature, to build a safe, clean and green energy supply for the nation, we face unnecessary shortages. But there is still a chance to put the proceeds from liquidating our fossil fuel assets to better and more appropriate use. Instead of oil companies profiteering from climate change and oil depletion, a windfall tax could establish an Oil Legacy Fund to pay for Britain's urgent transition to a sustainable, decentralised energy system
- Andrew Simms
Collection: Oil
Image of Mercer Reynolds
In 1979 I teamed up with my friend and business partner, Bill DeWitt, and together we formed an oil and gas company that invested through limited partnerships in oil and gas exploration.
- Mercer Reynolds
Collection: Oil
Image of Baba Amte
I don't want to be a leader. I want to be one who goes around with a little oil can and offer help when I see a breakdown.
- Baba Amte
Collection: Oil
Image of Jeroen van der Veer
Shell estimates that after 2015 supplies of easy-to-access oil and gas will no longer keep up with demand.
- Jeroen van der Veer
Collection: Oil
Image of Christopher Flavin
Renewable biofuels are meanwhile making inroads in the transportation fuels market and are beginning to have a measurable impact on demand for petroleum fuels, contributing to a decline in oil consumption in the United States in particular starting in 2006... The 93 billion liters of biofuels produced worldwide in 2009 displaced the equivalent of an estimated 68 billion liters of gasoline, equal to about 5 percent of world gasoline production.
- Christopher Flavin
Collection: Oil
Image of Christopher Flavin
The bottom of the oil barrel is now visible.
- Christopher Flavin
Collection: Oil
Image of Gary Kovacs
The stream in my hometown Calgary is the oil and gas industry - that's the talk you hear on the street.
- Gary Kovacs
Collection: Oil
Image of Michael Klare
The global supply of oil is going to decline because we've used up a good deal of the easy-to-get oil. We're going to reach a point in the not-too-distant future when it is impossible to keep increasing the daily supply.
- Michael Klare
Collection: Oil
Image of Anna Lappe
Part of what the food industry does with public relations, just like the chemical industry or the oil industry, is to try to erase their fingerprints from their messaging.
- Anna Lappe
Collection: Oil
Image of Ezra Levant
And if our goal as moral citizens is to make the world a better place, then there is only once choice: to pump as much oil as we possibly can out of Fort McMurray. Pump and steam and dig and drill and get that oil out of the sand in any and every way we can. Every drop of oil from Alberta is one less drop from some fascist theocracy, or some brutal warlord; one less cent into the treasuries of Russia's secret police and al-Qaeda's murderers.
- Ezra Levant
Collection: Oil
Image of Gina McCarthy
States with tremendous oil and natural gas reserves have the most to gain economically from proper regulation.
- Gina McCarthy
Collection: Oil
Image of Norm Coleman
Oil-for-food shows the need for reform. There was fraud, corruption, mismanagement
- Norm Coleman
Collection: Oil
Image of Will Cuppy
I only know that all is lost, and that nothing can help me unless I inherit money, strike oil or go to work.
- Will Cuppy
Collection: Oil
Image of Angie Dickinson
You can't stop the aging process. There's only so much oil you can put on your body. I've always just tried to go with my age.
- Angie Dickinson
Collection: Oil
Image of Carmen Ejogo
I come alive when I'm painting. I like to work in oils and acrylics, and the full sensory engagement and self-expression is very stimulating to me.
- Carmen Ejogo
Collection: Oil
Image of Rosa DeLauro
The Bush administration and Congressional Republicans have failed to bring up comprehensive energy reform or any piece of legislation for that matter that would lower gas prices, opting instead to give massive subsidies to the oil and gas industry
- Rosa DeLauro
Collection: Oil
Image of Rudolf Diesel
The use of plant oil as fuel may seem insignificant today. But such products can in time become just as important as kerosene and these coal-tar-products of today.
- Rudolf Diesel
Collection: Oil
Image of Charles Bowden
If drugs were legalized in the US, the Mexican economy would collapse since the earnings from drugs bring in more hard currency than its largest licit source, oil sales. Mexico is a corrupt state that has now become dependent on the earnings on an illegal product. But inevitably, the product will become legal and then Mexico will retain its corruption but must face the needs of its citizens now employed by the drug industry who have become steeped in violence and conditioned to higher incomes.
- Charles Bowden
Collection: Oil
Image of Melissa George
I've discovered the best skincare, MV Organic Skincare. I love their Energising 9-Oil Cleanser, Rose Hydrating Mist and Rose Soothing & Protective Moisturiser
- Melissa George
Collection: Oil
Image of Alysia Reiner
Water has always been something that I care deeply about, and I'm very aware of its limits on this planet. If we don't change our behavior around water, water will become as valuable as oil. That is a given. When people don't understand that, I'm surprised.
- Alysia Reiner
Collection: Oil
Image of Clinton Presba Anderson
Wilderness is an anchor to windward. Knowing it is there, we can also know that we are still a rich nation, tending our resources as we should - not a people in despair searching every last nook and cranny of our land for a board of lumber, a barrel of oil, a blade of grass, or a tank of water.
- Clinton Presba Anderson
Collection: Oil
Image of Peter DeFazio
The crude oil market, unlike every other commodity in America, is virtually unregulated.
- Peter DeFazio
Collection: Oil
Image of Larry Wachtel
It's an earnings-driven market. The big question is whether the flow of earnings can rescue the market from the twin dreadnoughts of higher oil and interest rates.
- Larry Wachtel
Collection: Oil
Image of L. E. J. Brouwer
Oil is seldom found where it is most needed, and seldom most needed where it is found.
- L. E. J. Brouwer
Collection: Oil
Image of Pete Domenici
Instead of begging OPEC to drop its oil prices, lets use American leadership and ingenuity to solve our own energy problems.
- Pete Domenici
Collection: Oil
Image of Vinnie Tortorich
Olive oil is a bang for your buck oil.
- Vinnie Tortorich
Collection: Oil
Image of Andrew Saul
If you want to be productive, follow leads and dig. Whether it is for oil, gold or information, it requires action - your action. Question authority. Do it yourself.
- Andrew Saul
Collection: Oil
Image of Robert Dold
It was a Republican, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who first protected the Arctic Refuge to balance the oil development at Prudhoe Bay with responsible conservation.
- Robert Dold
Collection: Oil
Image of Oscar N. Onyema
In Nigeria, financial services, telecoms, and entertainment have driven growth more than oil.
- Oscar N. Onyema
Collection: Oil
Image of Jeff Goodell
Extracting oil from the tar sands is a nasty, polluting, energy-intensive business.
- Jeff Goodell
Collection: Oil
Image of Jeff Goodell
Is it in our national interest to overheat the planet? That's the question Obama faces in deciding whether to approve Keystone XL, a 2,000-mile-long pipeline that will bring 500,000 barrels of tar-sand oil from Canada to oil refineries on the Gulf of Mexico.
- Jeff Goodell
Collection: Oil
Image of Jeff Goodell
Although most Americans don't know it, the U.S. gets more oil from Canada than it does from the entire Middle East.
- Jeff Goodell
Collection: Oil
Image of Jeff Rubin
We're in a world of triple-digit oil prices for the foreseeable future.
- Jeff Rubin
Collection: Oil
Image of Jentezen Franklin
God pours His oil into clean vessels!
- Jentezen Franklin
Collection: Oil