Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 34

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 34 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Christine O'Donnell
One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little blood there and stuff like that. …We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic altar.
- Christine O'Donnell
Collection: Mean
Image of Christine O'Donnell
Absolutely, but let me qualify that - I consider myself an authentic feminist. Not as defined by the modern movement. And, let me clarify that a little bit more. I was an English major, so break it down: -ist means one who celebrates. As a feminist, I celebrate my femininity.
- Christine O'Donnell
Collection: Mean
Image of Isadore Sharp
Luxury, by definition, means something that appears to be the best of whatever it represents. It's a word that raises people's expectations, whether talking about clothing for women or locations for people to live You pay for recognition, but probably the most important thing it represents is delivery on the promise of the brand's name.
- Isadore Sharp
Collection: Mean
Image of Lionel Tiger
No one attached to the traditional image of authoritarian patriarchy could imagine the consternation men endure. They have suffered an unexpected blow to the emotional quality of their lives. Its gravity has not been calculated. They have far fewer reliable links than women to the classic currents of family life. They are alienated not only, as Marx said, from the means of production but also from the means of reproduction.
- Lionel Tiger
Collection: Mean
Image of William Henry Bragg
From religion comes a man's purpose; from science, his power to achieve it. Sometimes people ask if religion and science are not opposed to one another. They are: in the sense that the thumb and fingers of my hands are opposed to one another. It is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped.
- William Henry Bragg
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Breault
Nothing in life means anything unless someone cares, and the whole trick is to keep being that someone.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephanie Coontz
Families have always been in flux and often in crisis; they have never lived up to nostalgic notions about "the way things used tobe." But that doesn't mean the malaise and anxiety people feel about modern families are delusions, that everything would be fine if we would only realize that the past was not all it's cracked up to be. . . . Even if things were not always right in families of the past, it seems clear that some things have newly gone wrong.
- Stephanie Coontz
Collection: Mean
Image of Darlene Zschech
I still sing. I still lead worship. I mean, it's - who I am, it's what God has given me to do.
- Darlene Zschech
Collection: Mean
Image of Jason Calacanis
When you come from nothing, you're basically just trying to get escape velocity, which means you and your family don't have to worry about being broke and that's all I ever cared about.
- Jason Calacanis
Collection: Mean
Image of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Being human means having power; specifically, the power to accomplish whatever we want.
- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Collection: Mean
Image of Alice Neel
It's a privilege, you know, to paint and it takes up a lot of time and it means there's a lot of things you don't do. But still, with me, painting was more than a profession, it was also an obsession. I had to paint.
- Alice Neel
Collection: Mean
Image of Astley Cooper
Having made a sufficient opening to admit my finger into the abdomen, I passed it between the intestines to the spine, and felt the aorta greatly enlarged, and beating with excessive force. By means of my finger nail, I scratched through the peritoneum on the left side of the aorta, and then gradually passed my finger between the aorta and the spine, and again penetrated the peritoneum, on the right side of the aorta. I had now my finger under the artery, and by its side I conveyed the blunt aneurismal needle, armed with a single ligature behind it.
- Astley Cooper
Collection: Mean
Image of Julian Huxley
Many people assert that this abandonment of the god hypothesis means the abandonment of all religion and all moral sanctions. This is simply not true. But it does mean, once our relief at jettisoning an outdated piece of ideological furniture is over, that we must construct something to take its place.
- Julian Huxley
Collection: Mean
Image of Minoru Mori
By using vertical space more effectively, you not only make more room for greenery but shorter commutes also mean less pressure on CO2 emission problems and by freeing up time now spent on unproductive commuter trains, people would have more options in their lives.
- Minoru Mori
Collection: Mean
Image of Marine Le Pen
Immigration is an organized replacement of our population. This threatens our very survival. We don't have the means to integrate those who are already here. The result is endless cultural conflict.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Mean
Image of Marine Le Pen
Globalization means using slaves to manufacture products that are then sold to the unemployed!
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Mean
Image of Augusten Burroughs
Some damage is too severe, some harm endures. And what you have to do is accept it. And by accept it I mean, don’t be the paralyzed person in the bed who is waiting to walk again. Realize, it’s never gonna happen. And find some other way to get around –swing from a vine, get a Mad Max wheelchair. Anything but…wait.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Mean
Image of Harold Jeffreys
An observation, strictly, is only a sensation. Nobody means that we should reject everything but sensations. But as soon as we go beyond sensations we are making inferences.
- Harold Jeffreys
Collection: Mean
Image of Ysabella Brave
What greater thing can you do - besides for God - than good for other people? That goes for you mean people, too - I mean, really, what is your problem?
- Ysabella Brave
Collection: Mean
Image of Ysabella Brave
There is a big difference you see between privately letting someone know that you're displeased, whether they've done something they may not be aware of, and just rudeness - and you do not have to tolerate rudeness, by any means.
- Ysabella Brave
Collection: Mean
Image of Franz Beckenbauer
Possession means nothing when the opponent takes its chances
- Franz Beckenbauer
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacques Chirac
It is with enormous distress that France has just learned of the monstrous attacks there is no other word for it that have just struck the United States of America. In these horrifying circumstances, the entire people of France, and I want to emphasize this, stand by the people of America. They express their friendship and solidarity in this tragedy. Naturally, I want to assure President Bush of my total support. France, as you know, has always condemned and unreservedly condemns terrorism, and considers that terrorism must be combated by all possible means.
- Jacques Chirac
Collection: Mean
Image of James O. Fraser
I do not intend to be one of those who bemoan little results, while resting in the faithfulness of God. My cue is to take hold of the faithfulness of God and USE THE MEANS necessary to secure big results.
- James O. Fraser
Collection: Mean
Image of John French Sloan
The purpose of subject matter is to veil technique. The great artist uses the cloak of resemblance to hide the means.
- John French Sloan
Collection: Mean
Image of John French Sloan
Painting is drawing, with the additional means of color.
- John French Sloan
Collection: Mean
Image of George Nakashima
There must be a union between the spirit in wood and the spirit in man. The grain of the wood must relate closely to its function. The abutment of the edge of one board to an adjoining board can mean the success or failure of a piece. () Gradually a form evolves, much as nature produces the tree in the first place. The object created can live forever. The tree lives on in its new form. The object cannot follow a transitory “style”, here for a moment, discarded the next. Its appeal must be universal. Cordial and receptive, it should invite a meeting with man
- George Nakashima
Collection: Mean
Image of Aimee Semple McPherson
I have never been brought up a Catholic - I mean, a Roman Catholic - we're all Catholics, aren't we? We're Protestant Catholics, whether we're from Methodist or Baptist or what.
- Aimee Semple McPherson
Collection: Mean
Image of William Kingdon Clifford
scientific thought does not mean thought about scientific subjects with long names. There are no scientific subjects. The subject of science is the human universe; that is to say, everything that is, or has been, or may be related to man.
- William Kingdon Clifford
Collection: Mean
Image of David Lange
Our nuclear free status means that we decline to acquiesce in the strategies of nuclear deterrence. We will not turn a blind eye to them, and pretend that the weapons are no longer a threat. We will not in any way tolerate the testing of nuclear weapons, or their manufacture, or their deployment.
- David Lange
Collection: Mean
Image of R. H. Tawney
...and was disposed too often to idealize as a virtue that habit of mean subservience to wealth and social position which, after more than half a century of political democracy, is still the characteristic and odious vice of the Englishman.
- R. H. Tawney
Collection: Mean
Image of Jimmy Cliff
Rastafari means to live in nature, to see the Creator in the wind, sea and storm. Other religions pointed to the sky, and while we were looking in the sky, they dug up all the gold and diamonds and went away with them
- Jimmy Cliff
Collection: Mean
Image of Jimmy Cliff
It's important for me to go back into the ghetto, where I'm from. I still get my oxygen from there. I don't live in the ghetto but every time I go back, I'm seeing the same things that I lived. That's one of the things I mean when I say, "My feet back onto the ground."
- Jimmy Cliff
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Titchmarsh
Don't overdo the booze especially while flying - just because it's there doesn't mean you need to drink it. Everything in moderation.
- Alan Titchmarsh
Collection: Mean
Image of Anna Brownell Jameson
To reason from analogy is often dangerous, but to illustrate by a fanciful analogy is sometimes a means by which we light an idea, as it were, into the understanding of another.
- Anna Brownell Jameson
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrew Solomon
Antonio Gramsci said that social reformers should have pessimism of the intellect and optimism of the will. This means that one must have the intellectual ability to see how bad things are and the emotional ability to look forward with hope. It's a hard combination to sustain, but if you can do it, you can change the world.
- Andrew Solomon
Collection: Mean
Image of Ivar Giaever
In the APS (American Physical Society) it is ok to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible? The claim (how can you measure the average temperature of the whole earth for a whole year?) is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this 'warming' period.'
- Ivar Giaever
Collection: Mean
Image of Mac Davis
Folks say I'm egotistical. Hell, I don't even know what it means.
- Mac Davis
Collection: Mean
Image of Norman Macbeth
Natural selection is almost always handled in general temps . . This means that it has no explanatory power when specific problems arise.
- Norman Macbeth
Collection: Mean
Image of Norman Macbeth
This does not mean that the profession is about to abandon Darwin forever or indorse [sic] my views publicly. The situation remains much as it was: the inner circles are full of doubt, but the public utterances are confident. The doubts may be greater now and the confidence less serene, but it will be a long time before the public is given the full dark picture. There is still need for a dissenting voice, a devil's advocate, a skeptical whistle-blower.
- Norman Macbeth
Collection: Mean
Image of Johnny Marr
I moved to Portland because Modest Mouse is there. I didn't necessarily mean to live there permanently, but I've got a really good feeling for it. The sensibility there really suits me. I happened to have grown up in Manchester, a city that was a pretty cool place to be a musician. It's close to Portland in a lot of ways.
- Johnny Marr
Collection: Mean
Image of Linda Hamilton
Being physically fit doesn't mean anything if the mind isn't fit and being fit in the mind is not worth much if the body is suffering.
- Linda Hamilton
Collection: Mean
Image of David Toop
I don't mean I give the same intensity to everything I do - if I did that, I'd be dead, but I'm very conscious, I make notes, and I have a fairly good idea of what's happening in my life.
- David Toop
Collection: Mean
Image of Leslie Mann
I think that at the time, when I was first pregnant, it was hard to make the transition from being totally self-involved to not being able to think about myself at all. At the end of the day, I think that's the best thing that someone can go through. I think it makes you a better person. It doesn't mean that people who don't go through that aren't good people. For me, it was a good thing.
- Leslie Mann
Collection: Mean
Image of Amy Harmon
Caring about someone doesn't mean taking care of them.
- Amy Harmon
Collection: Mean
Image of Periyar E. V. Ramasamy
The word 'Sudra' which means 'Son of prostitute' should not find a place even in the history hereafter. We will not allow it to find a place in the dictionary or encycl
- Periyar E. V. Ramasamy
Collection: Mean
Image of Rae Armantrout
Poetry wants to make things mean more than they mean, says someone, as if we knew how much things meant, and in what unit of measure.
- Rae Armantrout
Collection: Mean
Image of Rae Armantrout
We are all full of discourses that we only half understand and half mean.
- Rae Armantrout
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Pellegrino
Theres a lot of speculation on what the zombie apocalypse thing means. I have a feeling that its kind of an expression of our subconscious fears. I think we know that something big and impossible - some enormous crash, equalizing crash, whatever - may be coming around the corner.
- Mark Pellegrino
Collection: Mean
Image of Josh Peck
I mean, the great thing about being an actor is you can investigate parts of your brain that might have otherwise gone dormant.
- Josh Peck
Collection: Mean