Top night Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of night quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more night quotes.

Image of Denise Levertov
Every day, every day I hear enough to fill a year of nights with wondering.
- Denise Levertov
Collection: Night
Image of Nichiren
A mind now clouded by the illusions of the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but when polished, it is sure to become like a clear mirror, reflecting the essential nature of phenomena and the true aspect of reality. Arouse deep faith, and diligently polish your mirror day and night. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
- Nichiren
Collection: Night
Image of Bruce Springsteen
Show a little faith, there's magic in the night.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Night
Image of Julie James
Laney held up a hand. "I checked it out. He went there on scholarship and paid the rest with student loans. And he's good looking, too. Nate and I met him for dinner last night, and I subtly learned that he's looking to meet someone" "How did you learn that?" "I asked him if he was looking to meet someone" "that is subtle
- Julie James
Collection: Night
Image of David Ogilvy
Unless your campaign has a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the night.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Night
Image of Cate Tiernan
Everything is fine and bright. Day must follow every night. My power keeps me safe from harm. The Goddess holds me in her arms.
- Cate Tiernan
Collection: Night
Image of Edmund Wilson
Keep going; never stop; sit tight; Read something luminous at night.
- Edmund Wilson
Collection: Night
Image of Juana Inés de la Cruz
Must I dwell in slavery's night And all pleasure take its flight Far beyond my feeble sight, Forever?
- Juana Inés de la Cruz
Collection: Night
Image of Steve Lopez
Nurses quietly go about their work in a noble profession, uncelebrated soldiers toiling through the days and nights in service to the sick, the injured and the dying.
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Night
Image of Flann O'Brien
When things go wrong and will not come right, Though you do the best you can, When life looks black as the hour of night, A PINT OF PLAIN IS YOUR ONLY MAN.
- Flann O'Brien
Collection: Night
Image of Carl Icahn
I can tell you how bad our boards are... I don't have to watch Saturday Night Live anymore; I just go to the board meetings.
- Carl Icahn
Collection: Night
Image of Alexander Shulgin
Use them with care, and use them with respect as to the transformations they can achieve, and you have an extraordinary research tool. Go banging about with a psychedelic drug for a Saturday night turn-on, and you can get into a really bad place, psychologically. Know what you're using, decide just why you're using it, and you can have a rich experience. They're not addictive, and they're certainly not escapist, either, but they're exceptionally valuable tools for understanding the human mind, and how it works.
- Alexander Shulgin
Collection: Night
Image of Mark Udall
The choreographed standing and clapping of one side of the room - while the other side sits - is unbecoming of a serious institution and the message that it sends is that even on a night when the president is addressing the entire nation, we in Congress cannot sit as one, but must be divided as two.
- Mark Udall
Collection: Night
Image of Bruce Chatwin
I slept in black tents, blue tents, skin tents, yurts of felt and windbreaks of thorns. One night, caught in a sandstorm in the Western Sahara, I understood Muhammed's dictum, 'A journey is a fragment of Hell.'
- Bruce Chatwin
Collection: Night
Image of Susan Hill
I have sat here at my desk, day after day, night after night, a blank sheet of paper before me, unable to lift my pen, trembling and weeping too.
- Susan Hill
Collection: Night
Image of Mervyn Peake
This tower, patched unevenly with black ivy, arose like a mutilated finger from among the fists of knuckled masonry and pointed blasphemously at heaven. At night the owls made of it an echoing throat; by day it stood voiceless and cast its long shadow.
- Mervyn Peake
Collection: Night
Image of Michael York
They sent me the script and I thought that there was something very appealing and funny about it. Also, I was familiar with Mike Myers work in Saturday Night Live, but I did not know the extent to which he would make this creation.
- Michael York
Collection: Night
Image of Richard Siken
Here I am leaving you clues. I am singing now while Rome burns. We are all just trying to be holy. My applejack, my silent night, just mash your lips against me. We are all going forward. None of us are going back.
- Richard Siken
Collection: Night
Image of John Mica
The government cannot put a chocolate on every one of their pillows and tuck them in at night.
- John Mica
Collection: Night
Image of Garth Brooks
I've never stayed awake at night over a chance I took that failed, but I've stayed awake over chances I didn't take.
- Garth Brooks
Collection: Night
Image of K.P. Yohannan
How many more cars, clothes, toys and trinkets do we really need before we wake up and realize that half the world goes to bed every night with empty stomachs and naked bodies?
- K.P. Yohannan
Collection: Night
Image of Said Nursi
Can you not see the numerous designs made by God as signs, similitudes, or analogies of resurrection? He has placed them in every era, the alteration of day and night, even in the coming and going of clouds.
- Said Nursi
Collection: Night
Image of S.A. Bodeen
That night I dreamed of turduckens.
- S.A. Bodeen
Collection: Night
Image of Cecelia Ahern
Her silence was worth more to her than a thousand words.In that silence,she had peace and clarity.Except during the night,when her own jumbled thoughts would keep her awake.
- Cecelia Ahern
Collection: Night
Image of Joë Bousquet
Now the night's breath responds to the sea, which I can scarcely hear from here, as it reminisces about its shipwrecks.
- Joë Bousquet
Collection: Night
Image of Arsene Wenger
I'm not scared to spend money. If you go out with me one night, you will understand that.
- Arsene Wenger
Collection: Night
Image of Tim Ryan
Millions of working, uninsured Americans go to bed every night worrying what will happen to them and their families if a major illness or injury strikes.
- Tim Ryan
Collection: Night
Image of Thomas de Quincey
All is finite in the present; and even that finite is infinite in it velocity of flight towards death. But in God there is nothing finite...Upon a night of earthquake he builds a thousand years of pleasant habitations for man. Upon the sorrow of an infant he raises oftentimes from human intellects glorious vintages that could not else have been.
- Thomas de Quincey
Collection: Night
Image of Charles Wright
What makes us leave what we love best? What is it inside us that keeps erasing itself When we need it most, That sends us into uncertainty for its own sake And holds us flush there until we begin to love it And have to begin again? What is it within our own lives we decline to live Whenever we find it, making our days unendurable, And nights almost visionless? I still don't know yet, but I do it.
- Charles Wright
Collection: Night
Image of Francis Picabia
The devil follows me day and night because he is afraid to be alone.
- Francis Picabia
Collection: Night
Image of Banana Yoshimoto
The night glittered brilliantly then.
- Banana Yoshimoto
Collection: Night
Image of Bret Michaels
We were in Greenville, South Carolina, where he lived, and he was coming the next day to the show, but he passed away the night before. I was very close to my grandfather. He was the first guy to teach me how to ride a motorcycle, so (his death) meant a lot to me. It just gave me a perspective on life and how important it is to live it and enjoy it while we're here. Sometimes we're looking for the grass to be greener, and what's awesome is right in front of you.
- Bret Michaels
Collection: Night
Image of Delia Smith
I don't get insomnia, but I do get the odd night when I can't unwind.
- Delia Smith
Collection: Night
Image of Steven Tyler
But most of all, the train that kept rollin' all night long of rock n' roll you cannot kill. It will live forever.
- Steven Tyler
Collection: Night
Image of Janette Rallison
People weren't firecrackers who burst into the night sky with brilliance and glory, and a moment later faded away to nothing. Our souls had to be more lasting than that.
- Janette Rallison
Collection: Night
Image of Charles Portis
Listen, here's what I'd like to do: I'd like to live in a trailer and play records all night.
- Charles Portis
Collection: Night
Image of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
Let us make a pledge that, if not all day or all night long, at least for a few moments every day, we will make an effort to experience love, love that is free from selfishness, free from desire, free from expectation, love that is complete freedom.
- Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
Collection: Night
Image of Paul Watzlawick
It follows from the assumption of a universally valid ideology, just as night follows day, that other positions are heresy.
- Paul Watzlawick
Collection: Night
Image of Paul Cornell
I don't think [Russell T Davies] sits up at night worrying about canonicity, except for the times when I'm pretty sure he does.
- Paul Cornell
Collection: Night
Image of Lauren Kate
She liked the way he smelled - kind of free and open, like driving with the windows down at night.
- Lauren Kate
Collection: Night
Image of Louis de Bernieres
He gets into the habit of thinking so passionately at night that he begins to be persecuted by insomnia.
- Louis de Bernieres
Collection: Night
Image of Kathy Reichs
You'll start talking, and pretty soon we'll all start nodding, and then the next thing you know, I'm hang gliding off the Eiffel Tower at night, being chased by ninja vampires
- Kathy Reichs
Collection: Night
Image of Kathy Reichs
We did just leave an insane asylum,” Hi agreed. “For all we know, Chance spend his nights dancing naked with sock puppets, plotting to invade Canada.
- Kathy Reichs
Collection: Night
Image of Matthew Woodring Stover
It is in the darkest night that the light we are shines brightest
- Matthew Woodring Stover
Collection: Night
Image of Thomas Campion
Fain would I wed a fair young man that night and day could please me, When my mind or body grieved that had the power to ease me. Maids are full of longing thoughtsthat breed a bloodless sickness, And that, oft I hear men say, is only cured by quickness.
- Thomas Campion
Collection: Night
Image of Jeremy Taylor
Mercy is like the rainbow, which God hath set in the clouds; it never shines after it is night. If we refuse mercy here, we shall have justice in eternity.
- Jeremy Taylor
Collection: Night
Image of Dan Simmons
Words are the light and sound of our existence, the heat lightning by which the night is illuminated.
- Dan Simmons
Collection: Night
Image of Francoise Sagan
At night, time becomes a calm sea. It goes on for ever.
- Francoise Sagan
Collection: Night
Image of Scott Snyder
Does it matter how long they were together that night? To lovers, an hour can last a century. But even for lovers, every hour ends.
- Scott Snyder
Collection: Night