Steve Lopez

Image of Steve Lopez
Nurses quietly go about their work in a noble profession, uncelebrated soldiers toiling through the days and nights in service to the sick, the injured and the dying.
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Night
Image of Steve Lopez
A friend is someone who inspires, who challenges, who sends you in search of some truer sense of yourself.
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Friendship
Image of Steve Lopez
Mental illness doesn't choose the most talented or the smartest or the richest or the poorest. It shows no mercy and often arrives like an unexpected storm, dropping an endless downpour on young dreams.
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Dream
Image of Steve Lopez
Negativity is never an option
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Steve Lopez
Without a mission and a sense of whom you write for, you aren't worth reading.
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Reading
Image of Steve Lopez
Love is mental illness going in and mental illness coming out. In between, you do a lot of laundry.
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Love Is
Image of Steve Lopez
It's more interesting to be out in the world. than to see it reflected in the mirror.
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Steve Lopez
It is possible to cause seemingly biochemical changes through human emotional involvement. You literally have changed his chemistry by being his friend.
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Emotional
Image of Steve Lopez
Titled players appeared to be trotting out game after game in which the same old hoary opening sequences, memorized out to fifteen, twenty, or even more moves, were repeated endlessly. True novelties were becoming scarcer, and sometimes these 'opening' novelties didn't appear until well into the middlegame. (A master-level friend once proudly showed me a novelty he'd discovered at move twenty-seven of a very well-trodden chess opening, and it's said that even as far back as the 1950's Mikhail Botvinnik had some openings memorised past the thirtieth move).
- Steve Lopez
Collection: Moving