Top numbers Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of numbers quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more numbers quotes.

Image of Alasdair Gray
A good poem is a tautology. It expands one word by adding a number which clarify it, thus making a new word which has never before been spoken. The seedword is always so ordinary that hardly anyone perceives it. Classical odes grow from and or because, romantic lyrics from but and if. Immature verses expand a personal pronoun ad nauseam, the greatest works bring glory to a common verb. Good poems, therefore, are always close to banality, over which, however, they tower like precipices.
- Alasdair Gray
Collection: Numbers
Image of Ehud Olmert
The formula for the parameters of a unilateral solution are: To maximize the number of Jews; to minimize the number of Palestinians; not to withdraw to the 1967 border and not to divide Jerusalem.
- Ehud Olmert
Collection: Numbers
Image of Robert Musil
... there is a particular propensity in the world for people, wherever they appear in great numbers, to permit themselves collectively everything that would be forbidden them individually.
- Robert Musil
Collection: Numbers
Image of Bo Burnham
Squaring numbers are just like women. If they're under thirteen, just do them in your head.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Numbers
Image of John Forbes Nash
As you will find in multivariable calculus, there is often a number of solutions for any given problem.
- John Forbes Nash
Collection: Numbers
Image of Candice S. Miller
Without taking enforcement actions against all criminal aliens, programs such as Secure Communities may result in large numbers of identified criminal aliens being released back into the society which, of course, is an unacceptable outcome for our communities.
- Candice S. Miller
Collection: Numbers
Image of Rob Sheffield
Not being able to protect her from things was the most frightening thing I'd ever felt, and it kicked in as soon as we got together. With every year we spent together, I became more conscious that I now had an infinitely expanding number of reasons to be afraid. I had something to lose.
- Rob Sheffield
Collection: Numbers
Image of Morley Safer
In his lifetime the great French impressionist painter Corot painted 2000 canvases. Of that number, 3000 are in the United States.
- Morley Safer
Collection: Numbers
Image of John Dean
Americans like to give their President the benefit of the doubt. If you look at the poll numbers, people knew Nixon was deeply involved in Watergate and stayed with him for a long time. It's a natural tendency.
- John Dean
Collection: Numbers
Image of Charles Osgood
That's a number that in broadcasting is unimaginable.
- Charles Osgood
Collection: Numbers
Image of Margaret Stohl
There are more reasons for people's actions than the number of actions that are actually set in motion.
- Margaret Stohl
Collection: Numbers
Image of William Batchelder Greene
Without doubt, matter is unlimited in extent, and, in this sense, infinite; and the forces of Nature mould it into an innumerable number of worlds. Would it be at all astonishing if, from the universal dice-box, out of an innumberable number of throws, there should be thrown out one world infinitely perfect? Nay, does not the calculus of probabilities prove to us that one such world out of an infinite number, must be produced of necessity?
- William Batchelder Greene
Collection: Numbers
Image of Dennis Ritchie
The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected.
- Dennis Ritchie
Collection: Numbers
Image of Bernard Arnault
China is clearly going to be the number one economic power and it is already full of potential.. with lots of population and the buying power increasing by the day. .
- Bernard Arnault
Collection: Numbers
Image of Hosni Mubarak
Egypt firmly and strongly condemns such attacks on civilians and soldiers that led to the deaths of a large number of innocent victims.
- Hosni Mubarak
Collection: Numbers
Image of Erwin Schrodinger
The total number of minds in the universe is one.
- Erwin Schrodinger
Collection: Numbers
Image of Elsie de Wolfe
When I am no longer being copied, I shall know that I am a back number. ... the fear of being copied is often the characteristic of the meager imagination.
- Elsie de Wolfe
Collection: Numbers
Image of Mehmet Oz
Here's the number one reason Americans are heavy: The brain, very smartly, wants nutrition. But the average American is not eating nutrients; he or she is eating empty calories. So you finish that 2,000 calories and your brain says, Keep going until you get nutrients.
- Mehmet Oz
Collection: Numbers
Image of F. Paul Wilson
I survived a number of garage bands during my teens and early twenties, both as drummer and guitarist. It's nigh impossible for me to listen to music without parsing it.
- F. Paul Wilson
Collection: Numbers
Image of Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
There are 100 billion neurons in the adult human brain, and each neuron makes something like 1,000 to 10,000 contacts with other neurons in the brain. Based on this, people have calculated that the number of permutations and combinations of brain activity exceeds the number of elementary particles in the universe.
- Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
Collection: Numbers
Image of Donald Berwick
Some is not a number. Soon is not a time.
- Donald Berwick
Collection: Numbers
Image of John Oliver
You don't need people’s opinion on a fact. You might as well have a poll asking: ‘Which number is bigger, 15 or 5?’ or ‘Do owls exist?’ or ‘Are there hats?'
- John Oliver
Collection: Numbers
Image of Fritz Sauckel
As I, as a worker, came to know them, the aims of German trade unions were political, and there were a number of various trade unions with varied political views.
- Fritz Sauckel
Collection: Numbers
Image of Orson Pratt
If we should take a million of worlds like this and number their particles, we should find that there are more Gods than there are particles of matter in those worlds.
- Orson Pratt
Collection: Numbers
Image of Manmohan Singh
The premature migration of very large numbers of people from rural areas to urban areas can give rise to a lot of strains to the urban infrastructure, which can also create problems of crime - law-and-order problems.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Numbers
Image of Georg Cantor
Every transfinite consistent multiplicity, that is, every transfinite set, must have a definite aleph as its cardinal number.
- Georg Cantor
Collection: Numbers
Image of Jean-Baptiste Colbert
The objective is to pluck the geese in such a manner as to obtain the greatest number of feathers with the least amount of hissing.
- Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Collection: Numbers
Image of Charles Proteus Steinmetz
From a mathematical standpoint it is possible to have infinite space. In a mathematical sense space is manifoldness, or combinations of numbers. Physical space is known as the 3-dimension system. There is the 4-dimension system, the 10-dimension system.
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Collection: Numbers
Image of Gordon Moore
The number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double in about 18 months.
- Gordon Moore
Collection: Numbers
Image of Paul Claudel
Truth has nothing to do with the number of people it convinces.
- Paul Claudel
Collection: Numbers
Image of Heinz Pagels
Information is just signs and numbers, while knowledge involves their meaning. What we want is knowledge, but what we get is information.
- Heinz Pagels
Collection: Numbers
Image of Heinz Pagels
While we can prove that almost all numbers in the continuum are random, we cannot prove that any specific number is indeed random.
- Heinz Pagels
Collection: Numbers
Image of Jean Dubuffet
What culture lacks is the taste for anonymous, innumerable germination. Culture is smitten with counting and measuring; it feels out of place and uncomfortable with the innumerable; its efforts tend, on the contrary, to limit the numbers in all domains; it tries to count on its fingers.
- Jean Dubuffet
Collection: Numbers
Image of Donald Hamilton
Because our agriculture is so spread out, that makes it vulnerable. Our food gets transported a number of times and very widely.
- Donald Hamilton
Collection: Numbers
Image of Herb Gray
The statistics requested respecting the number of crimes that have been solved by tracing the firearm back to the registered owner are not kept at this time and are therefore not available.
- Herb Gray
Collection: Numbers
Image of Margaret E. Knight
I was convinced that, besides millions of frank unbelievers, there are today large numbers of half-believers to whom religion is a source of intellectual and moral discomfort.
- Margaret E. Knight
Collection: Numbers
Image of Andrew Dickson White
This whole theory [of John Law and Jean Terrasson], as dear to French financial schemers in the eighteenth century as to American "Greenbackers" in the nineteenth, had resulted, under the Orleans Regency and Louis XV, in ruin to France financially and morally, had culminated in the utter destruction of all prosperity, the rooting out of great numbers of the most important industries, and the grinding down of the working people even to starvation.
- Andrew Dickson White
Collection: Numbers
Image of Prince Charles
A large number of us have developed a feeling that architects tend to design houses for the approval of fellow architects and critics, not for the tenants.
- Prince Charles
Collection: Numbers
Image of Chuck Martin
Tough management is a way to approach work. It is a practical, reasonable, and organized way to get to decisions more easily, make the numbers on a consistent basis, have those around you understand where you stand, and increase the business.
- Chuck Martin
Collection: Numbers
Image of Harold Geneen
The professional's grasp of the numbers is a measure of the control he has over the events that the figures represent.
- Harold Geneen
Collection: Numbers
Image of Frank Robinson
I don't see why you reporters keep confusing Brooks (Robinson) and me. Can't you see that we wear different numbers.
- Frank Robinson
Collection: Numbers
Image of Wright Morris
The vast number of photographers, feeding on anything visible, overgraze the landscape the way cattle overgraze their pasture.
- Wright Morris
Collection: Numbers
Image of Derek Prince
God does not measure everything by numbers or dimensions. He has another scale of values, according to which-asJesus Himself told us-one human soul is worth more than the entire universe.
- Derek Prince
Collection: Numbers
Image of Julianne Malveaux
While people are prepared to talk about Social Security, about marriage equality, about any number of other issues, people are not prepared - your layperson is not prepared to have a conversation about foreign policy.
- Julianne Malveaux
Collection: Numbers
Image of Giuseppe Peano
Geometric calculus consists in a system of operations analogous to those of algebraic calculus, but in which the entities on which the calculations are carried out, instead of being numbers, are geometric entities which we shall define.
- Giuseppe Peano
Collection: Numbers
Image of Mark Pincus
You're not smarter than your competitor. Just copy what they do and do it until you get their numbers.
- Mark Pincus
Collection: Numbers
Image of Gordon R. Dickson
Now our world is at the present time firmly in the grip of a mechanical monster, whose head - if you want to call it that - is the World Engineer's Complex. That monster is opposed to us and can keep all too good a tab on us through every purchase we make with our credit numbers, every time we use the public transportation or eat a meal or rent a place to live.
- Gordon R. Dickson
Collection: Numbers
Image of Joseph Weizenbaum
Being personally acquainted with a number of Waldorf students, I can say that they come closer to realizing their own potential than practically anyone I know.
- Joseph Weizenbaum
Collection: Numbers
Image of Raymond Rubicam
The value of an ad is in inverse ratio to the number of times it has been used.
- Raymond Rubicam
Collection: Numbers