Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 78

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 78 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of George Ratliff
It feels like every movie I've ever done, I always expected to have rocks thrown through my windows or have people protesting and it never happens and so I wasn't really ever that worried just so long as it wasn't mean spirited.
- George Ratliff
Collection: Mean
Image of George Ratliff
If there's a cutaway, you need to get it then because it's only going to last [a few moments]. You have to edit the movie as you're shooting it in your head and communicate with your crew about how it's going to work. While making a movie, you have the luxury of storyboards and a script and a bigger crew and actors. I mean, it's so much easier.
- George Ratliff
Collection: Mean
Image of Celine Sciamma
I mean, putting women in the center of a movie and not talking about men, that's already political, right? And you know, political doesn't mean that it sends this message or that is has a statement. It's also political in its aesthetic project.
- Celine Sciamma
Collection: Mean
Image of Jessa Crispin
Women still get angry at me. I mean, men go after me sometimes, but most of the bad responses come from women.
- Jessa Crispin
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert E. Lee
My experiences of men has neither disposed me to think worse of them nor be indisposed to serve them: nor, in spite of failures which I lament, of errors which I now see and acknowledge, or the present aspect of affairs, do I despair of the future. The truth is this: The march of Providence is so slow and our desires so impatient; the work of progress so immense and our means of aiding it so feeble; the life of humanity is so long, that of the individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope.
- Robert E. Lee
Collection: Mean
Image of Hans Kung
In the event that my illness worsens, I want to have a guarantee that I can die in a dignified manner. Nowhere in the bible does it say that a person has to stick it out to the decreed end. No one tells us what "decreed" means.
- Hans Kung
Collection: Mean
Image of Babatunde Fashola
Well, by all means please let's decentralize policing.
- Babatunde Fashola
Collection: Mean
Image of Adrian Younge
When you're composing for somebody, that means you have a boss. You have to do what it takes to, at the end of the day, appease them.
- Adrian Younge
Collection: Mean
Image of Adrian Younge
I don't have any computers in my studio, it's all analog tape. All analog tape, all old equipment, I mean my mics are like from the 60's and early 70's, everything in there is old.
- Adrian Younge
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Adam Hamilton
Permanent weight loss means making small, manageable changes and sticking with them for life.
- Michael Adam Hamilton
Collection: Mean
Image of Solange Knowles
I'm a fan of hip-hop and I love it, I by no means am an expert on it.
- Solange Knowles
Collection: Mean
Image of Mariana Mazzucato
Rethinking capitalism means rethinking the role of the public sector, the role of the private sector, the role of finance, and the relationship between them all.
- Mariana Mazzucato
Collection: Mean
Image of Mariana Mazzucato
Government support is not only investing in upstream areas like basic research, but also in downstream areas like applied research and early-stage financing for the companies themselves. This means there are great risks.
- Mariana Mazzucato
Collection: Mean
Image of Mariana Mazzucato
It's important that public funds be spent in research directions that are pushing market frontiers rather than working in existing areas. This means funding research not only on drugs but also on areas like life-style changes, even if the profit potential is lower for Big Pharma as you cannot sell that change as you can sell a medicine.
- Mariana Mazzucato
Collection: Mean
Image of Emily Rios
I don’t want to be rude, but I’m not that social. When I say, “I never go out,” I mean, “I never go out.”
- Emily Rios
Collection: Mean
Image of Monica Esposito
The Mysterious Pass, which opens beyond space and time, is inconceivable by means of discursive thought and has, by definition, no fixed position.
- Monica Esposito
Collection: Mean
Image of Trilok Gurtu
I became a tabla-player at the the age of five. However, I should have learned singing also. I mean I know about singing, but I have been never practicing it.
- Trilok Gurtu
Collection: Mean
Image of Matt Nix
I really gravitate to the comedy of tonal contrasts. I hope that doesn't sound insufferably pretentious. What I mean is people having reactions to things that seem inappropriate, or being happy in an apparently unhappy situation.
- Matt Nix
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry Gee
No fossil is buried with its birth certificate. That, and the scarcity of fossils, means that it is effectively impossible to link fossils into chains of cause and effect in any valid way... To take a line of fossils and claim that they represent a lineage is not a scientific hypothesis that can be tested, but an assertion that carries the same validity as a bedtime story-amusing, perhaps even instructive, but not scientific.
- Henry Gee
Collection: Mean
Image of Sean Lennon
Putting out commercial pieces and promoting them and trying to sell them to people is not necessarily what it means to be an artist
- Sean Lennon
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarah Morris
That's what I mean by this sense of erasure. You're inside some event or spectacle and you know you're complicit in it, but there really is no external.
- Sarah Morris
Collection: Mean
Image of Regina King
And just because someone doesn't understand doesn't mean they don't want to.
- Regina King
Collection: Mean
Image of Kellyanne Conway
I think when somebody seeks mercy and forgiveness and means it, and I was with [Donald Trump] the entire time, including when he learned about this, people ought to think about that. They ought to think about when somebody asks you for forgiveness contrite and for mercy - are you willing to give it?
- Kellyanne Conway
Collection: Mean
Image of Michel Auder
You sometimes say things over the phone to friends that you don't really mean.
- Michel Auder
Collection: Mean
Image of Stanley Kunitz
I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day.
- Stanley Kunitz
Collection: Mean
Image of Ray Kurzweil
Nature, and the natural human condition, generates tremendous suffering. We have the means to overcome that, and we should deploy it.
- Ray Kurzweil
Collection: Mean
Image of Francois Robichon de La Gueriniere
Grace is so great an adornment for a rider, and at the same time so important a means to the knowledge of all that which is necessary for persons aspiring to become riders, that such persons should willingly sped the time required to obtain that quality at the outside of their endeavors.
- Francois Robichon de La Gueriniere
Collection: Mean
Image of Beth Mowins
For years, more women were steered toward the studio or toward being a reporter. If that's what you want to do and that's what you love - by all means, go do it. That's OK to be ambitious and do things that are out of the norm if that's the route you want to take. We're already seeing women breaking down those barriers in what was once male-dominated. There are opportunities for women to fill those roles.
- Beth Mowins
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert James Thomson
I can't see a problem with imposing fines on drivers who violate traffic safety laws. The speed limit is the speed limit. A red light means stop. These things haven't changed since people got their driver's licenses.
- Robert James Thomson
Collection: Mean
Image of Klay Hall
I mean, they clearly have a process of how they go about making their movies, and John Lasseter has been instrumental in implementing that process for all three studios with the Brain Trust and the way we work and the way we break stories and how it's all creative led. There are no executives in the room. So I think all of that is embraced unilaterally. But that's the first time I've heard of that.
- Klay Hall
Collection: Mean
Image of W. Kamau Bell
You might not agree with something, but it doesn't mean you don't need to listen to it. White people have to accept that they don't always know about racism.
- W. Kamau Bell
Collection: Mean
Image of Astra Taylor
It's the same thing in a way with privacy. You can say "I'm not doing anything wrong, therefore this doesn't concern me," but what does it mean about our society if we're all being watched and recorded? The personal experience - negotiating this as individuals - doesn't describe the social reality and the broader social costs.
- Astra Taylor
Collection: Mean
Image of Astra Taylor
We haven't developed a progressive vocabulary. We say something is "public," but we just mean it's viewable online. Or we say it's "open," but we just mean it's accessible. I would like for us to think about terms critically and maybe change our vocabulary a bit. What if pubic actually meant publicly-funded, or social meant socialized.
- Astra Taylor
Collection: Mean
Image of Jenova Chen
I wanted to see if I could create something that is emotional between people. Existing games are about killing each other or killing something together. The idea of social emotion means people need to share feelings. At that moment, the players are in sync. The problem [with many games] is there's no chance to share emotion. Most of them are busy, [there are] explosions everywhere. So we got rid of all the background noise and we had to get rid of the guns.
- Jenova Chen
Collection: Mean
Image of Ann Leckie
Thoughts are ephemeral, they evaporate in the moment they occur, unless they are given action and material form. Wishes and intentions, the same. Meaningless, unless they impel you to one choice or another, some deed or course of action, however insignificant. Thoughts that lead to action can be dangerous. Thoughts that do not, mean less than nothing.
- Ann Leckie
Collection: Mean
Image of John J. Legere
When I go to T-Mobile retail stores, I jokingly tell the employees that everybody between me and them is the enemy. In effect, what I mean is that in my paramilitary hierarchy, if I can hear them and they can hear me, everything will be fine. All we need to do is make sure the entire company understands that it's their job to pass information between us. And so far so good.
- John J. Legere
Collection: Mean
Image of Lev Yashin
What kind of a goalkeeper is the one who is not tormented by the goal he has allowed? He must be tormented! And if he is calm, that means the end. No matter what he had in the past, he has no future.
- Lev Yashin
Collection: Mean
Image of Johan Hegg
At least here in Stockholm if you go out to any of our 4 metal clubs and talk to ten guys you can be sure nine of them play in a band! The bad thing is there is no underground movement here anymore. Going to a show with local band's ten years ago would mean at least 300 people, now you can be lucky if 50 shows up!
- Johan Hegg
Collection: Mean
Image of Kenneth Lay
Aggressive accounting does not mean illegal accounting.
- Kenneth Lay
Collection: Mean
Image of Edwin Land
We live in a world changing so rapidly that what we mean frequently by common sense is doing the thing that would have been right last year.
- Edwin Land
Collection: Mean
Image of Danny Garcia
The Puerto Rican fans have supported me and it means a lot. I'm a Puerto Rican just like they are.
- Danny Garcia
Collection: Mean
Image of Mike Leigh
For me the journey of making a film is a journey of discovery as to what that film is. I mean what I do is what other artists do, painters, novelists, people that make music, poets, sculptors, you name it. It's about starting out and working with the material and discovering through making, working with the material the artifact.
- Mike Leigh
Collection: Mean
Image of Jocelyn Davies
Just because I'm biased doesn't mean it's not true.
- Jocelyn Davies
Collection: Mean
Image of Madeleine L'Engle
To be a witness means to live in such a way that one's life would not make sense if God did not exist.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Collection: Mean
Image of Allen W. Wood
Consequentialist theories begin with a very simple and undoubtedly valid point: Every action aims at a future end, and is seen as a means to it.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Mean
Image of Nick Corcodilos
An online job search seems cheaper. But what HR is doing is turning away valuable candidates. They're experiencing false negatives. That means the right person applies for the job electronically but the algorithm kicks them out so they lose that individual.
- Nick Corcodilos
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Banks
I don't think there's one right way to do anything. There's no one best way to be a woman. There's no best way to be a mentor. I'm just trying to be me and be authentic and live my truth and be as inclusive and interested in other human beings as possible. I'm an actor by training, which means that I study human beings and human behavior. That's what I try to do and what I love to do.
- Elizabeth Banks
Collection: Mean
Image of Melissa Bank
He gives me a kiss that barely touches my lips – it means nothing or everything. After he’s gone, I think, Happy birthday to me. Jack says, ‘That was the guy?’ ‘That was him.’ Jake shakes his head. ‘What?’ ‘He’s not for you,’ he says. I say, ‘How do you know?’ but what I mean is, How do you know? ‘He’s like Ashley Wilkes,’ he says. ‘Any one of these guys is Rhett-ier than he is.’ Again, I ask my benignly inflected, ‘How do you know?’ ‘How do I know?’ he says, tackling me into a bear hug. ‘How do I know? I know, that’s how I know.
- Melissa Bank
Collection: Mean
Image of Shari Wiedmann
What we see on the TV screen, or the film screen or what we listen to in music, we have an illusion of what Prince Charming looks like or Cinderella's gonna look like in our life and we forget about what true love really means.
- Shari Wiedmann
Collection: Mean